Rice Township
Jo Daviess County, Illinois
The Township of Rice, like the Township of Dunleith, borders upon the Mississippi. Its land is rolling and, in some parts, is heavily timbered. Its earlier settlers were Messrs. Rice, Lane, Schurl and Robinson, although Nicholas Peschang and others located in the township at an early day. Its mines, both of zinc and lead ore, have been very productive, and just now two large corporations are seeking to further develop the same with every prospect of success. The California Diggings, located in this township, have been the occasion of much litigation. Owing to the hills being high and steep, the Government did not make a very accurate survey of the township; hence there was what was commonly called a "lost forty," upon which a valuable lead mine was discovered, the right to which was only settled by the Supreme Court of the State.
(This section is taken from the book "History of Jo Daviess County 1904)
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