Jo Daviess County

Hanover High School - Hanover, Illinois

List of Graduates through 1932

Note: There were no graduates for the following years:
1896 - 1900 - 1902 - 1905 - 1908 - 1909

Class of 1892
Jenny Huntingdon
Bertha Robinson

Class of 1893
Lydia Bennett
Stella Bennett
Loise Dittmar
Roy Kilpatrick
Lillian McAllister
Elsie McCall
Hannah Speer
Gertie Sykes
Gussie Wilson

Class of 1894
Mabelle Arnold
James Chase
John Chase
John Craig
Helen Dawson
Stephen Jeffers
Aimee Killough
Joseph Speer
Maggie Speer

Class of 1895
Mattie Craig
Elizabeth Dawson
Will Kilpatrick
Clara Moore
Alta Miller
John Miller
Ruth Mills
Augusta Moore
Adam Speer
Augusta Speer
Bessie Speer
Henry Speer

Class of 1897
Charles Arnold
Martin Bennett
Clyde Benjamin
Agnes Craig
Jessie Dick
Marjorie Gray
George Jeffers
Bessie Miller
Sherman McIntyre
Orrin White

Class of 1898
Irene Jameson
Jessie Nobis

Class of 1899
Jesse Bennett
Anna Chase
Margaret Dick
Earl Davidson
Sarah Jameson
Howard Kilpatrick
Lenora McCann
Jennie McClave
Will Miller
Lutie Milligan
George Reifsteck
Roy Schaible
Harriett Speer
Nathan Speer
Harry White

Class of 1901
Marshall Eastman
Esther Marcroft
Florence Nesbitt
William Perce
Minnie Rhodes
Amy Sincox
Arthur Steele

Class of 1903
Charles Cutler
Harry Hayes
Mary Ellen Killough
Palmer McIntyre
Thurman Miller
Nona Nesbitt
Lenora White
Sarah Winter

Class of 1904
Earl Bennett
Will Cutler
Lucy McCann
Bertha Reifsteck
Charles Shipton
Emma Speer
Henry Speer
Nancy Speer

Class of 1906
Myrtle Bennett
Maude Edgerton
Jessie Limage
Genevieve McIntyre
Jessie McKinley

Class of 1907
Luella Chapman
Irene Foltz
Amanda Philpot
Agnes White

Class of 1910
Maudene Campbell
Charles Cliff
Lawrence Hunt
Winifred Marcroft
Washburne Shipton
Berniece White
Lucille Winter

Class of 1911
Isabelle Campbell
Mable Cliff
Lillian Edgerton
Myrtle Gouse
Florence Miller
Clarence Speer

Class of 1912
Harold Calvert
Emily Jameson
Edwin Marcroft
Joe May
Orville Nesbitt
Anna Reifsteck
Vera White

Class of 1913
Florence Chapman
Joseph Dick
Dorothy Limage
Paul Nesbitt
Carolyn Rall
Ina Ravenscraft

Class of 1914
Melvin Gouse
Glenn Keene
Clyde McKinley
Hilda Reifsteck
Clement Steele

Class of 1915
Ernest Campbell
Myrtle Chapman
Lewis O'Halloran
Mary O'Halloran
Edna Parker
Roscoe Parker

Class of 1916
Helen Barnes
Florence Martin
Clara May
Mary May
Florence Nobis
Fern Ravenscraft
Gladys Virtue

Class of 1917
Lydia Cliff
Berneice Harkness
Ralph Kirkey
Florence Ravenscraft
Andrew Reifsteck

Class of 1918
Lourine Chapman
Clayton Cooper
Berhard Cronwell
Edna Craig
Geneva Irwin
Lurene McKinley
Laura Miller
Alice Paisley
Herbert Schepler
Genevra Virtue
Ross Virtue
Elvin Wiley

Class of 1919
LeRoy Cliff
Iva Guensler
Harvey Holland
Helen Kilpatrick
Irene Potter
Charlotte Speer
Cecile Sullivan

Class of 1920
Berneice Barnes
Lois Campbell
Sarah Crawford
Flossie Eastman
Earl Edgerton
Florence Francke
Corinne Henderson
Gordon Limage
Caroline Miller
Eleanor Miller
Lawrence Speer
Vivian Strasser
Emma Sullivan
Jessie Watson
Barbara Willson
Orma Winter

Class of 1921
Blanche Chapman
E. William Chapman
Richard Cliff
Swen Cronwell
Gail Eastman
Erma Miller
Harland Speer
Walter Virtue

Class of 1922
Alma Chapman
Edna Chapman
Floyd McKinley
Raymond McKinley
Emma Ravenscraft
La Verne Strasser
Helen Sullivan
Elmer Virtue
Joseph Widmar

Class of 1923
Thirza Chapman
Elizabeth Crawford
Hazel Eastman
Frank Holt
Kenneth McCoy
Ralph Morris
Floyd Paisley
Charles St. John
Ralph Speer
Renwick Speer
Lourene Storey
Meta White

Class of 1924
Vera Campbell
Sophia Crawford
Irene Francke
Roger Henderson
Gene Hudson
Della Kirkey
Thomas Little
W. LaVerne Sanderson
Edna Virtue
Lillian Whalen

Class of 1925
Florence Hudson
Robert Kilpatrick
Hazel Kirkey
Myrtle McKinley
Eugene Moffett
A. Henry Noton
Earl Reitz
Harold Sanderson
Gladys Straitt
Jack Sullivan
Willis Virtue

Class of 1926
Dorothy Armstrong
Etta Chapman
Roy Chapman
George Cliff
Lucille Edgerton
Fred Haug
Floyd Jobe
Marion Schaible
C. Kenneth Speer
Harold Speer
Elmer Wells

Class of 1927
Nellie Calvert
Ursula Cronwell
Loretta Doran
Ordrey Hunt
Bennie Jokerest, Jr.
Hugh Moffett
Helen Nobis
Fleta St. John
Oscar Walder

Class of 1928
Gladys Eastman
Eunice Edgerton
John Hudson
Ross Kilpatrick
Geneva Mest
William Moore
Anna Nesbitt
Wyman Paisley
Fern Schaible
Mildred Speer

Class of 1929
Kathryn Chapman
Frances Cliff
Charles Gray
Arthur Hunt
Geneva Kaufman
Walter Miller
Stanley Sanderson
George Unangst
Glenn Virtue
Orville Virtue

Class of 1930
Wilfred Armstrong
Edith Chapman
Leona Cliff
Kenneth Jeffrey
Agnes Keene
Howard Kilpatrick
LeRoy Robinson
Clara Virtue
Edith Virtue
Hazel Virtue
Velda Winter

Class of 1931
Warner Calvert
Mary Elizabeth Kilpatrick
Violet Shelly
Jerry Sullivan
Marie Walder

Class of 1932
Dorothy Bertsch
Minerva Chapman
Cecile Eade
Margaret Francke
Gordon Hatfield
Joseph McKinley
Clyde Reifsteck
Virginia Scanlin
Raymond Speer
LeRoy Virtue

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