7 May 1896 Galena Weekly Gazette



    Died, at his home in Wards Grove, one and one-half miles southeast from Morseville, on the 24th inst., Joseph Pimperton, aged 80 years, 4 months and 6 days.  Mr. Pimpeton was born in Nottinghamshire, England, on the 24th day of December 1815.   He came to America in 1837, going directly to Chicago, arriving there on the 12th day of August that year.   After spending a few years in that city with his old friend, the late S. T. Napper, he came to this county.  He was married to Mrs. Ann Thornley on the 19th of May 1846, settling in the township of Thompson, one mile east of Frink's Barn, where he remained till 1866, when he sold his farm in Thompson and moved to Wards Grove, settling on a farm he had purchased from Hiram Tyrrell, where he remained till death called him, well-versed in all of the intricacies of his profession.   It was his calling in England where methods are pursued which give the best returns for the time and labor required in cultivating the soil.   His farm of something over two hundred acres was well located both for grazing and mixed farming and he, by his skill and industry, had put by a competency which served him well in his declining years.   Although unable to do any labor for some years past he had a general supervision over the operations on the farm, the details and practical work was carried on successfully by his youngest son, Lott.

    The writer made Mr. Pimperton's acquaintance in 1861 and was his dear neighbor for five years, with whom he had much dealing and interchange of work and courtesies and he ever found him true, honest, and upright in all transactions.   The funeral was held on Sunday, April 26, the Rev. I. S. Richmond officiating, prayer and singing at the house but the exequies took place at the M. E. church at Morseville, the Evangelical choir of Stockton supplying the music.   After the exercises at the church the funeral cortege, which was large considering the inclemency of the weather, proceeded to Stockton, where the last of earth of Joseph Pimperton was laid at rest in the Stockton cemetery by six of his old friends and neighbors, C. L. Calhoun, Robert Dick, S. H. Miller, William Blair, Freeman Lawfer and A. B. Bynum.   Mr. Pimperton leaves to mourn his departure from this life his faithful companion for almost 50 years.   The 19th of May would have brought the golden wedding day.  To her he leaves all his possessions during her lifetime to do with as she thinks best, and then to make an equal division among his seven surviving children, Winfield of Stockton, Mr. Ann B_____ of Red Cloud, Nebraska, Mrs.. Lucy Ball of Stockton, the widow of the late Joseph Ball, Mary of Oshkooh, Wis., Lott D., Amanda and Elizabeth.   The loving wife with the three children last named who were at home with him ministered to his wants and comfort and with loving hearts and hands made the descent to the tomb as easy and peaceful as possible.   Winfield on Stockton was away at thetime of his father's death and it was not known where to reach him, he got home, however, during the short services at the house.   Ann and Mary could not get home in time.

    A good man has gone to his rest.   Among his friends, neighbors and acquaintances no one will be more missed than he. He had the confidence and respect of all who knew him and all mourn that he has gone from our midst.  The surviving wife and children have the true and heartfelt sympathy of neighbors and friends. S.J.C.

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Susan Wilson