A learned genealogist once suggested to me to use the Personal Property Taxes to search for an ancestor. These list not only those who own real property, but the renter who only had a horse or some farm equipment. These lists were found in the back of each Township's Real Property Tax Book. Woodland Township Tax Book was not found, so the 1856 taxes were substituted. These books are now located in the Galena History Room at the Galena Public Library.


In Whose Name Listed

PP Value


Delinquent Reason

Valentine, H.

413 Guilford

Vanderlinder, John C.

304 Pleasant Val

Vanderlinder, William

331 Pleasant Val

Vandyke, Ferdinand

50 Rush

Vanslike, William

162 Courtland

Vanvoltenburg, Henry

701 Woodbine 1856

Varring, Francis

423 Guilford

Vaughn, Edward

293 Thompson

Vaughn, James

69 Elizabeth

Venable, James

239 Pleasant Val

Venable, W. W.

1620 West Galena

Verrin, William

530 East Galena

Vick, Joseph

352 Rush

Vincent, Wm. & Charles

876 East Galena

Vipond, William

911 Scales Mound

Virtue, Adam

441 East Galena

Virtue, David

477 East Galena

Virtue, James

311 East Galena

Virtue, John

270 West Galena

Virtue, Wm

355 West Galena

Vise, Jacob

213 East Galena

Voltz, George

963 East Galena

Vroman, Adam

146 Rush

Vulter, Marks

190 Menom & Dnlth

Waddington [no first name]

56 Nora

Wadleigh, W. S.

150 Hanover

Waggoner, Conrod

38 East Galena

Waggoner, J. N.

1400 West Galena

Waldo, Stephen

163 Wards Grove

Walker, D.J.M.

165 West Galena

Walker, M. O.

190 West Galena

Walker, Thomas

395 East Galena

Walsh, Henry

70 West Galena

Walter, John

248 Pleasant Val

Wand, Constantin

320 East Galena

Wansey, Jabez

25 Hanover

Wansey, William

163 Hanover

Ward, Bernard

138 Wards Grove

Warner, A. C.

100 Nora

Warner, Austin

1115 Nora

Warner, G. W.

352 Nora

Warner, Samuel

604 Thompson

Watcheler, H.

450 West Galena

delinquent, reason unknown

Waterman, W. L.

145 Council Hill

Waters, John

350 West Galena

Waters, John & Co

50 West Galena

Watgerman, Lucius

408 Thompson

Watkins, David J.

122 Thompson

Watros, Nicias A.

240 Courtland

Watrous, E. C.

60 Courtland

Watson, George

369 Thompson

Watson, Joseph

65 Elizabeth

Watson, Marvin

290 Thompson

Watts, James B.

560 Elizabeth

Watts, James B.

385 Woodbine 1856

Way, Arad

318 Stockton

Way, H. H.

280 Rush

Way, Manlone

66 Nora

Wayman, Mrs.

239 Elizabeth

Wear, Robert

408 Courtland

Webb. Isiah

259 Guilford

Webber. Kpjm

1324 Elizabeth

Weber, Michael

100 West Galena

Webster, Arthur N.

100 Elizabeth

Webster, John

30 Guilford

Webster, Jos

340 Courtland

Wedger, Joseph

150 West Galena

delinquent, reason unknown

Weigley, W.

520 West Galena

Wein, Anthony

150 East Galena

Wein, Henry

213 East Galena

Weir, James

432 Woodbine 1856

Weir, Thompson

747 Woodbine 1856

Welch, Mrs. R. (Geo McColly)

325 West Galena

Welch, Patrick

220 West Galena

Weldon, James

377 East Galena

moved to Iowa

Wells, John

100 Hanover

Wenner, John

594 Thompson

West, George

222 Stockton

Westerly, E. C.

640 Thompson

Westfall, Alfred

123 Stockton

Westfall, James

331 Stockton

Westfall, Walter

180 Stockton

Wettenberger, H.

140 West Galena

delinquent, reason unknown

Wetzel, Valentine

397 Guilford

Whaling, Patrick

110 Menom & Dnlth

Wheeler & Nicholas

240 Courtland

Wheeler, Charles

350 Menom & Dnlth

Whibley, George

375 Derinda

Whibley, Jacob

347 Derinda

Whibley, Jacob Senr

385 Derinda

Whilley, Abraham

25 Thompson

Whinship, John

118 Courtland

White, Allen

109 Pleasant Val

White, Andrew

670 Elizabeth

White, Benjamin

266 Wards Grove

White, Frederick

347 Thompson

White, Horace T.

90 Elizabeth

gone to Springfield

White, J. & Son

1850 Hanover

White, J. W.

3867 Hanover

White, James

239 Pleasant Val

White, James

110 Pleasant Val

White, James

177 Thompson

White, John

35 Hanover

White, John

529 Scales Mound

White, Jonathan

623 Hanover

White, Joseph

100 West Galena

White, L.

150 East Galena

moved to Iowa

White, William

818 Guilford

White, WIlliam

55 Menom & Dnlth

White, William

254 Wards Grove

Whitehead, David

1750 West Galena

Whiteman, N.

195 West Galena

delinquent, reason unknown

Whitmore, John C.

304 Courtland

Whitney & Whitown

1250 West Galena

Whitney, A.C.

100 West Galena

Whitson, Alvin

279 Stockton

Whitson, Harris

170 Stockton

Whitson, William

355 Stockton

Whitson, Z.

459 Stockton

Whittick, Charles

408 Woodbine 1856

Wholock, Asa

41 Stockton

Wholock, Oscar M.

178 Stockton

Wicks, Henry

372 Nora

Wiese, Frederick

233 Wards Grove

Wight, Lucy

123 East Galena

Wilcox, Abram

420 Elizabeth

Wiley, George

579 Nora

Wiley, Joseph

620 Hanover

Wiley, Mead

203 Hanover

Wilkerson, Jacob

199 Woodbine 1856

Wilkerson, James

662 Courtland

Wilkerson, William

658 Woodbine 1856

Wilkinson, Elisha H.

250 Stockton

Willard, Henry

345 Guilford

Willcocks, Elijah

47 Pleasant Val

Willey, Edward D.

202 Council Hill

Williams, Alfred

327 Rush

Williams, Amaziah

160 Thompson

not found

Williams, Benj

492 Scales Mound

Williams, Benjamin

184 Thompson

Williams, Christopher

347 Courtland

Williams, D. R.

230 West Galena

Williams, Daniel

505 Woodbine 1856

Williams, George W.

1037 Elizabeth

Williams, Henry (Capt)

159 Elizabeth

Williams, Isaac

286 Elizabeth

Williams, James

75 Courtland

Williams, John (Long Hollow)

20 Elizabeth

no property found

Williams, John A.

137 Pleasant Val

Williams, Martin

100 Elizabeth

Williams, N.

48 Nora

Williams, Nathan

36 Courtland

Williams, Robert

200 Nora

Williams, Saml

103 Thompson

not found

Williams, Thomas

47 Scales Mound

Williams, W.R.

320 Rush

Williams, Watkins

776 Pleasant Val

Williams, William

831 Council Hill

Williams, Wm. S.

120 Pleasant Val

Williamson, Joseph

724 Hanover

Williamson, Ritchey

396 Hanover

Willis, W.B.

425 West Galena

Willis, W.B. & Co

10100 West Galena

Wilson, Absolem

544 Elizabeth

Wilson, Benjamin W.

384 Elizabeth

Wilson, Charles

85 Hanover

Wilson, Hiram

510 West Galena

Wilson, James

287 Courtland

Wilson, James

49 Elizabeth

not found

Wilson, Jessee

895 Stockton

Wilson, Joseph

270 Rush

Wilson, Metillers

148 Courtland

Wilson, Samuel

149 Stockton

Wilson, Sarah

450 Stockton

Wilson, William

205 Courtland

Wilson, William

312 Stockton

Winchell, Stephen

129 Hanover

Winter, Conrod

348 Thompson

Winters, George

330 Derinda

Winters, Henry

253 Guilford

Wise, Antoine

361 Guilford

Wise, John

115 Scales Mound

Wise, Joseph

214 East Galena

Wise, Moses

315 Hanover

Left for parts unknown

Wishon, Martin

482 Elizabeth

Wolf, Jones

202 Pleasant Val

Wolf, W. & C.

100 Stockton

Wonderly, J. Y.

200 West Galena

Wood, Curtis

386 Scales Mound

Wood, Geo A.

222 Thompson

Wood, Gerrad

80 Rush

moved away

Woodberry, Daniel

150 Hanover

Gone to Iowa

Woodruft, P. W.

520 West Galena

Woodward, Geo W.

285 East Galena

Woodward, J. F.

330 West Galena

Woodworth, H. G.

147 Courtland

Woodworth, Porter

508 Courtland

Woolcott, Henry A.

413 Woodbine 1856

Woolever, Andrew

244 East Galena

Woster, Andrew

112 Derinda

Woster, Andrew Sent

192 Derinda

Woster, Samuel

30 Derinda

Wright, Burton

470 Stockton

Wright, Columbus

251 Stockton

Wright, John

18 Hanover

Wright, Robert

299 Derinda

Wyman, Thomas

1243 Elizabeth

Yelland, David

365 West Galena

Yenna, John

25 Thompson

not found

Young, Alexander

2500 West Galena

Young, Allison

40 Hanover

Young, James S.

85 Hanover

Young, John T. (Long Hollow)

280 Elizabeth

Young, Robert L.

400 Elizabeth

Yowl, John

414 Scales Mound

Yuke, S.H.R.

304 Rush

Zink, Christian

106 East Galena

Zins, Jacob

360 West Galena

Zoellier, Louis

175 West Galena