A learned genealogist once suggested to me to use the Personal Property Taxes to search for an ancestor. These list not only those who own real property, but the renter who only had a horse or some farm equipment. These lists were found in the back of each Township's Real Property Tax Book. Woodland Township Tax Book was not found, so the 1856 taxes were substituted. These books are now located in the Galena History Room at the Galena Public Library.
In Whose Name Listed |
PP Value |
Township |
Delinquent Reason |
Gaarner, W. G. |
200 |
West Galena |
Gable, Esther |
212 |
Hanover |
Gaffner, J. |
200 |
West Galena |
Gage, William |
193 |
Hanover |
Gague, Zackaria & H.G. |
384 |
Stockton |
Gale, Thomas |
546 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Galpin, Thomas |
455 |
Hanover |
Gambier, Claude |
420 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Gamble, Daniel |
793 |
Derinda |
Gammon, Joseph Jnr |
450 |
East Galena |
Gammon, Joseph Senr |
290 |
East Galena |
Gann, Mariah |
37 |
Courtland |
Ganse, Joseph |
100 |
West Galena |
not found |
Gard, Lot |
355 |
Hanover |
Gardner, J. C. |
100 |
West Galena |
Garey, Patrick |
75 |
Council Hill |
not found |
Garland, Richarfd |
275 |
East Galena |
Garner, A. |
2250 |
West Galena |
Garner, Casper |
75 |
Derinda |
Garner, John |
1870 |
West Galena |
Garrett, Hiram |
135 |
Council Hill |
Garrett, Thomas |
247 |
East Galena |
moved out of the county |
Garton, Anson |
244 |
Pleasant Val |
Gates, E. (shoemaker Weston) |
15 |
Elizabeth |
no property found |
Gates, Edmond |
1209 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Gates, Isaac |
870 |
Stockton |
Gates. Sa,ie; |
508 |
Pleasant Val |
Gayetty, W. L. |
160 |
Derinda |
Gayetty, Wm. L. |
135 |
Hanover |
Gear, H. H. |
190 |
Council Hill |
pd to Maupin 4-5-1855 |
Gear, H. H. |
1200 |
West Galena |
Geer, William T. |
420 |
Guilford |
Gelvin, Dennis |
495 |
West Galena |
George, Alexander |
257 |
Hanover |
George, John |
153 |
Hanover |
George, Lewis |
228 |
Hanover |
Gesner, John |
103 |
Guilford |
Gholson, Francis |
177 |
Rush |
Giddings, A. H. |
943 |
Wards Grove |
Gilchrist, Alexander |
43 |
Hanover |
Gill, Richard |
48 |
Elizabeth |
Gill, William (Elizabeth) |
25 |
Elizabeth |
Gill, William (Weston) |
843 |
Elizabeth |
Gillett, Almond S. |
394 |
Rush |
Gillett, C. H. |
1293 |
Hanover |
Gilmore, H. |
100 |
West Galena |
Ginn, Johnson |
673 |
East Galena |
Girdon, G. W. |
130 |
West Galena |
Girton, John |
105 |
Nora |
Gison, Porter |
192 |
Derinda |
Givens, James |
56 |
Hanover |
Givens, William |
605 |
Hanover |
Glass, W. S. |
292 |
Scales Mound |
Gleson, P. |
25 |
Nora |
Not found |
Glessner & Co. |
410 |
Elizabeth |
Glessner, Henry |
10 |
Elizabeth |
Glessner, Watson & Co |
1500 |
Elizabeth |
Glisson, Isaac |
1456 |
Hanover |
Gloizier, Nicholas |
272 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Glover, Milton |
67 |
Elizabeth |
Gobbe, S. K. |
183 |
Thompson |
Goen, John |
389 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Goffner, John |
165 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Going, A. J. |
776 |
Scales Mound |
Golden, Henry |
411 |
Hanover |
Goldsborough, C. W. |
227 |
Courtland |
can't be found |
Goldthorp, Joseph |
1143 |
Elizabeth |
Goldthorp, William |
117 |
Elizabeth |
Gonsally, Noah |
77 |
Wards Grove |
Goodburn, George |
165 |
Council Hill |
Goodmiller, Michael |
512 |
Pleasant Val |
Goodwin, George |
100 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Goodwin, Wm. E. |
178 |
Guilford |
Gorden, A. J. |
383 |
Guilford |
Gordon, Alexander |
309 |
Courtland |
Gosney, George |
39 |
Elizabeth |
Gothard, Isaac |
218 |
Derinda |
Gott, Sutton |
25 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Gouge, John |
75 |
Council Hill |
no property |
Gouk, Michael |
240 |
Derinda |
Gould, John |
247 |
Courtland |
Gourd, Henry |
366 |
Elizabeth |
Grace, Edward |
330 |
West Galena |
Grace, James |
250 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Grace, William |
450 |
West Galena |
Grady, Patrick |
271 |
Elizabeth |
Graham, E. |
235 |
West Galena |
Graham, E. & Co |
2100 |
West Galena |
Graham, Theodore |
344 |
Courtland |
Graham, Thomas J. |
259 |
Rush |
Grant, David |
45 |
Hanover |
Grant, J. R. |
6000 |
West Galena |
Granvill, Seth |
67 |
Scales Mound |
Grate, William |
302 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Graves, Charles Estate |
127 |
Wards Grove |
Graves, HOmer |
557 |
Wards Grove |
Graves, Joseph |
80 |
Courtland |
Graves, William |
440 |
Wards Grove |
Gray & Center |
200 |
Courtland |
Gray, Ann |
428 |
Council Hill |
Gray, J. S. |
288 |
East Galena |
Gray, James |
143 |
Courtland |
Gray, James |
374 |
East Galena |
Gray, JErisha |
439 |
Pleasant Val |
Gray, Martin |
255 |
West Galena |
Gray, Orange |
618 |
Wards Grove |
Green Goldthorp & Co |
3722 |
Elizabeth |
Green, Abraham |
694 |
Pleasant Val |
Green, Andrew |
136 |
Hanover |
Green, Henry |
117 |
Elizabeth |
Green, J. O. |
177 |
Guilford |
Green, James |
90 |
Guilford |
Green, Jesse |
414 |
Elizabeth |
Green, John |
128 |
Elizabeth |
Green, John |
363 |
Guilford |
Green, John |
410 |
Hanover |
Green, W. B. |
1596 |
West Galena |
Green, William |
237 |
Pleasant Val |
Green, William T. |
48 |
Elizabeth |
Green, William T. |
39 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Greenshaw, Owen |
117 |
East Galena |
Gregary, John |
149 |
Council Hill |
Griffiths, J. G. |
1950 |
West Galena |
Groeinger, Christopher |
299 |
Derinda |
Groeinger, Jacob |
634 |
Derinda |
Groeinger, John |
666 |
Derinda |
Groeinger, Samuel |
114 |
Derinda |
Groesbeck, Down |
457 |
Wards Grove |
Groesbeck, Elizabeth |
106 |
Wards Grove |
Gronner, William H. |
18 |
Council Hill |
Gruff, John |
140 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Grunday, James |
973 |
Scales Mound |
Guannella, Thos |
2050 |
West Galena |
Gumme, Julius |
340 |
West Galena |
Gunn, Hugh |
347 |
Thompson |
Gunsolly, Edger |
129 |
Pleasant Val |
Haas, George |
552 |
Derinda |
Haas, George Jnr |
74 |
Derinda |
Haas, George No. 2 |
140 |
Derinda |
Haas, Jacob |
497 |
Derinda |
Hackett, U. & H. |
535 |
Derinda |
Hagarty, Thomas |
98 |
Elizabeth |
Hager, Samuel K. |
315 |
Wards Grove |
Haig, Peter |
27 |
Elizabeth |
Haight, J. J. |
400 |
Stockton |
Hailfreith, Leonard |
54 |
Elizabeth |
Haines, A. M. |
8500 |
West Galena |
Haines, Martin |
49 |
Elizabeth |
Hale & Jordan |
810 |
West Galena |
Hale, Asa |
400 |
West Galena |
Hale, Charles |
282 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hall, Japeth |
252 |
Stockton |
Hall, Ralph |
265 |
Council Hill |
Hallett, Timothy |
402 |
East Galena |
Halsher, Vensell |
158 |
East Galena |
Hamblin, Leven |
359 |
Pleasant Val |
Hamilton, ELisha C. |
138 |
Stockton |
Hamilton, Thomas |
164 |
Rush |
Hamilton, Thomas |
345 |
Thompson |
Hammel, Patrick |
130 |
East Galena |
Hammer, Rudolph |
353 |
Guilford |
Hammond, George |
610 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hammond, Henry |
469 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hammond, Matthew |
100 |
East Galena |
Hammond, W. K. |
1343 |
Hanover |
Hancock, John & J. Harvey |
249 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hancock, Wm. |
157 |
Scales Mound |
Handel, Daniel |
185 |
Derinda |
Handel, Jacob |
1671 |
Derinda |
Handley, David |
217 |
Council Hill |
Hanfelt, John |
143 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hannah, James |
886 |
Hanover |
Hannley, William |
241 |
Hanover |
Hans, Enoch |
80 |
Stockton |
Hansing, Charles |
105 |
East Galena |
Hardin, Mary |
115 |
Thompson |
Hardwick, Chas |
100 |
West Galena |
Hardy, Thomas |
113 |
Elizabeth |
Hare, Christian |
120 |
East Galena |
Hare, Jacob |
368 |
Guilford |
Hargrave, Bernard |
231 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hargrave, Frederick |
304 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Harker, John |
150 |
Council Hill |
mvoed to Wisconsin |
Harkness, James |
286 |
Elizabeth |
Harmond, Fred |
281 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Harness, Adam |
146 |
Rush |
Harper, Matthew |
657 |
Hanover |
Harper, William |
200 |
Elizabeth |
not fouond |
Harring, Andrew |
82 |
Derinda |
Harrington, Philip |
115 |
West Galena |
Unknown |
Harrington, Thomas |
186 |
Pleasant Val |
Harris, D. S. |
2000 |
West Galena |
Harris, Edward |
1726 |
Elizabeth |
Harris, Elisha |
443 |
Rush |
Harris, J. M. |
470 |
West Galena |
Harris, Nelson |
25 |
Nora |
Not found |
Harris, R. S. |
570 |
West Galena |
Harris, R. S. & Co |
8150 |
West Galena |
Harris, R.S. & Co |
1400 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Harris, Thomas |
331 |
Council Hill |
Harrison, Thos |
166 |
Pleasant Val |
Hart, Michael |
107 |
East Galena |
Hartman, Benjn |
419 |
Pleasant Val |
Harvey, Joseph |
178 |
Guilford |
Harvey, William |
63 |
Council Hill |
Haskell, Sarah |
85 |
Nora |
Hasslun, James |
525 |
Elizabeth |
Hasson, Robert |
236 |
Pleasant Val |
Hatfield, Begamin |
56 |
Hanover |
Hathaway, S. W. |
685 |
Guilford |
Haun, David |
238 |
Wards Grove |
Hauper, John |
530 |
Council Hill |
Havon, A. |
150 |
West Galena |
Havon, A. & Co |
500 |
West Galena |
Hawking, John |
55 |
Scales Mound |
gone to Wisconsin |
Hawkins, J. D. |
258 |
Council Hill |
moved to Ioway |
Hawkins, William |
272 |
Council Hill |
Haws, John M. |
336 |
Stockton |
Hawthorn, G. |
135 |
West Galena |
Hay, C. |
197 |
Nora |
Hay, John |
190 |
Nora |
Hays, J. B. |
191 |
Stockton |
Hays, John |
32 |
Hanover |
Hays, Patrick |
370 |
Thompson |
Hazelette, Charles |
444 |
Elizabeth |
Hazier, Joseph |
320 |
Council Hill |
Hazle, Jos Estate |
1120 |
Elizabeth |
R. Bron Admr |
Headland, John |
185 |
Council Hill |
Healey, Wm |
300 |
West Galena |
Unknown |
Heibarger, Jacob |
150 |
Guilford |
Heitz, Francis |
1500 |
West Galena |
left the State |
Helfrick, Leonard |
133 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hempstead, A. S. |
1195 |
West Galena |
Hempstead, Wm. Estate |
1270 |
West Galena |
Henchier, Jacob |
299 |
Guilford |
Hendershott, Jonathan |
1763 |
Derinda |
Henderson, John |
304 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hennings, Andrew |
285 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Henry, David |
364 |
Guilford |
Henry, Robt |
5160 |
West Galena |
Henry, William |
246 |
Elizabeth |
Henry, William |
473 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hentsough, Peter |
381 |
Nora |
Herrington, Allen |
117 |
Pleasant Val |
Herrington, Stephen |
221 |
Pleasant Val |
Hess, Henry |
444 |
East Galena |
Hesselbacker, Adam |
237 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hessler & Johnson |
800 |
West Galena |
Hewitt, Michael |
140 |
Stockton |
Hewitt, Nathaniel |
153 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hickey, Edward |
771 |
Derinda |
Hicks, George |
411 |
Nora |
Hicks, Henry |
605 |
Guilford |
Hicks, Hiram C. |
433 |
Hanover |
No property found |
Hicks, Thomas |
983 |
Courtland |
lives in Dist No. 1 |
Hightman, Bernard |
412 |
East Galena |
Higley, Alvern |
265 |
West Galena |
Hildreth, Roswell |
548 |
Nora |
Not found |
Hileman, Edward |
86 |
Wards Grove |
Hileman, Michael |
240 |
Stockton |
Hileman, Michael |
615 |
Wards Grove |
Hill, Silas |
2425 |
Nora |
Hill, Thomas |
150 |
Thompson |
Hillyard, Lanson |
527 |
Pleasant Val |
Himes, Francis |
190 |
East Galena |
Hines, Thomas |
134 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hinkley, W. T. |
598 |
East Galena |
Hirshberg, H. |
1200 |
West Galena |
Hitchcock, Daniel F. |
115 |
Pleasant Val |
left the county |
Hitchcock, Francis |
190 |
Pleasant Val |
left the county |
Hitt, Thadeus |
570 |
Elizabeth |
Hitt, Thadeus |
644 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hitz, John |
208 |
Derinda |
Hocking, Francis |
180 |
Guilford |
Hodge & Morrison |
1000 |
West Galena |
Hodgens, A. F. |
120 |
West Galena |
Hodgoon, M. B. |
358 |
Thompson |
Hodgson, Elizabeth |
35 |
Council Hill |
Hodgson, Ermerson |
185 |
Thompson |
Hoffman, John |
220 |
West Galena |
Hogan, L. |
20 |
West Galena |
Not found |
Hogan, William |
82 |
Council Hill |
Holcomb, Alanzo |
222 |
Rush |
Holcomb, Asa |
183 |
Rush |
Holcomb, Jonathan |
125 |
Elizabeth |
Holcomb, Newel |
598 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Holland, Thomas |
456 |
Elizabeth |
Holmes, Benjm |
233 |
Nora |
Holmes, George |
140 |
Derinda |
Holmes, George |
217 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Holmes, William |
41 |
Scales Mound |
Holobler, J. F. |
90 |
Courtland |
Holsten, Thos |
300 |
West Galena |
Unknown |
Holtcamp, Henry |
112 |
East Galena |
Holten, Artemis |
268 |
Hanover |
Honeyman, Chas |
344 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hoosier, Nicholas |
282 |
East Galena |
Hoover, Emanuel |
40 |
Hanover |
Hoover, William |
212 |
Rush |
Hope, W. L. |
360 |
West Galena |
Hopkins, Herman |
190 |
Woodbine 1856 |
left the town |
Hopkins, R. |
216 |
Stockton |
Horn, James |
140 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Horn, Martin |
80 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Horr, J. S. |
172 |
Elizabeth |
Horton, John |
75 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Hoskings, Joseph |
25 |
Council Hill |
Dead |
Hoskins, John |
430 |
Elizabeth |
Hoskins, John L. |
177 |
Thompson |
Houghton, H. H. & Co |
5000 |
West Galena |
House, Bradford |
211 |
Pleasant Val |
House, Ransom |
342 |
Pleasant Val |
House, Seth W. |
212 |
Pleasant Val |
House, William |
72 |
Scales Mound |
Houy, George |
200 |
West Galena |
Houy, Philip |
718 |
East Galena |
Houy, William |
77 |
East Galena |
How, Bart |
300 |
West Galena |
no property found |
Howard, B. B. |
500 |
West Galena |
Howard, E. G. |
22 |
Rush |
Howarth, Thomas |
15 |
Elizabeth |
Howarth, William |
343 |
Elizabeth |
no property found |
Howe, Elijah |
332 |
Council Hill |
Howe, John |
295 |
Scales Mound |
Howland, George W. |
39 |
Elizabeth |
Hubbard, George |
111 |
Courtland |
Hubbard, Soloman |
353 |
Nora |
Huber, Fred |
95 |
West Galena |
Huber, Henry |
50 |
Thompson |
Hubert, A. |
500 |
West Galena |
left the State |
Hudh, John |
336 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Huffman, Adam |
229 |
Pleasant Val |
Huffman, John |
32 |
Courtland |
can't be found |
Hughes, John |
229 |
Derinda |
Hughlett, Saml |
1590 |
West Galena |
Hughs, John |
890 |
Scales Mound |
Hughs, Richard |
339 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Huibery, William |
324 |
Derinda |
Hultz, Henry |
280 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hunkins, D. S. |
265 |
East Galena |
Hunt, Benson |
575 |
Hanover |
Hunt, Hiram |
1381 |
Hanover |
Hunt, James |
230 |
Hanover |
Hunt, Orson |
180 |
Hanover |
Hunt, William |
756 |
Hanover |
Hunt, William C. |
100 |
Wards Grove |
Huntington, W. W. |
350 |
West Galena |
Husted, Lyman |
1790 |
West Galena |
Hutcamp, John |
154 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Hutchins, Matilda |
75 |
Stockton |
Hutchinson, John |
245 |
Elizabeth |
Hutchison, S. A. |
170 |
Courtland |
Hutton, M. by guardian B. Ward |
250 |
Wards Grove |
Hutton, William |
35 |
Elizabeth |
Hutton, William |
38 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Imel, George |
285 |
Hanover |
No property found |
Imel, John |
20 |
Hanover |
No property found |
Imholt, Henry |
231 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Ingersol, Garrett |
142 |
Courtland |
Ingersol, Scoby |
283 |
Courtland |
Ingram, James |
55 |
Scales Mound |
Inscko, Thomas |
648 |
Stockton |
Ireland, P. |
42 |
Courtland |
Ireland, P. & Co. |
300 |
Courtland |
Irvin, George |
167 |
Courtland |
Irvin, J. M. |
800 |
Courtland |
Irvin, Peter |
472 |
Wards Grove |
Irvin, Samuel |
390 |
Courtland |
Irwin, James |
238 |
Elizabeth |
Irwin, Robert |
339 |
Elizabeth |
Isbell T.E. & J.K. |
409 |
Elizabeth |
Isbell, E. T. |
1147 |
Guilford |
Isbell, G.B. [crossed out] |
Elizabeth |
Isbell, P. P. |
175 |
Thompson |
Isbell, William |
299 |
Thompson |
Ives, William |
329 |
Pleasant Val |
Ivey, Edward |
343 |
Elizabeth |
Ivey, James |
224 |
East Galena |
Ivey, Warrne |
280 |
East Galena |
Jackson, A. J. |
200 |
West Galena |
Jackson, John |
200 |
West Galena |
Not Found |
Jackson, Obadiah |
3000 |
Courtland |
Jackson, William |
144 |
East Galena |
Jacobs, James A. |
60 |
Scales Mound |
Gone to Minnesota |
Jacobs, Joseph |
53 |
Elizabeth |
Jacobs, Westley |
198 |
East Galena |
Jagger, James |
377 |
Scales Mound |
Jagger, Samuel |
409 |
Thompson |
James, Richard |
164 |
Council Hill |
James, William |
117 |
Council Hill |
Jamison, George |
600 |
Courtland |
Jamison, Samuel |
863 |
Hanover |
Jeffers, Charles |
294 |
Derinda |
Jeffers, Stephen |
5936 |
Hanover |
Jeffers, Thomas |
48 |
Thompson |
Jehle, Stephen |
450 |
West Galena |
Not Found |
Jelly, John |
311 |
Guilford |
Jenkins, James |
207 |
Elizabeth |
Jenkins, William |
51 |
Stockton |
Jennings, Jonathan |
511 |
Rush |
Jewell, Alfred |
725 |
Scales Mound |
Jewell, Edman |
550 |
Scales Mound |
Jewell, J. H. |
750 |
Elizabeth |
Jewell, Thomas |
426 |
Scales Mound |
Jobe, Saml Guardian of Adkin ?? |
200 |
Hanover |
Jobe, Samuel |
900 |
Hanover |
Johns, Edwin |
545 |
West Galena |
Johns, Richard |
38 |
Council Hill |
Johnson & Barrows |
3400 |
West Galena |
Johnson & Brand |
2500 |
West Galena |
Johnson, David |
315 |
East Galena |
Johnson, J. L. |
600 |
West Galena |
Johnson, J. W. |
263 |
Nora |
Johnson, John |
28 |
Elizabeth |
Johnson, John |
275 |
Hanover |
Johnson, M. Y. |
950 |
West Galena |
Johnson, O. S. |
250 |
West Galena |
Johnson, Samuel |
658 |
Stockton |
Johnson, Stephen |
395 |
Stockton |
Johnson, Stephen Jnr |
298 |
Stockton |
Johnson, Wm Senr |
50 |
Derinda |
Johnson, Wm. Jnr |
705 |
Derinda |
Johnston, J. |
320 |
West Galena |
Jones, A. |
80 |
West Galena |
Jones, Cyrus |
103 |
Nora |
Jones, E. Dr. |
100 |
West Galena |
Jones, John |
30 |
Scales Mound |
Jones, John |
30 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Jones, Nathan |
234 |
Nora |
Jones, Oliver |
120 |
Rush |
Jones, P. M. |
100 |
Elizabeth |
did not own the property |
Jones, R. S. |
1470 |
East Galena |
Jones, William |
217 |
Elizabeth |
Jordain, Robert |
206 |
Derinda |
Jordain, William |
202 |
Derinda |
Jordan & Dean |
500 |
West Galena |
Jordan, John |
20 |
West Galena |
Unknown |
Jordan, W. A. |
405 |
West Galena |
Journey, William |
1186 |
Pleasant Val |
left the county |
Judson, C. & Son |
2195 |
Nora |
Judson, Charles |
120 |
Nora |
Judy, Lenhardt |
58 |
Guilford |
Kahl, Anthony |
505 |
Derinda |
Karney, Hugh |
319 |
Rush |
Karrmann, Geo. |
608 |
West Galena |
Kartner, Conrad |
301 |
Pleasant Val |
Keenan, Arthur |
150 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Keenan, Widow |
48 |
Thompson |
Keentlehwer, Lewis |
200 |
Woodbine 1856 |
left the town |
Keiser, Nicholas |
305 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Keithley, J. W. |
74 |
Elizabeth |
no property found |
Kelcher, James |
175 |
East Galena |
Keller, Bartlet |
400 |
Guilford |
Kelley, John |
25 |
Nora |
Kelley, Richard |
195 |
Courtland |
Kelly, Daniel |
90 |
West Galena |
Kelly, John |
889 |
Hanover |
Kelly, Michael |
110 |
Guilford |
Kelly, Thos D. |
258 |
West Galena |
Kelty, John (on J. Moore farm) |
126 |
Elizabeth |
Kemler, Chas |
100 |
West Galena |
Kemler, Fred |
220 |
West Galena |
Kemp, Frederick |
208 |
Derinda |
Kemph, Morris |
128 |
Guilford |
Kempthorn, Thomas |
266 |
Rush |
Kendall, Geo. W. |
23 |
Elizabeth |
not in the Town in Galena |
Kennedy, Patrick |
10 |
Scales Mound |
Left the Town |
Kenney, John |
28 |
Courtland |
Kent, Aratus |
500 |
West Galena |
Kent, John |
137 |
Thompson |
Kepner, Benjm |
841 |
Nora |
Kepper, William |
25 |
Scales Mound |
Kettlewell, John |
50 |
Courtland |
Kevern, John |
281 |
East Galena |
Killmore, Soloman |
160 |
Elizabeth |
no property found |
Killpatrick, Andrew |
345 |
West Galena |
Killpatrick, Jas |
280 |
West Galena |
King, John |
105 |
Hanover |
Kinney, Alpheus |
330 |
Stockton |
Kinney, Washington |
137 |
Stockton |
Kinnison, W. W. |
971 |
Nora |
Kipp, Henry |
125 |
East Galena |
Kirkindale, Levi |
493 |
Rush |
Kitter, E. D. |
400 |
West Galena |
Klett, Casper |
80 |
West Galena |
Kline, John W. |
458 |
Rush |
Klingle & Ferdinand |
6000 |
West Galena |
Klingle, Peter |
300 |
West Galena |
Klumper, Henry |
262 |
East Galena |
Knapp, Cyrus |
212 |
Stockton |
Knock, Frederick |
739 |
Derinda |
Knox, Thomas |
658 |
Elizabeth |
Knucky - see Nucky |
Scales Mound |
Knucky, Wm |
108 |
Thompson |
left the county |
Kobin, J. H. |
164 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Kohlsaat, Jacob |
1550 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Kohlsat, Reimer |
100 |
West Galena |
Kossuth, Hennry |
75 |
Scales Mound |
Krechlilng, Louis |
100 |
West Galena |
Not Found |
Kroll, George |
59 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Kroll, John |
83 |
Woodbine 1856 |
Kruse, Henry |
364 |
East Galena |
Kucheman, John |
200 |
West Galena |
Kuhl, John & Henry |
175 |
Menom & Dnlth |
Kyle, William |
1822 |
East Galena |