The Diary of Lillian Trudgian

Ruby & Lillian Trudgian, c. 1919

Lillian Trudgian was born 29 Aug 1897, the second child of Charles and Amelia (Dittmar) Trudgian. She never married or had children. Her sister Ruby married Leonard Stauss in 1920. The farm on which she was born and raised was located in Guilford Twp. along what is now known as Stagecoach Trail.

These excerpts from her diary provide insight on daily activities/chores, the rural social life of the era, and the weather. Most times she mentions people only by first name. I have added the surname in brackets [ ] if it is known to me. I have transcribed the diary as Lillian wrote it, including punctuation and misspellings. Other clarifications: 'Station' means Council Hill Station; 'Mound' means Scales Mound;

'Union' means Union Presbyterian Church; 'A. R.' means Apple River;


January 1916

Sat. 1 Rainy, foggy and dark. just awful windy tonight. We have all been busy today. Baking and

cleaning up. I baked a batch of cookies this forenoon.

I hope all the days of nineteen sixteen won't be like today. There maybe snow by morning. I

washed my head this afternoon. There was no mail today. I am starting my third book today.

two years in one book and one year in last book. My fourth year to keep a diary.

Sun. 2 A beautiful day today. clear not a cloud in the sky all day. no services to day at Union. Rev.

Haines has the grip. We all went up to Uncle Edd's [Tippett] for dinner.

Mon. 3 Another beautiful day. We cleaned out the stables this forenoon. We husked corn today. We

have twenty-eight shocks left. This evening Uncle Dan [Dittmar] came in from Uncle Joe's

[Dittmar]. He is going to stay here all night.

Tues. 4 Well we got through husking corn this afternoon. We husked twenty-eight shocks today.

Uncle Dan [Dittmar] helped us. Uncle Dan is going to stay all night again. Uncle Edd and

Aunt Annie [Tippett] are not at home. They are in to Tippetts. Old man isn't very well.

It has been dark and gloomy all day. and warm for this time of year.

Wed. 5 Awful windy all day today. Papa and Uncle Dan [Dittmar] stacked the fodder from the little

field today. We washed an awful big washing today. We also baked bread. John Tresidder

came up to ask Dan if he would help him get up some wood. He said he would.

Thu. 6 Uncle Dan [Dittmar] went down to help John [Tresidder] cut wood. We ironed some today.

Fri. 7 Well we got up a little early. Hurried just awful. Papa took us to town. We nearly ran to

depot. The train was about half hour late. we would have been late if train was on time. Papa

staid in town all day. We bought Mamma a waist, I a black skirt. Ruby a dress. We rode to

Dubuque from E.D. on the bus. My but it was so crowded we were nearly smashed. We walk

back to E.D. Awful tired. Ruby sick. My shoes hurt so I could hardly stand it. Got home all


Sat. 8 Got up late today. Ruby and I made up our minds to go to Apple River. Worked just terrible

. Had to fix a skirt and sew button on things. We walked over the Station for the four

fourty-two. Surprised Grandpa's [John & Mary (Winter) Dittmar]. They were eating supper.

Herman [Dittmar], Ruby and I went to the class play tonight lasted from eight to half past

eleven. The name of the play was "The Prairie Rose" Sadie [Dittmar] was in it. It was just

fine. Aunt Tillie [Dittmar] isn't very well.

Sun. 9 Aunt Maggie, Uncle Herman [Dittmar], Ruby + I went to Sunday school and church to the

Pres. Church. Had dinner at Grandpa's. We went up to Uncle Georges' [Dittmar] after

dinner. Staid to supper. We then went to the Methodist church this evening. Mr. Bunker at

Uncle George's to supper. Rained some. Walks very icy.

Mon. 10 Clear up today. Awful cold and windy. This afternoon Herman [Dittmar], Maggie [Dittmar],

Ruby and I walked out to Irish Rob Virtues. staid to supper and a little after. Sadie [Dittmar]

and Naomi [Dittmar] were down to Grandpas this evening.

Tue 11 Were thinking to go home this morning but missed the train Came home this afternoon. It

started to snow just before we left. snowing all the time We walked home from the Station.

Milton [Tresidder] told Mamma last night that Alvin Davis's house burned down Sun. Didn't

hear any particulars. Ancious to know them.

Wed. 12 Didn't get up until late this morning. Snowing and stormy and windy all day. I made a kitchen

apron this afternoon and am tatting on a corset cover. First one I ever tatted. We got a letter

from Uncle Thomas [ ] today.

Thu. 13 Whew, but its cold today eighteen below zero here. Twenty-five below up at John Tippetts.

Uncle Dan [Dittmar] came up from John's [Tresidder] this morning. To cold to cut wood. But

had to go over to Studiers to saw wood this afternoon. I have been tatting most of the day.

[Alvin] Davis's house burned down Sun. morning. Started from the chimney. Tried to put it

out but the wind drove it on. They saved most things down stairs. They saved the summer


Fri. 14 Awfully cold again today. We made doughnuts this afternoon. fried in Crisco. Nice and clear

today. Uncle Erhard Dittmar's are celebrating their Golden wedding today. Grandpas are


Sat. 15 Uncle Dan [Dittmar] came up here this morning. Papa and Uncle Dan went to town this

forenoon with Uncle Dan's horse in the buggy. Quite a few sleighs going along. A cattle sale

in Galena today. My throat is quite sore lately. I suppose its the grip.

Sun. 16 Uncle Dan [Dittmar] went to Galena to church this forenoon. Forgot to put on his collar and

neck tie. Spent part of afternoon and evening at Uncle Edd's [Tippett]. Papa, Ruby and I

went to to church this afternoon. Only Rev. and Mrs. Haines and Wilbur Bastian there besides

us. Very cold today.

Mon. 17 A very cold day again. Wanted to wash but its to cold. Ruby made a big apron. I tatted


Tue. 18 Quite cold but as clear and beautiful as can be. We washed today, a very big washing. Papa

and Dan [Dittmar] went up in the woods chopping. My throat is sore yet. Have an awful cold


Wed. 19 Snowing this afternoon. Some warmer. It snowed quite a lot this afternoon. It will be

sleighing now if it don't snow to much. I hope it won't. Mamma went up to Aunt Annie's

[Tippett] today. Joe Weis shipped a car of logs today. Will went with them.

Thu. 20 Rainy and dark. Snow is melting. This afternoon Uncle Edd [Tippett] went out collecting for

the church. Brought Aunt Annie [Tippett] down. Uncle Edd came back and spent the evening

here. Very warm today

Fri. 21 The snow is all gone. Very warm. Had the door open some of the time and hardly any fire. I

baked cookies this afternoon. We finished up the ironing. Heard the river was high.

Sat. 22 Dan [Dittmar] went down to John's [Tresidder] to saw wood for us. Papa and Ruby went to

town to day. Very warm today. Just beautiful. Quite muddy.

Sun. 23 Another beautiful day. Dan [Dittmar] went to Galena to church. Ma, Ruby and I went to

church this forenoon. Quite a few there. We were kind of expecting Youngs' down but they

had to go home. They were expecting Popps over there. John Tresidders came up this


Mon. 24 Another beautiful day. We washed and ironed today. Dan [Dittmar] went up to Fiedlers to

saw wood. Papa chopped wood.

Tue. 25 Ruby went up and helped Aunt Annie [Tippett] wash a very big washing today. Papa and Dan

[Dittmar] chopped some wood. Cloudy and very warm. Ruby and I each got a card from

Nancy, our cousin inlaw.

Wed. 26 Rainy all day. Very warm and very muddy. Dan [Dittmar] and Dad chopped some this

afternoon. Ruby cleaned stables. I did some tatting.

Thu. 27 It got colder today. Froze up. The mail man didn't go today. I don't know if the river was to

high or not but I don't think he could get through the mud. Papa and Dan [Dittmar] chopped

wood. I finished tatting the yoke for corset cover. Ruby made a dressing sache.

Fri. 28 Papa and Ruby hitched up the big horses and hauled down some wood. Dan [Dittmar] was

chopping. I baked a cake this after for supper. It is froze up today. Roads very rough.

Sat. 29 Cloudy, Rainy and dark today. Quite icy. Dan [Dittmar] and Dad didn't chop any wood

today. Our [phone] line and the other two lines are crossed. Amusing our selves by rubbering.

Sun. 30 Cloudy all day. Dan [Dittmar] went up to Aunt Annies [Tippett] this forenoon horseback.

This afternoon we all went to church. Quite a few there. Uncle Edd [Tippett] and Dan

walked. Mrs. John Combellick has been quite sick but is a little better today. There is going to

be a meeting at the Station this week. Snowing.

Mon. 31 A very beautiful day, but cold. It snowed last night but not enough for sleighing on these

rough roads. Dan [Dittmar] cutting wood. Pa hauling wood. Our [phone] lines are still


February 1916

Tue. 1 Just a beautiful day only very cold. Ruby and I went up to Ethel Tippetts but she wasn't at

home so we spent the afternoon at Aunt Annies [Tippett]. Rode home from there to

Tresidder's with John [Tresidder] in the sleigh. Dan [Dittmar] chopped today and Papa hauled


Wed. 2 Another beautiful day and also very cold. Ethel T. [Tippett] called up this morning. Asked if

we wouldn't come up today. So Ruby and I went up and spent the afternoon. Had a nice time.

Thu 3 There was to be an eclipse of the sun this forenoon. I didn't see it but the sun didn't shine very

bright for awhile. Quite cold today. Uncle Dan [Dittmar] went up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett]

this forenoon. I guess he will stay there for awhile. I did some crochet and tatting today. I

finished crochet and sewing on a pillow case. It finished a pair for mamma I started I guess

over a year ago.

Fri. 4 Papa and Ruby went to town today. Cloudy and snowing today. Will be sleighing for awhile

after this. I baked a cake this afternoon. Had a beautiful supper tonight. Good raw fried

potatoes. And green onions, and some celery. I sawed some wood today.

Sat. 5 Just beautiful today. Quite a few sleighs going along to town. Would like to have gone

awfully well to. I baked a cake today. The rest cleaned out the stables.

Sun. 6 Papa, Mamma and Ruby drove to church this forenoon. I would re___(?) so staid at home.

Preacher had all kinds of things to say again. Not a soul came to see us and didn't go any

where. Would awfully well have liked to go to the Station tonight. Having [Revival]

meetings. Quite a doings.

Mon. 7 A lovely day but very cold. We made aprons today. Made out an order to sent to

Montgomery Ward and Co. tonight.

Tue. 8 We washed this afternoon. It looked to stormy this forenoon. Papa went over to Gabors sale

this afternoon. He drove over in the sleigh. He didn'y buy anything but seven tin cup for a


Wed. 9 A lovely day. This afternoon Mamma went over to see Mrs. John Combellick. She staid and

had supper. Mrs. Combellick is a great deal better. Papa hitched Della up in the cutter this

evening and drove over as far as the Baker house and came home. said she went fine. Hope

we will be able to drive her.

Thu. 10 We ironed today. Mamma, Ruby and I went down to John's [Tresidder] this evening. Blanche

[Tresidder] isn't feeling very well.

Fri. 11 Baked bread and a cake today. Ma and Ruby cleaned the cow house today. Papa chopped


Sat. 12 Lincoln's Birthday. papa and I drove up to Uncle Edd's [Tippett] with Della in the cutter just

to break her in. She went quite nice only the sleighing is getting very poor. Aunt Tillie

[Dittmar] and Uncle Herman [Dittmar] came in today. Came out with John [Tresidder].

Sun. 13 A very beautiful day. We all went to church this forenoon. Uncle Edd and Aunt Annie

[Tippett], Aunt Tillie [Dittmar] and Uncles Dan [Dittmar] and Herman [Dittmar] came down

from church for dinner. We rode home with them. Ruby and I have been very anxious to go

to the meetings at the Station. So Uncle Edd told Dan he could take us all some where to

church. Couldn't make up minds where to go. Tillie wouldn't go over to the Station. She was

nervous. Can't hardly stand his preaching. So Papa, Dan, Herman, Ruby and I went over the

Station. Tillie rode over to Wilbur Bastians. visited there until we came home. Mamma and

Aunt Annie staid here at home. First great meetings Ruby and I ever were at. I'll never forget

it. The minister went through such terrible manuverings. Took off his coat and collar and neck

tie. There were twenty or over at the alter praying all at once. Scared people into going.

Made terrible threats. A man went up crying with his little boy. His wife followed soon.

Several more went up. We motioned to Dan to go out, that we wanted to go. So they went

out then we went out. I guess we will get something terrible for going out. Such a racket

when we went away. I don't think I want to go to another one. Mrs. Weis and Josie was up

there tonight.

Mon. 14 Didn't do much today but talk about meetings. Valentine's Day today. Not any of us got any


Tue. 15 Quite warm today. The snow going away quite fast. Papa butchered today. Did it alone with

mamma's help. Uncle Edd's [Tippett] butchered to.

Wed. 16 Snow all going away very fast. Very warm. We got word by mail that the goods from

Montgomery Ward was over the Station. Papa and Ruby went this forenoon in the sleigh after

it. It seems to be all very satisfactory. We got a barrel of flour, 25 lb sugar, five pounds

peanut butter, a gallon sorgum, six cans corn, six cans peas, 2 cans pineapple, goods for auto

scarfs for mother, Ruby and I. One gray, one light blue, one green. And a few other things.

Thu. 17 Very warm today. Mamma working at the meat. Ruby and I cleaned the cow stable this

afternoon. Papa chopping willow wood. Victor Engel sale today. Papa didn't go. I would

have gone if there had been a chance.

Fri. 18 Nothing much doing. I went up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett] this forenoon to get a frying pan for

ma to fry meat in. Hemmed two sheets this afternoon.

Sat. 19 Busy with Saturday work. Very warm. Water running every where. Quite a few teams went

along today. Dan [Dittmar] called up this evening and asked me if I wanted to go to Galena to

church tomorrow. They are going in the hack and I can go along.

Sun. 20 Well I went up to Uncle Edds [Tippett] and went to Galena to church with Aunt Tillie

[Dittmar], Uncle Dan [Dittmar] and Uncle Herman [Dittmar]. We went to the First

Presbyterian Church. Heard a missionary preach. Had dinner at Aunt Annie's [Tippett]. Got

out there about two o'clock. Uncle Edd and Aunt Annie went up to Union. Mamma and Ruby

also went to Union. Papa staid at home. They were invited up to Aunt Annie's to. But Mr. +

Mrs. Young came down to dinner. I rode home from Aunt Annie's with Fiedler's. Uncle

Georges' [Dittmar] sold their house. Got $4500 for it. Would like to sell their store to.

Mon. 21 Mamma frying down some meat. Ruby and I cleaned stables this afternoon. A nice day.

Papa chopping wood.

Tue. 22 Washingtons Birthday. Also Grandpa's and Grandma's [Dittmar] fifty-second wedding

anniversary. No mail today. We washed an awful big washing. Rained a lot this afternoon.

Some say it thundered.

Wed. 23 We ironed some this forenoon. Bessie Weis came over this afternoon. She called us up this

forenoon. Had a nice visit. Had her stay to supper. A very nice day.

Thu. 24 Reading day. Mamma went up to Aunt Annies [Tippett] this afternoon. We finished the

ironing. Papa, Ruby + I went up to Uncle Edds [Tippett] this evening.

Fri. 25 A very beautiful day. Ruby and I cleaned out chicken house and horse stable. Ma + Ruby

cleaned out cow house.

Sheriff and Auctioneer Bardell was accidentally shot last night. Shot through the liver. I guess

it's quite serious. Took him to Dubuque hospital.

Sat. 26 Papa and Ruby went to Galena today. Quite cold today. Bardell was accidentally shot by City

Marshall Dwyer at Milbrig while trying to open a car door to capture a negro. They think

there isn't much hope for him. Mrs. Bardell has been and is quite ill.

Sun. 27 Dan [Dittmar] asked if one of us wanted to go to Galena with them this morning. So Mamma

went. There was no service at Union. Mrs. Haines is sick. Aunt Annie [Tippett] + Tillie

[Dittmar] stayed in town from yesterday. They all went to 1st Pres. Church. Then they went

over to Tippetts for dinner. Then went up to Henry Bastians in afternoon. Mamma got home

about six o'clock.

Bardell died at midnight last night. He leaves eight small children.

Mon. 28 Well if this wasn't leap year it would be the last of February. Snowing a little today.

Bardells funeral tomorrow. Services at the house at nine and at the Court house at two in the

afternoon. I think it will be an awful big funeral.

Tue. 29 Well this is our extra day. We only have this day every four years. Oh, just a lovely day. Sky

just a beautiful blue. An awful lot of people went along to the funeral today. Heard that there

never was more people in Galena at Fair time that there was in to the funeral today.

March 1916

Wed. 1 Well March coming in like a lion. Snowing quite a bit today. We sawed wood today. We had

eight men for dinner. Uncle Herman [Dittmar[ came along down. He is staying here all night.

Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] came in today. Walked over from the Station to Uncle Edd's [Tippett]

this forenoon. Aunt Annie [Tippett] is going to quilt tomorrow. Aunt Tillie [Dittmar] talked

to Uncle George [Dittmar] today. Mayme [Dittmar] was to come home today. Pearl

[Dittmar] is home. Has an awful bad cold. Sadie [Dittmar] is teaching in her place.

Thu. 2 Well Papa took us all up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett] in the sleigh with the big horses. We

quilted a white and yellow quilt partly. Ethel [Weis] and her grandmother and Martha were

there to. Ruby came home to do chores. Then she and Dad came up there to spend the

evening. Win [Tippett] came up to in the evening. Quite a party.

Fri. 3 A lovely day, but very cold and windy. We cleaned out the stables this forenoon. Mamma

went up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett] to quilt again this afternoon.

Sat. 4 Papa and Ruby went to town today. Brought home three hundred bran. It is Uncle Thomas

and Aunt Rachel's [Trudgian] wedding anniversary today. thirtieth I believe. Dan [Dittmar]

called up again tonight. Asked one of us if we wanted to go along with them to town to

church tomorrow morning.

Sun. 5 Uncle Ben [Dittmar] called up Uncle Edds' [Tippett] this forenoon. Said Mrs. Williams is

dead. She is going to be buried tomorrow at one o'clock from the Methodist church at

Elizabeth. She is going to buried at Welsh Hollow. I went up to Uncle Edd's and went in

Galena to church with Uncle Dan [Dittmar] + Herman [Dittmar] + Aunt Tillie [Dittmar]. She

+ I went to the 1st Pres and D + H went to the South. We came out to Aunt Annie's [Tippett]

to dinner. They would have come down here but Maggie [Dittmar] isn't well enough to go

out. Ma + Ruby came up there towards evening. Ma and Dan are talking of driving to

Elizabeth tomorrow. Can't make no connections with trains. Papa, Mamma + Ruby went to

church at Union this forenoon.

Mon. 6 Well Dan [Dittmar] and Mamma went to Elizabeth. went about quarter to nine. Ma called up

something to twelve said they got down alright. They are staying all night down there

somewhere I guess. Dark and foggy this forenoon. Rainy this afternoon and just terrible

windy this evening. Papa + Uncle Edd [Tippett] sawed wood today.

Tue. 7 This afternoon Aunts Margaret [Dittmar] and Tillie [Dittmar] came down here. Then Maggie

went over the Station to go home. Ruby went all the way over with her. Tillie + I just went a

little way. Ruby did a little shopping over the Station. This evening Ma called up from Aunt

Annie's [Tippett]. She is going to stay up there all night. They missed the right road and they

then crossed over through Ritters and H. Weis. They staid at Uncle Ben's [Dittmar] all night

last night then this morning they came back to Elizabeth. Had dinner at Williams and then

came home. Wardie [Dittmar] has just got the measles. Vada [Dittmar and Lester [Dittmar] is

nearly over them. none of the children went to the funeral.

Wed. 8 Just a beautiful Day. Mamma came home this morning. Tillie [Dittmar] went up to Aunt

Annie's [Tippett] this afternoon. I made a corset cover for the tatted yoke. I made it this

afternoon. finished it all. We got a letter from Uncle Thomas + Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] this


Thu. 9 Reading day. A very fine piece in the paper about the meetings at the Station. We washed

today. Awful windy. Clothes got dry nearly as fast as we hung them out.

Fri. 10 Ruby + I cleaned the cow stable. Ruby + Ma the horse stable. Agnes Tresidder called up

today. Said the baby (Blanche) [Tresidder] had pneumonia in one lung. Dr. was out

yesterday + Today. Wanted to know if somebody could come down tomorrow afternoon to

look after the baby while she do her work. Papa hauling manure today.

Sat. 11 A nice day. Mamma went down to John's [Tresidder] this forenoon and she is going to stay all

night. Said she didn't know how. she [the baby] is having awful crying spells. Aunt Tillie

[Dittmar] and Uncle Herman [Dittmar] went home today. Aunt Annie [Tippett] went along.

Mayme [Dittmar] has to go again Tuesday.

Sun. 12 Mamma came home from John's [Tresidder] this morning. Blanche [Tresidder] is getting

better. There is no services at Union today. Heard the minister was called away. We were at

home all day. no company. Just Ruby + I went walking on the hills. Just a beautiful day. Very


Mon. 13 A nice day. Mamma went over the Station and went to Apple River on the evening train.

Thought she could see Mayme [Dittmar] yet. She called up this evening said she got out there

all right.

Tue. 14 Quite cold today. Papa ent over to help John Weis' saw wood. Ma called up this after. Said

she would come home tomorrow morning. We just heard this evening that Warren Spenser is

dead. Old Mr. Tippett told Win [Tippett]. Said it was in the paper, said they were going to

bring him back. We hope it is a mistake. Uncle Edd [Tippett] called us up and told us.

Nobody had heard that he was sick.

Wed. 15 Well Warren [Spenser] is dead. Martha Tippett called up Mrs. Amos Ford. said he died last

night at five o'clock. They just got a telegram said they were going to bring him back today

on the noon train to Galena. But this afternoon Mrs A. Ford called out said he is going to be

brought back on the noon train tomorrow. Going to have services at Epworth [Iowa] in the

forenoon and then a short service in at Grandma Ford's in the afternoon then he is going to be

buried at Greenwood cemetery.

Mamma came home this afternoon. Dan [Dittmar] came along home with her. Mrs. Amos

Ford was getting on the train as Mamma got off. She told Mamma that Warren is dead. She

just said he had pneumonia and it developed into Bright's disease. We want to go to the

funeral very bad.

I sent Anna [ ] a postal card this morning to leave them know of Warrens' death.

Warren is twenty years old. Would be twenty-one next October the ninth.

Dan went up to Uncle Edds [Tippett] this evening. Papa went to town today and got four

sacks of shelled corn.

Thu. 16 This forenoon, Papa, Ruby + I went in Galena to the funeral. The funeral came on the twelve

to one train. We went down to the depot. Mr. + Mrs. Werner and Leo + Walter where there

to. And a few others. Jeannette [ ] wouldn't go to the funeral. She staid at home.

All that came from Epworth that I know of were, Mr. + Mrs. Spencer, Byron and Raymond,

Mrs. Amos Ford + Wallace Ford. And six young men for pallbearers. and I guess the

minister. His coffin box was a white or light grey. made of some metal. His coffin was a sort

of grey. He had a lot of boxes of flowers.

We went up to the house about two or after. We saw Warren right away. It didn't look a bit

like Warren we didn't think. Wouldn't have known it was him. The minister read, prayed and

spoke a little. Very nice. That was all. He had a good many flowers. Mostly white. some

light yellow and some pink ones. After the services Mr. + Mrs. [Spencer] and the boys took

their last look at him and then it was closed up forever.

They had five carriages. The only team that went out to the graveyard was Werners. Ruby +

I would have like very much to have gone. Furlong was undertaker. There was quite a few to

the funeral. as many as could get in the house comfortable I think. Mrs. Werner said Warren

had be sick about a week. The minister said he was apparently in good health a week ago. Mr

Werner hd been out to see him Sunday. he died Tuesday. None of Jesse Fords there.

Cassie Lennor, Eliza Bastians grandson from Canada, rode out with us. to the road going up

church way. He seem a very friendly fellow. I read in the paper today that Harry Pierce is in

the war. He + I were first reader classmates. Weather kind of chilly. rather cloudy.

Fri. 17 St. Patricks day today. Also Josephine Weis's birthday. Papa dehorned the calves today.

Nasty job. We got thirteen eggs tonight.

Sat. 18 Just a lovely day. Papa hauled manure. I bake a batch cookies, a cake and two pies. Mamma

also made two pies. We cleaned out the cow house today. Aunt Annie [Tippett] wasn't well

enough to come home today. Uncle Edd [Tippett] went out to Apple River.

Sun. 19 No preaching again today I guess. I took a little horseback ride on Della this forenoon. Dan

[Dittmar] came down here to dinner. He asked Ruby + I if we wanted to go to Galena to

church tonight. So we went. First time I had been to Galena at night for a good many years.

We walked around awhile before we went to church. We went to the Methodist church. We

got home about a quarter after ten. Mamma went up to Fiedlers awhile this after. Mary

[Fiedler] has been sick is some better.

Mon. 20 Ma, Ruby + I each made our selves a skirt today. top or under [skirt]. Papa hauling manure.

Nick Weis is quite sick. He has pneumonia. Have a nurse.

Tue. 21 This afternoon Uncle George [Dittmar] called up said Grandma [Mary Dittmar] was sick and

all the rest was sick to. Wanted to know if Mamma wouldn't come out on the five o'clock

train to take care of them. We didn't know what to do. Mamma is sick herself isn't able to do

anything. but she went. Dad drove up to the end of the woods with her. she walked from

then. She called up tonight said Grandma is pretty sick. Aunt Annie [Tippett] is worse. Tillie

[Dittmar] + Maggie [Dittmar] is sick + Grandpa [John Dittmar]. Was storming so I didn't

want to talk so long. Uncle Edd [Tippett] and Dan [Dittmar] came down to supper. Had to

go home early on account of storm.

Wed. 22 Awfully funny weather. It storm all night. Terrible lightning and terrible cracks of thunder.

And what do you suppose we found in the morning. Almost more snow than we had all

winter. Melting fast. Roads are terrible. Mail man only came as far as Heers. Nice and clear

today. Didn't hear from Apple River today.

Thu. 23 A lovely day. but muddy and sloppy. Ruby + I washed today. a two week wash. We got

quite tired. I tried for Apple River, the line was out of order this morning. But afterward

Mamma called up. Ruby talked. She said Grandma [Dittmar] is very sick. Has pneumonia.

The doctor was there three times today. They are going to get a nurse tonight. Said the rest

wasn't very well. Ruby didn't ask how she [Mamma] was. I hope she is better.

Nick Weis is getting along all right.

Fri. 24 Very warm. Snow is all going. Creeks are very high. I made bread today. It got quite nice. I

also baked a cake.

This evening Mamma called up. Ruby talked. She said Grandma [Dittmar] is very bad. We

was to tell Dan [Dittmar]. They got a nurse last night. Uncles Henry [Dittmar] and Joe

[Dittmar] were up to see Grandma. She knew them. she knows them some times and

sometimes she doesn't. Grandma took sick last Sunday. Mamma said Aunt Maggie [Dittmar]

has something the matter with her legs. she can't walk. Tillie [Dittmar] is up and around.

Aunt Annie [Tippett] felt some better but had been lying down again this after.

Dan [Dittmar] called up tonight said he was going out to Apple River tomorrow morning on

eight o'clock [train].

Sat. 25 Grandma [Dittmar] is dead. Uncle George [Dittmar] called us up this morning at half past

nine. Said she died at eight this morning. Said she is going to be buried Tuesday morning.

Dan [Dittmar] asked how the rest were. He said Maggie [Dittmar] and Tillie [Dittmar] were

pretty bad. Oh I do hope they will get better. I feel so sorry for them.

Dan went to Galena to go out to A. R. on the noon train. The weather is so bad. It rained so

last night, thundered and lightninged. My guess the roads are terrible. I hope the weather and

roads may improve. Uncle Edd [Tippett] came down this forenoon. Was here to dinner.

Sun. 26 It rained an awful lot all night and It rained all day. The weather is awful. The Galena river is

awful high. Haven't heard a single word from Apple River. Nearly worried to death. Don't

know what the reason is unless Mamma is sick and they don't want us to know. Ruby called

up Central [telephone office] this forenoon and asked if the line to Apple River was in order.

She said they were in order. but didn't know if could hear or not.

Mon. 27 Well this morning I called up George [Dittmar] but could not hear him. I told them to tell Ma

to call us up. So Mamma called this forenoon. The funeral is to be at half past eight and if we

wanted to go we would have to go on the five train this evening. The morning train would be

to late. Well John T. [Tresidder] said he would do the work. but we did all the chores for

evening. John is gong to do them in the morning. We got over the Station in good time.

Walking was quite good.

Dan [Dittmar], Uncle Henry Winters and Maggie Winter and some others were there to meet

the train. Poor Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] has to sit with her feet on a chair. Tillie [Dittmar] is

up and around. very thin. Unccle Edd [Tippett], Mr + Mrs V Grebner went to A. R. on same

train we went. Aunt Rachel T. [Trudgian], Mr Winters + Maggie came at noon. Uncle Ben +

Aunt Dora [Dittmar] drove up there this afternoon. An awful lot of people came there this

evening. We saw Grandma. She looks very nice. Every body says so. She has lots of flowers.

Uncle Edd took a wreath out. its very pretty. The children got a pillow. A bunch of flowers

of the church. another from some people in Apple River. a bunch from Uncle Thomas's

[Trudgian]. a bunch of lovely roses from Mr + Mrs Johnnie Weis and Mr + Mrs. Magret.

Lovely flowers. Most every body went to neighbors to sleep. Ruby + I went to Suttons. Papa

staid at Mr + Mrs. [not entered].

Tue. 28 We had breakfast at Sutton. The funeral was at half past eight. All the Relatives were up

stairs. Mr. Eurs (?). Read, Prayed and spoke a little. two girls sang a song. It was all quite

short. They took Grandma [Dittmar] down to Schapville on a long hack. Put the coffin in a

wooden box. Three carriages went and Uncle Bens [Dittmar] in their buggy. Uncles George,

Dan + Herman [Dittmar] and Uncle Edd [Tippett] went. Mrs. Winter, Maggie [Winter] +

Lena Winter. (She came on the midnight train.) Mr Hammer went he took his team and the

undertaker. about all that went.

Mamma, Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] + Uncle Henry Winter started out but came back. the roads

were to awful. We had dinner at Grandpa's [Dittmar]. Neighbor women getting meals and

such things. People very good. Papa, Ruby + I went to Scales Mound on the one train. It

doesn't stop at the Station. We went up to Uncle Nick's [Dittmar] for awhile. then we walked

home. we went through fields and came out over Temperly's Mound. went along the road

but inside of fields from there on. Walked the road from sheans [Sheehan's] home. Got along

all right only my shoes hurt my toes just terrible. had to take them off and go in my overshoes

We got home at twenty minutes after five. left Glenn's store ten after two. John + Milton

[Tresidder] were here doing chores.

A little calf + two little lambs since we have been gone. and two more lambs tonight.

Wed. 29 Another calf and two more lambs by this morning. Six lambs now. The mail man didn't go

today. Mamma called up this forenoon. Said Grandpa [Dittmar] got awful sick yesterday

afternoon with Erysiplas (?). Had the doctor. a little better this morning. Uncle George

[Dittmar], Uncle Edd [Tippett] and the undertaker came back to A. R. last night. drove till

the horses were played out then walked the rest of way. The rest had not come back from

Schapville yet. Uncle Edd came to Galena on this morning train.

Mamma said there was an awful lot of people to the service at Schapville. They took

Grandma [Dittmar] in church. First person to be taken in that church. They had just put in a

new door so they could take her in Monday. [The original Zion Presbyterian Church door

was too narrow to allow passage of a casket. New door installed o Monday in time for the

funeral on Tuesday.]

I don't know when Mamma will be able to come home.

Thu. 30 Another calf and another lamb today. Quite warm today. I baked a pie this forenoon and a

cake this afternoon. Mamma called up this afternoon. She said Grandpa [Dittmar] is some

better. If every thing is alright she said she might come home Sat. morning. Uncle Edd

[Tippett] and John Tresidder came this evening. Uncle Edd said there was an awful big

crowd at Schapville Tuesday.

Fri. 31 Another calf. One every day. Five calves all together now. I bake bread and coffee cake

today. My first attempt to make coffee cake alone. I've mixed it before. We got twenty-seven

eggs today. Ma didn't call up today.



April 1916

Sat. 1 Well Mamma came home this morning. Ruby + I went to meet her. Aunt Rachel [Trudgian]

came to Scales Mound this morning. Intends to go to Galena Monday. There was another

calf today. And another lamb last night. All the lambs now I guess eight.

A few people going to town. not many though. roads very bad in places yet I guess. Uncle

Edd [Tippett] went out to Apple River on this evening train. Just a beautiful day.

Sun. 2 A very beautiful day. Mamma lying down quite a bit today. No services at Union today. John

Tresidders' came up this afternoon awhile Uncle Edd [Tippett] came home this afternoon.

came down here to supper. spent the evening.

Mon. 3 Papa worked on telephone today. Everybody was out. Some worked up by Fiedlers putting

poles in and so on. Uncle Edd [Tippett] was here to dinner. Ruby + I made a little garden

today. in corner of garden. Don't expect it to graow. too awful wet. We put in a few onions

+ radishes + lettuce.

Tues. 4 Well it is election day. Papa went over to Guilford with Mr. Fiedler this afternoon. He didn't

see any women over there. But I heard over the phone ten women came to vote a little to

five. All Rep. got in but three. L. Werner road commissioner, Charles Tobin town clerk,

Wallace Ford supervisor. Galena went wet. Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] came out from Galena

with John + Ethel Tippett. They brought her down.

Wed. 5 Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] went doen to Johns T. [Tresidder] this forenoon. John came up with

her this evening. Uncle Edd [Tippett] and Dan [Dittmar] came down to supper this evening.

Heard Apple River went dry again. Most or all towns around are dry now but E. Dubuque

and Galena. Galena went wet by five hundred. one hundred less than a year ago. (four

hundred sixty eight.)

Thu. 6 Mamma and Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] went up to Fiedler a little while this forenoon. This

afternoon Aunt Rachel, Ruby + I went up by Union Church. Then down to John Combellicks

Aunt R. wanted to go see Mrs. C. because she is sick. Mrs. C is sitting up. but can't do any

thing. her leg is swelled up again quite a bit. They would have us stay for supper. Clayton

[ ] is going away tomorrow to LaCrosse. Is going to work on railroad. His uncle

got him a job. We called at Wilbur B [Bastian] then called in at Annie's + Lotties a few

minutes. About dark when we got home.

Fri. 7 John Tresidder took Aunt R. [Rachel Trudgian] to Galena this morning. She intends to go

home Sat. I went down to John's to get some parsnips this after. Mamma talked with Uncle

George D. [Dittmar]. said they aren't any better out there.

Sat. 8 Well Papa and Ruby drove the big team up to Scales Mound today. In the wagon. Took up

thirty dozen eggs. They didn't meet any autos or go near the trains. They got along fine they

say. They say the road is fine now. Quite a few teams going along to Galena. We baked a

cake, a jelly roll + coffee cake + bread today.

Sun. 9 Well Mamma went out to Apple R. again this morning. Ruby + I went over the Station with

her. Ruby went all the way. I went up on the hill and looked down to the Station. We made

it over + back in two hours + ten minutes. Just a lovely day. Dan [Dittmar] came down to

dinner. We had lettuce for dinner. It was just grand.

Mon. 10 A lovely day. Ruby + I raked lawn. we raked about half. Ruby cleaned out horse stable +

helped Papa load manure. Papa hauled manure. I set two hens this evening. one on two

goose eggs that Agnes [Tresidder] gave us and six hen eggs + one on 4 eggs. Mama is

thinking to come home in morning.

Tue. 11 Well Ruby + I went to meet Mamma this morning. She says they are all getting some better

out there. Grandpa gets up now. Dan [Dittmar] drove out to Apple River today. He is going

to work for a Mr. Long. Very warm today.

Wed. 12 Ruby + I rake some more lawn today. Ruby + I went up church this afternoon and swept

and dusted. There is going to be Quarterly meeting next Sun. Another little calf today.

Thu. 13 We washed today. And baked bread and took up the rose bushes. Aunt Annie [Tippett] came

home from Apple River today. She has been gone over a month. Grandma's obituary is in

todays [Galena] Gazette. Raining this afternoon.

Fri. 14 A beautiful day. We ironed, bake a cake + cookies. Papa was plowing. We got sixty eggs

tonight. Well we had an old fashioned peddler here this afternoon. Bought some needles + a

set of little pins. Uncle Henry D [Dittmar] have another little girl, ninth kid.

Sat. 15 We got up early this morning. Mamma, Ruby + I walked over the Station and went to Galena

on the train. And came home on the five oclock train. Had a good day of it. I got a new

spring coat and hat. The coat's navy trimmed in lighter blue silk. the hat is black straw with

black quill. Ruby's hat is black straw trimmed in blue ribbon. It is raining + storming this

evening. Papa got through plowing this piece of ground out here today.

Sun. 16 Rainy this morning. Didn't know if we should go to church or not. But we went. Fifteen there

with the Elder + preacher. Blanche T. [Tresidder] + Evelyn B. [Bastian] were to be

christened at W. Bastian's after church. We went up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett] for dinner.

It rained like everything but we went in Win T.'s [Tresidder] machine house.

Mon. 17 Papa + Ruby were going up the Mound this forenoon. Just as they were starting Old Black

caught his bridle in V's harness + pulled it off. Then they ran around + run into the fence.

They were half over then stopped and eat grass. Scared us all terrible. Didn't break anything.

Then after dinner they drove Violet + Della up the Mound. Couldn't get alfalfa seed - mostly

what they went for.

Tue. 18 Papa harrowing today. Mamma frying down meat. It rained this afternoon and evening. We

had greens for dinner and supper today. Dandelion and dock mixed. Fine.

Wed. 19 Papa + Ruby went up the Mound this after to get the alfalfa seed. They got home just before

it stormed. Storming this evening. Pa + Ruby were up to Uncle Edd's [Tippett] this forenoon.

Ruby moved all furniture from her room in mine. I took up the carpet and tore all the paper

off. Ruby is going to paint the woodwork. They took old Della + Violet up the Mound.

Thu. 20 Rainy again this evening. We washed today and cleaned cow house. It rained awfully last

night. There is another little calf today. The ninth. We turned Della + Fannie out on grass.

Fri. 21 Rainy again today. We ironed today. Ruby painted her room. We had water cress for dinner.

Uncle George [Dittmar] called up Aunt Annie [Tippett] and Tillie [Dittmar] talked. She said

Aunt Maggie's [Dittmar] leg is worse. Had a doctor from Warren today. Wanted to know if

Aunt Annie couldn't go out tomorrow [to Apple River]. Good Friday today.

Sat. 22 I baked mock angel cake this forenoon. A total failure. I made a devil's cake then. Busy with

Saturday work as usual.

Sun. 23 Well this is Easter. Ma, Ruby + I went up on the hill to see if any one came to church. Rev. +

Mrs. Haines came but no one else so they didn't go down. (I didn't intend to go) They went

home again then. I pick some anemonies this forenoon. A lovely day so we all walked over

the grave yard this after. Then Pa + Ma walked over to Young's. Ruby + I came home. They

staid to supper. Sadie + Wilbur B [Bastian] were over there. Mr Y. [Young] is up + around

again. (Its so lonesome) Helen Weis has been home. Thought she might come up. but not a

soul showed up.

Mon. 24 Papa harrowing + seeding oats. Ruby + I cleaned the rag room today. A nice day.

Tue. 25 Showery today at times. We washed today. We got our paper we sent for today. trimming

that. Papa sowed alfalfa. first we ever planted. then harrowed. Then he plowed the garden.

Wed. 26 Cloudy today. We ironed today. Mamma and I started to paper Ruby's room. Got most of

ceiling on. Had hard times. too dark I guess. Papa hauling manure.

Thu. 27 Well today is Grant's birthday. First time for a good long time I missed going. A few teams

and some autos going along. Mr. Werner + Mr. Fiedler are plowing the roads all up. getting

them ready for the grader. Ma + I finished papering ceiling + got about three fourths of sides

done. Then late this afternoon we put in some early potatoes and some garden. Have some

things to plant yet. We got a card from Aunt Tillie [Dittmar] said Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] is

no better. Dr. says she has inflammitory rhumatism. She [Tillie] and Aunt Annie [Tippett] has

to stay up with her at night.

Fri. 28 We finished papering Ruby's room today. Then all three of us finished putting in garden.

Papa went over the grave yard to help burn it off this after. Uncle Edd [Tippett] got a letter

from Aunt Annie [Tippett]. she said Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] is quite bad. She telephone this

afternoon. said they got a nurse out on noon train. Ma wanted to go to A. R. on five train

but couldn't make it very well.

Sat. 29 Mamma went to A. R. on this morning train. Ruby walked over with her. took a basket of

eggs and got a few grocerys. I baked an angel cake. and churned a little butter. Had been

churning on it all last night before. Papa hauling manure. Quite a bit of travel on road today.

Tillie Weis is sick. She has scarlet fever.

Sun. 30 I was sick all day today. In bed. A steady rain all day.


May 1916

Mon. 1 Well this is May day. Didn't get much done today. Ruby took some of the things out of Papa

+ Mamma's room Ma called up this afternoon. Doesn't know when she will come home. Tue.

or Wed. Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] didn't rest very well last night but was resting easier.

Tue. 2 Well Mamma came home this morning. Aunt Annie [Tippett] is thinking to stay till Sat. Then

one of us have to go out again. Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] is guess is about the same. Nurse is

nice. Her name is Miss Gardner. We pull the paper off the room this after.

Wed. 3 Papa + Ruby went up to Scales Mound took up forty three dozen [eggs]. Drove Fannie +

Della. Mamma and I washed this afternoon. Nice afternoon. We got a letter from Uncle

Thomas [Trudgian]. Al + Nancy went housekeeping last Thu. At 219 LaFayette St. three

blocks farther downtown than they + three blocks from I. C. depot.

Thu. 4 We ironed today. Mamma white washed their room today.

Fri. 5 Mamma and I papered Papa's + Mamma room today. pretty tired.

Sat. 6 Couldn't make up our minds who was to go to Apple River. So I went, when we got up on

the ridge it started to rain didn't know what to do. but it stopped so I went on. Ruby went as

far as Fords. This eve, I went walking with the nurse. She seems very nice. Then Aunt Tillie

[Dittmar] and I went up town. Had some ice cream. didn't get to bed until late.

Sun. 7 Uncle Ben [Dittmar] + Uncle Herman [Dittmar] came up town. They, Grandpa [Dittmar],

Dan [Dittmar], + I went to Pres. church. They staid to Grandpa's to dinner. Some of Uncle

George's [Dittmar] down this afternoon. Two Mr + Mrs. Hammers', Miss Gardner, Tillie

[Dittmar] + I went to Pres. church in evening.

Mon. 8 Grandpa [Dittmar] thought we hadn't better wash so they sent it out. So we started to clean

the girls bed room.

Tue. Wed. Thu. I don't just remember what went on. Oh, yes. On Wed. eve. the Christian

Endeavor met at Grandpa's. not many there. Aunt Maggie [Dittmar] sits up a little while

every day.

Thu. eve. I went to the lecture coarse. went on their ticket.

Fri. 12 The nurse went away at noon to Warren. I went to the depot with her. This evening. Pearl

[Dittmar], Sadie [Dittmar], Mildred Sutton, Naomi [Dittmar] and Wesley [Dittmar]called for

to take me out auto riding. I sat in front with Wesley and held Naomi. We rode out about

three miles toward Warren. A fine ride. Lovely moon light. My throat is quite sore.

Sat. 13 Doing Sat. work.

Sun. 14 Grandpa [Dittmar[ + I went to Pres. church this forenoon. Dan [Dittmar] was there. Mothers

day today. Dan there to dinner. Uncle Georges [Dittmar] down in afternoon all but Wesley.

Sadie [Dittmar] staid to supper. Tillie [Dittmar] went to church in eve. I + Sadie went to

Methodist. quite a few there. Saw Wesley's girl, Hazel Winen [?].

Mon. 15 Uncle Joe [Dittmar] was up. Had dinner there. Cleaned spare room.

Tue. 16 Put down matting of spare room.

Wed. 17 Cleaned attic today. Uncle Henry [Dittmar] + Clifford [Dittmar] up town at Grandpa's for

dinner. talked to Ruby today. Mamma went to Galena to Mrs. Fred Kloths [?] funeral

yesterday came home today. Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] was back but went home last night. Ma

staid in Galena all night at Kloths. I went up store this eve. Tillie [Dittmar] went to Endeavor

at Spears. Forgot to call for me. So I staid at Uncle George's [Dittmar] all night.

Thu. 18 Grandpa [Dittmar] + Mr Ewer [?] went to Scales Mound. Going to install a minister there. I

got home some time this forenoon. Ruby came to meet me. So many things look so different

at home. I was gone nearly two weeks. just think. took all day to look around. The road is

fixed very fine. graded. Pa + Ruby finished planting corn.

Fri. 19 We washed today. Aunt Annie [Tippett] came down this afternoon. Papa hauling brush in

ditches. About four this after. I went down to Tresidders and Milton [Tresidder] + I went out

picking asparagus. I got about enough for three meals.

Sat. 20 Awful busy. Sat. work and getting dining room carpet down and get straightened out. I have

an awful cold and awful sore throat.

Sun. 21 Rainy today. We didn't go to church. We went up to Uncle Edd's [Tippett] this after. John

Tresidder's up there. We started out. It rained. We went in wagon shed at John Tippett. It

stopped after a while. Then we came home.

Mon. 22 I have an awful sore throat yet. I didn't do much today. I cut a little lawn this evening.

Tue. 23 This forenoon Papa and Ruby went up to Scales Mound. They were up to Uncle Nick

[Dittmar] a little while. I cut some lawn.

Wed. 24 Papa, Mama + Ruby planted potatoes this forenoon and some this afternoon. Papa plowed

up a little patch up in the field by the oak tree for some potatoes. Milton [Tresidder] came up

this morning. brought some nice tomatoe plants.

Thu. 25 Very warm today. We finished planting potatoes by noon today. Papa planted melons this

afternoon. This eve. Ruby + I went up to Aunt Annie's [Tippett] a little while. She gave us

some asparagus.

Fri. 26 We ironed today. We did up two pairs of lace curtains but it was so windy and cloudy.

Sat. 27 I was sick today. Couldn't do much. I had an awful headache and one side of my throat is

sore and swollen. I thought it was the mumps. Papa hitched Della up in the buggy this

afternoon and drove to Galena. First time she had been driven much alone. Papa said she

went very nice. Ruby rode along and picked asparagus on Tresidder hill. They said we could.

I went to bed several hours this afternoon. Lots of Autos going along today. Uncle Edd +

Aunt Annie [Tippett] went down to Uncle Ben's [Dittmar] today.

Sun. 28 I couldn't sleep last night. I'm feeling better than yesterday. A beautiful day. Autos just

whirrling along. Uncle Edd's [Tippett] came home this afternoon. Aunt Annie came down

here late this afternoon. Uncle Edd came down to supper. John Tippett called up Uncle Edd.

wanted to know if they wanted to go for a ride. He said they could come down here after

them. But they didn't come. forgot about them. At nine oclock they came. Had trouble about

getting their auto out. backed in a wet place. It took them all that time to get it out. They

staid about an hour. Ruby went up on the hill this morning to see if any body came to church.

Minister and wife came. no one else. They looked in church then went off.

Mon. 29 Quite rainy this forenoon but cleared off this afternoon. We set out our plants today. Dad

and Ruby made a trouth [?] for flowers. I shortened my black skirt. Ma fixed Ruby's checked

skirt and sewed on her black waist. We got an invitation to the commencement excersises of

Apple River high school to be held on June sixth. From Sadie [Dittmar]. We have radishes

and lettuce and little onion fit to eat in our garden now.

Tue. 30 This is decoration day. A nice day. We washed today. no rural delivery today.

Wed. 31 Mamma and Ruby worked some in the garden this forenoon. They ironed this afternoon. I

was in bed about all day.


June 1916

Thu. 1 A nice day until toward evening. It rained. This afternoon Uncle Edd [Tippett] came down to

shear our sheep. Aunt Annie [Tippett] and Ethel came along down. They had supper here.

We haven't weighed our wool yet.

Fri. 2 We thought something of going to town but we thought the roads would be muddy. We had

quite a storm last night. It rained just awfully hard. The creeks got awfully high. It washed

so. The cornfields are washed terrible and some things in the garden are washed over. Milton

[Tresidder] came up this morning. brought us some honey.

Sat. 3 Well we all went to Galena today. Didn't like to go. Had so much to do in town. Nearly went

crazy. Bought a pin for Sadie's [Dittmar] graduation present. A handerchief for fifty cents for

Beulah Potter. A very nice day.

Sun. 4 Mamma and Ruby went to church this morning. Quite a few there. Home this afternoon.

Nobody came near. This evening we went down to John's [Tresidder]. Uncle Edd and Aunt

Annie [Tippett] came down there to.

Mon. 5 We washed today. And ironed nearly all. I cut some lawn. Ruby helping Dad replant corn.

and other things. We got a letter from Aunt Rachel [Trudgian] today. Oh, the awfullest

biggest auto truck went past today. We think it was some people from Dubuque getting dead

things. horses or cattle. I guess they make fertilizer out of them. Ruby and I are thinking of

going to the graduaton tomorrow. Don't know if we will get there or not.

Tue. 6 We were very busy. Pa, Ma + Ruby working in the corn field this forenoon. Very cloudy all

forenoon. About noon it started to rain. It rained very, very hard all afternoon. We had to

give up the idea of going to Apple River. Quite disappointed. Aunt Annie [Tippett] + Martha

Tippett wanted to go. had to give it up to. It has rained all evening. I don't see how any body

can go to the graduation.

Wed. 7 It has been raining all day. And it rained all last night. It is just awfully cold today. Mamma

and I made myself a waist. have the collar and button and button holes to make yet and tatting

to sew on. Buelah Adellah Potter was to graduate today.

Thu. 8 It's rainy again today. Reading day. Dad is making gates.

Fri. 9 I cut some lawn today. Mamma baked some cookies. Pa + Ruby transplanting corn.

Sat. 10 Papa + Mamma made up their minds to go to Apple River on the five train. Ruby and I are

going up to Aunt Annie [Tippett] to stay all night. I picked quite a few strawberries for our

supper. Quite a nice day.

Sun. 11 We staid to breakfast at Aunt Annie's [Tippett] this morning. Got home at seven thirty. Went

to church this forenoon. Quite a few there. A very queer preacher. We didn't have much

dinner, a little lunch. About half past one, a tramp came wanted something to eat. Ruby gave

him. two pieces of bread + butter and 3 cookies. He sat on the porchh and ate. Kind of

scared. We laid down a while this afternoon. Did chores. Went up to Aunt Annies for supper.

Rode part way with Will + Bessie W. in their auto. They promised to give us a longer ride

some time when the roads get better. Win + Martha came up there awhile tonight. A very

beautiful day.

Mon. 12 Quite warm today. Ruby + I went up on the hill to meet Pa, + Ma. Dad plowed corn this

afternoon. Class night in Galena tonight.

Tue. 13 Papa plowed corn today. Ma, Ruby + I hoed some in the garden. Well tonight is Werner's

barn dance. It came up to a storm this eve + rained. but it stopped. An auto went along nine

or after. And some teams. When they were going home about three. It stormed and rained

awfully hard. Aunt Margaret D's [Dittmar] birthday.

Wed. 14 Quite a nice day. But it rained again tonight. Papa went to Scales Mound today. We washed

today. There is a Soldiers reunion at Warren today. Uncle Edd and Aunt Annie [Tippett]

went. Annie went to A. R.

Thu. 15 We ironed today. Rainy again today. It hailed some today. I have an awful sore throat yet.

Today is the day of the steamboat excursion to Clinton [Iowa]. I would kind have liked to

have gone.

Fri. 16 Papa and Ruby went to Galena today. Some kind of doings at the fairground this afternoon.

Pagent I believe. Store were locked up. Rained this afternoon + this morning. Agnes

[Tresidder] said today they are going to Dub. [Dubuque] tomorrow said a couple of us could

go if we wanted to.

Sat. 17 Rained again this afternoon. Well Mamma + Aunt Annie [Tippett] went to Dub. with Agnes

+ Milton + Blanche [Tresidder]. John [Tresidder] didn't go. Ma. bought a black silk skirt.

Aunt Annie got a black silk dress. Pa plowed corn today.

Sun. 18 It has been a very beautiful day. Well Ma, + Ruby went to church this afternoon. The

Haineses are just like always. Didn't go anywhere this afternoon. This evening Dad hitched

up Della, He + Ruby went up the road for a ride. When they got back Tresidders came down

this evening. First time they ever were down at night. Heard today that Mr Young lost his

mind today. Took him to Rockford today. Quite exciting.

Mon. 19 Another beautiful day. Pa plowing corn. Ma, + Ruby hoed potatoes. + Ruby made some

curtains for hall window. I cut lawn.

Tue. 20 Rainy again this afternoon. Ma churned. Ruby made herself a pants. We also baked bread.

Wed. 21 We washed today. And Ma + Ruby hoed potatoes.

Thu. 22 First day of summer. Reading day today. We ironed today. We all took a walk up to Aunt

Annie [Tippett] tonight.

Fri. 23 Dad went to Scales Mound today. I baked a big batch of cookies this afternoon.

Sat. 24 I baked a marble cake, busy with Sat. work. A very beautiful day.

Sun. 25 It has been a very beautiful day. This morning Uncle George [Dittmar] called p said they

were coming in today and for church. They went up to Union. Pearl [Dittmar] wasn't along

she is off on her vacation. Naomi [Dittmar] stayed here with Mamma. She staid at home to

get dinner. Rev. Harris took the church with us on the platform. They all came back here to

dinner. Uncle Edd's [Tippett] too. This afternoon the men folks rode to Galena and way out

toward Hazel Green [Wisconsin]. They staid here to supper went home so they would be in

time for church.

Mon. 26 It stormed again last night. But has been a nice day. I dyed my old linen dress this afternoon.

dyed it a tan.

Tue. 27 A very nice day. Dad and Ruby went to Galena today. got home at two o'clock. We washed


Wed. 28 I ironed today. Ma + Ruby hoed this forenoon. I helped hoe this afternoon. banking some

early potatoes yet. Dad is plowing corn.

Thu. 29 Ruby + I hoed some corn this afternoon. Ma hoed in garden. It is just burning hot today.

Fri. 30 Mamma is quite sick today. and last night. terrible pain in back, and headache and sick to her

stomach. Aunt Annie [Tippett] came down this afternoon. She fixed the hem of her black

silk dress. We ironed the things today that we didn't get done the other day.



Go To Part II