Vol. 16 #105
Thursday morning, Jan. 28, 1864

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"The courteous style of official correspondence which General McCLELLAN cultivated is well illustrated by the closing sentences of one of his letters to Secretary STANTON, dated Savage Station, June 28, 1862: "If I save this army now, I tell you plainly that I owe no thanks to you, or to any other person in Washington   You have done your best to sacrifice this army."

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"Chicago must be a "wet" place   The returns of the U.S. Inspector of high wines show that during last year there were 4,850,628 gallons of spirits manufactured in that city   Allowing ten drinks to the pint, and they would be very liberal ones, we have the enormus quantity of 3,720,017,601 drinks, costing at the retail price of ten cents per drink, the enormous sum of three hundred and seventy-two million one thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars."

--"Pekin, China, has the oldest newspaper in the world   It has been published for 1,000 years, and it is printed on a large sheet of silk."

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"I tender my sincere thanks to the several Fire Companies and the citizens of Galena for their efficient service in saving my lumber yard from being destroyed by the fire of last Tuesday evening   Without their hard and faithful work close to the scorching flames, my whole amount of lumber must have been consumed  " R. J. EDWARDS


"Last Tuesday night, at about 12 o'clock, the stable joining the Lawrence House, and owned by Wm. ROGERS, of the United States Hotel, was discovered to be on fire   Before the flames could be extinguished the building and several tons of hay, a large amount of grain, one covered carriage and some harness was consumed   Seven horses and one hog were burned to death, and a cow was so badly scorched that she will probably die   A frame building owned by Mrs. ROGERS, and a stable, a shed and a considerable quantity lumber, owned by R.J. EDWARDS, were also consumed   At one time it was thought that the Lawrence House would be burned and the furniture was all removed from the house   Some of it being thrown out of the windows it was badly damaged   Mrs. ROGERs' loss is estimated at $4000; insured for $600   Mr. EDWARDS' loss was about $400   No insurance   Three of the horses burned belonged to Mr. HARKER, of Elk Grove, Wisconsin, two to Mr. MOFFIT of Saint Prairie and two to Mr. Wilson STRONG, of Thompson's Mills."


"The ladies should recollect that this is Leap Year, and that it is their duty to trot out the fellers   The boys have done their duty well for the past three years and now it's your turn, girls   Trot them out, be the weather good or bad; bother them as badly as they have bothered you, and give them no peace at all   'Twill learn them to take a joke, and may be they will take you; who knows? The ladies of Dixon have the start of you thus far; on Tuesday they came down to Sterling, some sixteen strong, each one with a piece of broadcloth hanging to her, and the way they set up the oysters and cigars, and paid the bills, &c., was a caution   They acted like a man, every one of them". -- Sterling Gazette

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"At Virginia City, Nevada Territory, Dec. 20th, 1863, of Typhoid Fever, Thomas E. D. TODD, son of George and Isabella TODD, of Sinsinawa, aged 26 years, 2 months and 11 days."

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"The Petersburg Express of the 22d says seven hospital buildings at camp Winder, near Richmond, were burned yesterday   A quantity of stores and clothing were destroyed   An unsuccessful attempt was made to burn the Presidential Mansion at Richmond   A Charleston Courrier of Tuesday says the bombardment of the city still continues   The damage is very small, considering the number and weight of the shots fired."