1863 Apple River Township Tax Assessments for Personal Property & Real Estate

William White was Apple River Township Assessor for "over twenty years" and Tax Collector for "several years", according to his obituary in 1888. His handwritten notes in this assessment book lead me to believe that 1863 might have been his first year in this position. His signed affidavit was dated 6 July 1863.

I omitted 5 columns in the Personal Property section of the transcription because there were no entries. Those columns included: 'Goods & Merchandise', 'Banker's Property', 'Manufactured Articles', 'Moneys & Credits' and 'Bank Stocks, etc.'

The original book is in the possession of William D. & Karlene Nesbitt White. William D. White is the great-grandson of William White.

Assessor's notes in Real Estate section:
Pg. 6: "6 Acres too much in NE 1/4 and 12 Acres too little in SW 1/4. Assessor will find out and make it right."
Pg. 11: "Assessor will see if Lappen land is the right description. And also see if this section is Regular Entered. My books don't say it is all Entered. Find out by the persons."
Pg. 15: "Part of this land in Town Lots. Apple River"

1863 Apple River Personal Property

1863 Apple River Real Estate