Saturday morning, April 2, 1864

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"The riotous proceedings in Coles county are the legitimate results of the teachings of the Chicago Times and its contemptible echoes, the copperhead papers of the smaller towns. These organs of Jeff Davis have been for a long time engaged in a systematic effort to instigate civil strife in the Northern States. They have slandered the President, his Cabinet, Congress, the Army and Navy, and all who oppose treason and rebellion. They have represented that the Government, as now administered, is only an engine of oppression; and that under it there is no security for the lives and property of 'Democrats.' They have advised their party friends to 'prepare' themselves for self-defense, and have repeatedly proclaimed that they were indebted solely for their peace and security to their ability to defend themselves by physical force.

Thus instructed, their deluded followers have felt it a duty to arm themselves for deadly conflict with their peaceful neighbors. While intelligent Union men have been amused at the foolish ravings of the copperhead press, and have really believed its teachings and have roused to madness by its incendiary appeals. So, these deluded and phrenzied disciples of unprincipled, blood-thirsty, and cowardly demagogues, secretly prepare themselves for the murder of Union citizens, and when the first opportunity presents itself carry into execution their bloody designs. To-day the free soil of our loyal State drinks the blood of brave sons who escaped death on the battlefields of the South only to be shot down like dogs by traitors at home. Whose is the responsibility? We offer no excuse for the vile wretches who were the immediate instruments in this horrid work; we would have them suffer the severest penalty of the law; but truth and justice demand that those who have incited them to such deeds shall be pronounced more deeply, damnably guilty. Such crime as theirs was never dreamed of by the law makers of the past' and accordingly no adequate provision has been made for their punishment. Indeed we doubt whether human ingenuity could devise or execute penalties proportioned to the magnitude of such crime. But that some means, of a constitutional and legal character, should be employed to silence these teachers of treason and rebellion must now be apparent to every loyal man. The punishment of the men who do this bloody work is useless, if not criminal, while we leave unpunished the men who plan it.

To all arbitrary and legal proceedings, and to all mob violence, we are unalterable opposed. But let the laws be executed impartially; and if we have no laws which will reach the case of those wiliest pests of society, copperhead writers and speakers, we demand of our legislators such legal enactment's as will effectually silence the clamors of treason.

Patiently has the Government borne the abuse and slander of a corrupt press. Patiently have a loyal and self-sacrificing people borne its insults added to injury. But we have arrived at that point where forbearance ceases to be a virtue. The time has come to declare that freedom of speech and the press does not mean unlimited license to teach treason and light the flames of civil war."

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--"It is believed that the President will soon issue a proclamation offering pardon to all deserters from the United States armies. Such as may return will probably be assigned to regiments in the same manner as conscripts. It is estimated that forty thousand have deserted from our army, fifteen thousand of whom are now in Canada."

--"Since the middle of last July thirty-three steamers have been captured and destroyed in attempting to run the blockade off Wilmington."

-"The famous oak tree, under which Generals Grant and Pemberton met and agreed upon terms for the surrender of Vicksburg, on the third of July last, has been cut to pieces by soldiers who wished to obtain souvenirs of the memorable event. Not satisfied with appropriating the trunk and ranches, they have burrowed into the earth and seized every root which could be secured as relics. Person who have in their possession even a small piece of this wood prize it highly."

--"The Ohio Senate has passed a bill prohibiting the marriage of first cousins."

--"The latest fashion in Washington of asking a party what they will take to drink is, 'Please nominate your poison, gentlemen."

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-"Whether Abraham Lincoln ever perpetrated the following or not, the humor imputed to him is worth even the President of the United States. The Washington correspondent of the Boston Herald first gave publicity to the President's good natured criticism of his subordinate. The story is as follows: Judge Baldwin, of California, an old and highly respectable and sedate gentleman, called a few days since on General Halleck, and presuming upon a familiar acquaintance in California a few years since, solicited a pass outside of our lines to see a brother in Virginia, not thinking he would meet with a refusal, as both is brother and himself were good Union men. 'We have been deceived too often,' said General Halleck, 'and I regret I can't grant it.' Judge B., then went to Stanton and was very briefly disposed of with the same result. Finally he obtained an interview with Mr. Lincoln, and stated the case. 'Have you applied to General Halleck?' Inquired the President, 'and met with a refusal, said Judge B. 'Then you must see Stanton,' continued the President, 'I have, and with the same result', was the reply. 'Well, then, said Old Abe, with a smile of good humor, 'I can do nothing; for you must know that I have very little influence with this Administration!'

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The biggest city railroad project yet heard of is pending in the Pennsylvania legislature. It proposes to run cars through fifty streets in Philadelphia---most of which have not a rail in them.


"One Fire and Burglar Proof IRON SAFE, medium size, in good order, and nearly new, will be sold cheap. Enquire of T. H. GELSTON, 168 Main St., Galena"

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"Just before daylight on Wednesday morning, March 23d, a thief entered the door yard of Edward MYLAN, in Menominee Township, and drove away a fine pair of oxen owned by Mr. Mylan and two young men named WHITE; they having purchased them a few days before, to be used in transporting goods to Idaho. The thief drove the cattle directly to Galena, arriving here at six o'clock in the morning, and offered them for sale on the Market Square. He was at once offered $85 for them, but had the boldness to stay about the market until nearly noon, hoping to get $5 more. Mr. BARKER, of Elizabeth, happening in town that day and wanting such a pair of oxen for taking along provisions to Idaho, finally bought them. When Mr. MYLAN rose in the morning he missed his cattle, but soon got on track of them and arrived in Galena just in season to find that they were sold about two hours before. No trace could be found of the thief. Mr. MYLAN proved to Mr. BARKER that the oxen were his property, and took them home. They are now on their way to Idaho, where it seems that in any event they were destined to go."


"The following are a few of the important cases which came before the Circuit Court of Jo Daviess County at its last session:

PEOPLE VS. JOHN ROWE.--Indictment for assault on Jerome OSTRANDED, with intent to commit bodily injury. Has had two trials. The jury being unable to agree, and the complaining witnesses being in the army, the suit was continued to the May Term.

PEOPLE VS. JOHN BOWDEN AND ROBERT SCOTT.--Appeal from Justice MARSHALL, of Elizabeth. Defendants fined in Court below, in aggregate near $50. On appeal John BOWDEN was fined $12. Robert SCOTT was fined $3. Defendants to pay costs.

PEOPLE VS. JOHN BOWDEN.--Appeal from Justice MARSHALL. Defendant fined in Court below $53. Fine reduced in Circuit Court to $10 and costs.

PEOPLE VS. ROYAL D. STRICKLAND.--Indictment Larceny, for stealing leather at Depot last winter. Continued over to May.

PEOPLE VS. EDWARD KEHO AND THOMAS McMAHON.--Larceny. Two boys under 18, who stole $140 in gold from a man on Gear Street last December. Money all recovered but $40. The boys were sentenced to 60 days in the county jail.

PEOPLE VS. JOHN REYNOLDS ALIAS JOHN DORN.--For stealing a horse from Mrs. FRENTRESS, of Menominee. Defendant plead guilty. The Court suggested to him that he was apparently to well able to work to resort to stealing for a living. Sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary.

PEOPLE VS. FRANK LAWHORN AND WILLIAM GATES.--Stealing a pair of mules in the town of Nora. Recognizance of the defendant, GATES, taken in the sum of $1,000 for appearance at the next term. (The defendant was first liberated on recognizance of $500; but on protest of the Grand Jury, he was sent for and the amount raised to $1,000.) Defendant LAWHORN plead guilty. Sentenced to three years in the Penitentiary.

PEOPLE VS. LAWHORN.--Burglary. Defendant having important business at Joliet, the trial was indefinitely postponed.

PEOPLE VS. DANIEL BREEN.--Indictment for assault on Murty BAHEN with a 2lb weight. Continued."


"At the house of Mr. Joel EMORY, near Apple River, on January 17th, 1864, of Erysipelas. Mrs. A. S. M. BURBRIDGE, of Millville, wife of Thos. BURBRIDGE, aged 57 years and 11 months.

Dearest Mother thou has left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel:
But 'tis God who hath bereft us,
He will all our sorrows heal."