Vital Statistics and Marriages


Published Vital Statistics-7/22/1828 to 11-19-1850 (part 1)

Published Vital Statistics-7/22/1828 to 11-19-1850 (part 2)

Lost Marriages

Marriage Book 1 A-L

Marriage Book 1 M-Z

Marriage Book 2

Marriage Book 3 A-L

Marriage Book 3 M-Z

Marriage Book 4 A-L

Marriage Book 4 M-Z

Marriage Book A 1849-1855

Marriage Book B 1855-1865

Marriage Book C 1865-1870

The Letter "D" was skipped

Marriage Book E 1870-1885

Marriage Book F 1885-1895

Marriage Book G 1895-1904

Declarations of Intent

Researching Naturalizations in Jo Daviess County

Published Wedding Announcements:
Loras Groff and Cora Beck
Harvey Turk and Mary Keene
Hiram S. Hunt and Brookie Maye Keene
Frank McCann and Miss Sommers
Roy Schaible and Miss Pearl Wood
Jason Kieffer and Miss May Williams
William E. Cogan and Catherine A. Stephan
William E. Cogan and Catherine A. Stephan
Edward Hassig and Jennie Floyd
George M. McMahon and Annie M. Holtz

Jefferson Davis Marriage

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