Guilford Township

Jo Daviess County, Illinois

The principal glory of the Township of Guilford lies in the fact that it produced a Major General in the War of the Rebellion, and also a Secretary of War in the person of John A. Rawlins, who was early known as the "coal boy." Its earliest settlers were Elliot T. Isbell, James D. Rawlins (father of General Rawlins), 'William Avery, John 'VV. Taylor and Samuel Hathaway. The first post office ever established in the township was at the house of William Avery, and was called Avery. This post office was established in 1850 and is still in existence with the same name. Mr. Avery's home was on the direct road between Elizabeth and Galena. Mining has been prosecuted to a considerable extent in the township, but not with as good results as in some other townships of the county. There are no cities or villages within its borders.

(This section is taken from the book "History of Jo Daviess County 1904)

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