Vol. 16 . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 18, 1864

Friday morning

Page 3 col. #1

"A freight train bound west, on the Illinois Central Railroad last Saturday evening, when coming near a bridge between this place and Council Hill, ran over a horse, throwing fourteen cars from the track.   Some of them went down a steep bank, rolling over and over, and others plunged off the bridge smashing the wood work to splinters and badly breaking the wheels and other iron work. The freight was strewn about in admirable confusion. Barrels of crackers, and boxes of soap, candles and tobacco, were burst open and their contents scattered around among the ruins of broken cars. The bridge was so much damaged as to need repairs before trains can again cross it. The Western bound passenger train came up soon after the accident occurred, and waited there till a train went down from Dunleith and took the passengers on board."

"A great number of people from this city, Dunleith, Dubuque and other towns in this vicinity went down onto the ice on Galena river last Saturday to witness a trotting match between a bay horse owned by P.S. HICKEY of this city and a small black horse called "Tom Thumb," owned by A.W. RICHMOND, of Dubuque. Each party put up $100, and quite a large amount of money was staked by persons outside, --those from Dunleith and Dubuque generally on Tom Thumb, and those from this city betting on HICKEY's horse. As the matter had been pretty generally discussed and money was at state, a good deal of interest was felt as to the result.  The course was one mile long. HICKEY's horse, during the first half mile was somewhat behind, but finally came up and was out a few feet ahead. As both horses broke and run more or less, the umpires decided that neither party had won the stakes. RICHMOND proposed a second trial but HICKEY declined, claiming that he had already fairly won the stakes and that if justice could not be done him on a first trial, he could have no reason to expect it on a second. Thus the matter was left, each one present going home as he came, convinced that his favorite horse could make the best time."

"Those who know how difficult it is, in a muddy time, to get from Main street over to the depot will not doubt that General Grant actually used the language credited to him by a Boston paper. A friend of Gen. Grant informs us that when rallied recently about the persistent use of his name by the New York Herald for the Presidency, he said: "I aspire only to one political office. When the war is over I mean to run for Mayor of Galena (his place of residence). And if elected, I intend to have the sidewalk fixed up between my house and the depot."