Born: April 13, 1838 in Monk Bretton near Royston

Date of Baptism: May 4, 1838 at St. John the Baptist’s Church, Royston Yorkshire, England.

Died: June 16, 1906 in Toledo, Tama County, Iowa


Married:  Elizabeth Reynolds on June 25, 1864 at Council Hill, Jo Daviess County, Illinois


Married:  Harriett Freer on March 5, 1873 at Council Hill Township, Jo Daviess County, Illinois


Moved: From Jo Daviess County, Illinois to Grundy County, Iowa in 1871, and to Toledo, Tama County, Iowa in 1882.



Obituary Of Samuel Lupton, Which Appeared In The Newspaper Of Toledo, Tama County, Iowa


Note:  This obituary appeared in the newspaper of Toledo, Iowa, but the first portion is nearly a word-for-word replica of the obituary that was written by the Galena Gazette six years earlier, when Samuel’s brother, William, died in Galena, Illinois.


Samuel Lupton was a native of Yorkshire (County) England, where he was born April 13, 1838.

In the year 1846 his parents decided to move to America with the hope of bettering their fortunes, and as a member of that family came the subject of our sketch of this sketch. They had heard of Galena, through friends who had preceded them. They left their native shores on a ship bound for New Orleans. On reaching that fair southern city, they made their way up the Mississippi River by steamer until they landed on the levee along lower Main Street. The total finances of the family consisted of just one English sovereign.

After spending about two months with an English friend in Galena, they located on some land in Council Hill Township, where many hardships and difficulties which necessarily attended the first few years on American soil. The elder Lupton was a determined and energetic man and his sons partook of his spirit, hence it was not long until their prospects in life began to brighten materially.

June 25, 1864, Samuel Lupton was married to Elizabeth Reynolds and to them were born three children, Martha Ellen Lupton, now Mrs. J.J. Forney and two others who died in infancy. (Emma J. and Bertie E., along with their mother, are buried at Council Hill Cemetery in Jo Daviess County, Illinois.) In 1871 they moved to (Felix Township) Grundy County, Iowa, where Mrs. Lupton died the same year. (September 12, 1871) In 1873 he was married to Harriett Wilkinson (her adopted name) who now survives with two children, John L. (my grandfather) and Leslie A. There were two other children to this marriage who died in infancy. The family moved to Whitten, Iowa in 1882 and thence to Toledo, Iowa in 1895, where they have since resided.

Samuel Lupton was a devout Christian having united with the Methodist Church in 1875 and for over one-fourth of a century having been in official relation with the church. He was a tireless worker, deeply conscientious in his convictions and deeply loyal to his Christ and the church. In his departure the city has lost a respected citizen, the church a worthy member, and the home, a kind and affectionate father.

The funeral services were conducted in the M.E. Church, Tuesday afternoon by his pastor, Rev. N.A. Mershon, assisted by Rev. G.E. Shear, pastor of the M.E. Church at Tama, and a former pastor of the deceased. The music was furnished by Misses Mary T. Lonthan and Clara Fee, and Messrs. Claude Modlin and K.E. Fee, with Mrs. Giger at the organ. There was a large attendance of citizens, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held in the community.

The pall bearers were from friends in the church: J.K Covery, G.W. Spahr, R.H. Burns, M.R. Morgan, J.T. Hartley and F.D. Doe.

The Interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery.

The relatives from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Spencer, Scales Mound, Illinois; (Mrs. Spencer was the former Mary Lupton, a sister) Sherman and John Lupton of Galena, Illinois; (sons of William and Margaret Redfearn Lupton) and Mrs. Charles Reed, a cousin of Apple River, Illinois. Friends were John Trevarthen, Eldora, Iowa; (brother-in-law of Mary Etta (Lupton) Trevarthen, daughter of William) Mrs. H.M. Ecklon; Mrs. Alice Eggleston, Whitten, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Conrad.