From the Hanover Journal, January 16, 1907

Rang merrily in the house of Mr. And Mrs. Benjamin Keene, on the North side, on Monday evening Jan. 14, 1907 when their daughter, Miss Mary Keene was united in marriage to Mr. Harvey J. Turk, of Belmont, Wis.

About fifty guests assembled to participate in the wedding festivities, and as the majority of them were young people, the life-long friends, class and schoolmates of the bride, there was a good time for all, as joy reigned unconfined.

The rooms were handsomely decorated in green and white. In the parlor, an alcove had been fitted up with lace curtains and palms. The dining room also was decorated in green and white and streamers ran from the table to a lamp suspended above it, producing a very pretty effect. Bouquets of white and green adorned the tables.

At eight o'clock, White's orchestra played Mendelssohn's wedding march, when the bride appeared leaning on the arm of her father; they were followed by Miss Brookie Keene, bridesmaid and Mr. Hiram Hunt, who acted as best man. When the party reached the alcove in the parlor, the groom appeared, and received the bride from her father, and then the young couple took their places beneath the arch and in front of the palms.

Rev. H. J. Collins, stepped forward and proceeded to pronounce the simple, but impressive words which united the destinies of the young couple. When the clergyman offered prayer, and then Mr. and Mrs. Collins led the way to the dining room, followed by the newly wedded pair and guests.

To say that the wedding supper was sumptuous is expressing it mildly, and that the guests did ample justice to the delicate viands goes without saying.

The bride was tastefully gowned in cream silk and wool crepe de chien, trimmed with chiffon, and she carried a large bouquet of pink carnations.

The groom was attired in - well, the usual color - conventional, etc.; the best man followed suit. After supper the newly married pair received the hearty congratulations of their friends, and until midnight everybody enjoyed a good time and the orchestra furnished music, although Master Glenn Keene and Rev. H. J. Collins took part by singing several solos and duets.

The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Keene and was born and reared in Hanover, where she has always been a general favorite. The young lady is noted for her wit and repartee, and possesses rare literary and poetical ability, and some of her poems have been published in the Chicago papers. She also has a natural talent for sketching and drawing, and had she seen fit to devote her life to literary work instead on marital happiness, there is no doubt in the minds of her friends but that she would have achieved more than ordinary success.

The groom is a comparative stranger her, but appears to be a young man of character and decision, and he is a young gentleman of good habits, industrious and energetic. He is engaged in conduction a barber shop with his brother in Belmont, Wis., where he will take his bride. He has made many friends among Hanoverians during his brief visits here.

Mr. and Mrs. Turk received many handsome and useful presents from their friends. They left Tuesday afternoon for Prairie de Chien and Boscobel, Wis., where they will visit friends for a week or two before going to their home in Belmont.

The JOURNAL joins their many friends in best wishes for a long prosperous marital voyage.

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