Henry Augustus Heller
Born 22 Dec 1840 in Saxe-Meiningen, Germany, Saxony, Prussia
Died 27 Feb 1912 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois

Dubuque Telegraph Herald, Feb 27, 1912
Henry Heller Dead.

Henry A Heller died at the family residence in East Dubuque Tuesday morning at three thirty o'clock. He contracted a cold about three weeks ago which later developed into pneumonia. While in this weakened condition he had an attack of intestinal trouble and an operation performed in an effort to save his life. He did not rally from the efforts of the operation, and death resulted at an early hour Tuesday. Mr. Heller was a native of Saxony, Germany, where he was born Dec 22, 1840. He came to New York when thirteen years of age and later removed to Galena where he lived for five years. After that he removed to Dubuque and later to East Dubuque where he has made his home for the past twenty-five years. He was employed as a stationary engineer and was employed at the Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association for ten years. Six years ago he retired from active work. He was an honest upright citizen whose death will be deeply regretted by his many friends. He is survived by his wife and six children, William of Dubuque, R. H. and Louis of East Dubuque, Mrs. George Fleischman of Monto Vista, Colo., Mrs. Arthur Haynes, Meadow, S. D., and Dr. A. P. Heller of Monto Vista, Colo. Also by one brother William of Rodden, Ill. His older brother R. H. of this city, whose death occurred several years ago. Deceased was a member of Wilday Lodge I. O. O. F. of Galena and the National Stationary Engineers association. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Submitted by Christa Hughes.