
This document contains the names of the probated estate files from approximately 1828 to 1915 taken from an obsolete Probate Ledger donated to the Galena History Room. Around 1915 all the files pertaining to the probate court were reorganized in metal boxes along the walls of the interior room at the Circuit Clerks Office. Each numbered metal box contains papers pertaining to the process of probating or administering an estate. The original wills start with Box Number 1, followed by the security bonds filed by the estate administrators and executors, followed by Guardian files for minor heirs of an estate.

The estate files were alphabetized with the letter “A” estates starting in Box 71. The revised box number has been used in the following typed index.

The estate file can contain the following documents:

1. Report of death with the list of heirs.

2. Inventory of assets and the appraised value.

3. List of outstanding bills, this can include the burial expenses, clothes, doctor visits, coffin, and old unpaid bills and notes.

4. Sale bill at public auction of any personal estate, usually the purchaser of each item is given which could include relatives and neighbors.

5. Petitions to the court, such as to sell real estate to pay outstanding bills.

6. Final distribution of the estate assets. Usually addresses of heirs are given, they have to sign verifying receipt of their share.

If you find a connection to your family genealogy and wish to find out more about any of the estates listed here, send a search request, along with a $6.00 search fee, to the Jo Daviess Circuit Clerk's office. For additional information or updated fee schedule, please contact the Jo Daviess County Clerk's Office located in Room 108 of the County Courthouse at (815) 777-0161
or e-mail     Jo Daviess County Clerk

You need to mail your request to:

Circuit Clerk
330 N. Bench St.
Galena, IL 61036
Make your Check out to same

COUNTY CLERK FEES (as of September 2008)


(Includes 1 Certified Copy if record is found)
Additional copies of the same certificate - $4.00 each

Certified Copy - $14.00
Additional Certified Copies of the same certificate - $6.00 each
Death Certificate for Genealogical Purposes - $12.00
Additional Copies of the same certificate - $4.00 each

(Includes 1 Certified Copy if record is found)
Additional Copies of the same certificate - $4.00


Provide name you are researching, the box #, and vital info that may help, ie, date of death, spouse's name, children's names, place of residence, etc. After they find the file, they will contact you concerning additional funds needed for copying and postage. This amount varies by file depending on size.

The Jo Daviess County ILGenWeb greatfully acknowledges the tremendous work in the transcription done by Marjorie Smith in December, 2001 to complete this listing. Thank You Marjorie!

Abele, George 153
Abley, Jacob 112
Adam, Anna 200
Adams, Charles A 125
Adams, Chas. A. 153
Adams, Grace 88
Adams, Henry 96
Adams, John 71
Adams, John 71
Adams, John 112
Adams, Joseph 96
Adams, Lillie Eva 142
Adams, Samuel 142
Adams, Sarah M. 133
Adler, John 81
Agneno, G. M 74
Aguarius, Elizabeth 128
Ahern, David 123
Albrecht, Henry 161
Albrecht, Joseph 167
Alden, Cyrus 135
Alderson, Fred H. 193
Alderson, Jane 142
Alexander, Annie 160
Alexander, Charles A 161
Alexander, William 156
Allan, George 88
Allan, James 161
Allanson, Richard 164
Allanson, Sally 164
Allday, George 78
Allday, Henry G. 78
Allee, L. 73
Allen, John 173
Allinson, John 74
Allinson, Martha 117
Allinson, Robert 112
Allinson, Thomas 177
Allwell, John 71
Alston, John 78
Altfillisch, Matthias 161
Altona, Geo. 146
Altona, Theresa S. 156
Amitt, Mary A 74
Amon, Margaret 125
Anderson, John 74
Anderson, John 156
Anderson, Mary 119
Anderson, Robert 74
Andrews, Elizabeth 170
Andrews, John 167
Andrews, S. 73
Anfang, Katherine 153
Anfang, Michael 137
Anger, George 71
Anger, John 170
Anglin, Phineas 98
Angwin, Richard 125
Annetts, John 104
Annetts, Moses 135
Anschutz, Henry 149
Apple, Henry 78
Apple, John 106
Arand, Ignatz 160
Archer, Julia Garwick 164
Argall, H. 73
Argent, Daniel 78
Argent, Danl 174
Armbruster, Henry 161
Armitage, Isaac 113
Armstrong, I. 74
Armstrong, John 86
Armstrong, L. C. 71
Armstrong, Solomon 74
Armstrong, Thos. 103
Armstrong, Wm. 130
Armstrong, Wm. R. 161
Arnold, Adam 71
Arnold, David 170
Arnold, H. S. 167
Arnold, Harriett J. 156
Arnold, Henry 83
Arnold, J. M. 74
Arnold, Martin 73
Arnold, Philip 161
Arthur, Margt F. (conservator) 146
Arthur, William 78
Artman, Jos. J. 146
Asbury, A. 73
Ascher, Conrad 121
Ashmore, Henry 149
Atan, John M 81
Atchinson, John 71
Atchinson, Marcus L 117
Atkins, Cumi 122
Atkinson, Albert J 174
Atkinson, Geo. 137
Atkinson, Jane 164
Atkinson, John 106
Atkinson, Wm K. 104
Atz, John G. 128
Austin, Isaac C. 71
Avery, William 113
Babbitt, Roswell 81
Backler, James 153
Backus, E. 94
Backus, John R. 153
Backus, Marvin 89
Bahr, Henry 135
Bahr, Henry 137
Bahr, John 164
Bahwell, Anton 170
Baier, Kasper 143
Baier, Michael 164
Bailey, Henry A. 161
Bainbridge, Elizabeth 142
Bainbridge, George 112
Baker, Conrad 146
Baker, Eliza 99
Baker, Hedley T. 78
Baker, Henry S. 153
Baker, Jacob 174
Balbach, Conrad 146
Baldwin, E. S. 150
Baldwin, J. W. 167
Baldwin, L. A. 193
Baldwin, Lucy R. 199
Ball, Brindsly 94
Ball, J. G. 125
Ball, Sarah Jane 161
Ball, William 78
Ballard, F. 94
Ballard, L. K. 139
Ballard, Rollin E. 87
Bancroft, E. W. 78
Bannigan, Thomas 150
Banwarth, John 153
Barber, J. Allen 150
Barber, Susan F. 135
Barber, William 123
Bardels, Christian 145
Bardwell, Orestes 123
Barker, Chas. (conservator) 135
Barker, Robert 133
Barker, Samuel 130
Barnes, Allen T. 137
Barnes, Ann 89
Barnes, Thomas 150
Barrett, Lockhart 78
Barry, John (insane) 103
Bartle, Henry 125
Bartler, Joseph 90
Barton, Elizabeth 102
Barton, James 116
Barton, Jeremiah 153
Barton, John 153
Barton, Major 153
Barton, Susan 133
Barton, Wm. L. 106
Bartsch, John F 123
Bartsch, Mary A. 130
Bassketh, Martin 87
Bastian, John 153
Bastian, Leonard 146
Bastian, Thomas 146
Bastin, Elizabeth 150
Bateman, J. H. 146
Bates, Asa 78
Bates, David G. 78
Bates, John H. 153
Bates, N. 89
Batty, Ann 114
Batty, John 100
Bauer, Charles 108
Bauer, Elizabeth 157
Bauer, Jno F., 135
Bauer, John 120
Bauer, Martin 139
Bauer, Paul 133
Bauer, Rosena 122
Baugher, Nesbit 90
Baumgart, Joseph 128
Baumgartner, Eliz 174
Baumgartner, Frank 122
Baumgartner, John 149
Baumgartner, Mary 133
Baumgartner, Mary 150
Baur, Charles 87
Baus, John 143
Baus, Martha 133
Bausman, Mary 170
Bausman, Nicholas 160
Bausman, Philip 113
Bausmann, Philip 137
Bawden, Charles 167
Bawden, Hiram 149
Bawden, Isaac 133
Bawden, James 125
Bawden, James H. 167
Bawden, Jane 153
Bawden, Richard 174
Bayne, James 135
Bayne, Robert J 133
Bazor Isaac & Elizabeth 89
Beacock, Julia 139
Beal, Josiah 71
Bean, Ann 137
Bean, Ann 167
Bean, Elizabeth 137
Beaton, Daniel 78
Beck, George 122
Becker, Jost 161
Becker, Jost 200
Bedell, Seth 135
Bedell, Seth 171
Bedell, Seth 171
Bedford, Catherine 162
Bedford, E. L. 139
Bedford, Edward 135
Bedford, Edward 162
Bedford, John W 115
Beggin, Ann 83
Beil, A. C. 153
Beil, J. A. 139
Beil, Margaret 167
Beil, Myra Octavia 139
Beil, Octavia F. 119
Beldin, Thomas S 123
Belfield, Mary 91
Belk, Clarissa 135
Bell, Abraham 167
Bell, Arthur C. 108
Bell, Henry 91
Bell, Peggy 117
Bell, RIchard 135
Bell, Thomas B. 94
Bell, W. of Council Hill 146
Bell, Wm of VInegar Hill 149
Bemis, I. M. 77
Bench, Agnes K. 128
Bench, C. 139
Bender, George J. 160
Benjamin, L. S. 88
Benneth, John 80
Bennett, Catharine 139
Bennett, James 89
Bennett, James P. 118
Bennett, John 113
Bennett, Mary 122
Bennett, William 137
Benning, Nicholas 87
Benninger, Fred 130
Benton, Ira 90
Bentz, Jacob 87
Bentz, Magdalena 121
Bentz, Valentine 81
Benyfield, Wm. 87
Berger, Anton 130
Berger, George 94
Bermingham, Michael H 150
Bernard, Joseph 120
Berryman, Chas. 137
Berryman, Henry 128
Berryman, John 115
Bertsch, Bertha (Conservator) 150
Bertsch, Eliza 162
Besom, Frank (2) 137
Bessler, Caroline 146
Bethel, Eliza 116
Bethel, John 110
Betz, William T. 109
Bias, Emily C. 78
Biehl, George 106
Biehl, Mathew 146
Bigler, R. 81
Billings, Derrick 110
Binks, Thomas 100
Binns, Abel H 133
Binns, Henry 157
Binz, John 102
Binz, Margaret 170
Binzer, Christina 150
Bird, Jessie W 143
Birk, James 87
Birk, John F 81
Birk, William (Conservator) 76
Birks, John Minor Heirs 81
Birmingham, Patrick 108
Birne, Batie 135
Bishop, Hanna 116
Bishop, Jacob 94
Bishop, Leonard S. 139
Bishop, Peter 104
Black, Daniel 130
Black, Daniel 142
Black, James W. 175
Black, Mary 143
Black, Mary Ann 157
Black, Samuel 130
Black, Samuel T. 87
Black, William 108
Blacklock, Ann 98
Blackman, Lucius 102
Blackstone, Stephen 94
Blair, Brice W. 110
Blair, James 157
Blair, Jane 121
Blair, Rosanna Alice 85
Blair, William 90
Blake, David 94
Blake, John 142
Blish, Thomas 76
Block, Charlie 153
Block, Gustave 146
Block, John 153
Blood, V. J. 81
Bloomer, James 79
Blum, Gustav 161
Boardway, W. H. 112
Boell, John 94
Boemeke, Marg 164
Bogenrief, Adam 108
Bogenrief, Priscillo 109
Bohlin, Henry 89
Bohm, Adam 149
Bohm, Jacob 167
Bohm, Lawrence 96
Boldman, Francis M. 139
Boles, William 78
Bollinger, Philip 133
Bolton, Jonathan 135
Bolton, Jonathan 142
Bomecke, Angele 123
Bomeke, Joseph 135
Bond, Stephen 87
Bonhotel, Catherine 128
Bonhotel, Pierre 114
Bonjour, Fannie Jane 173
Bonjour, Frederick 81
Bonjour, Thomas L 125
Bonner, John 71
Bonney, John 94
Bonny, Fanny 94
Borsdorf, August 167
Borthwick, James 90
Bottner, John 149
Boudoin, Pierre 119
Bough, Edward 113
Bough, Peter 135
Bourquin, John 153
Bousman, P. H. 94
Boutheiler, F. 81
Bouton, E. M. 119
Bouton, Sarah F. 153
Bowden, Henry 89
Bowden, Nicholas 94
Bowden, William 88
Bowen, Fayette 74
Bowers, C. 90
Bowker, Ira 89
Bowker, W. O. 94
Bowman, George 92
Bowman, Peter 146
Boyle, Catharine 164
Boyle, Edward 105
Boyle, I 87
Boyle, John 142
Boyle, Michael 122
Boyle, Patrick 157
Boyle, Thomas 92
Bradley, Stephen 73
Brady, Hujgh 133
Branagan, Arthur 170
Brand, Robert 157
Brand, W. C. 150
Branton, Alice 150
Branton, Henry 74
Brashaw, Mary Elizabeth 153
Bray, John 167
Brazell, Nancy 81
Brazell, Valentine 90
Brean, Mary 128
Breason, Catherine 150
Breed, Bradley 150
Breed, Obadiah 111
Breed, Obadiah 157
Breen, John 85
Breen, William 90
Breeson, Peter 122
Brehanny, Michael 74
Brehany, Augustus 313
Brendel, Christman 157
Brendel, Eliza M 157
Brendel, Harriet 160
Brendel, Herman (Conservator) 157
Brendel, John & son (partnership) 314
Brendel, John Jr 125
Brenizer, Sarah 117
Brenner, Rudolph 123
Brew, TImothy 115
Brewster, Louisa 113
Brickler, Ed 150
Brickler, Joseph 167
Brickler, William A. 143
Brickner, Philip 153
Briegel, John 133
Briggs, Ann 135
Brinik, Catherine J 161
Brink, A. L. 153
Brink, Bernard 125
Brinkers, John H 114
Brinkman, Joachim 157
Brinkman, Mary 139
Britting, John 150
Brock, William 89
Brodrecht, Catharine E 119
Brodrecht, Martin 123
Broehl, John 170
Brooks, Daniel 108
Brown, Elizabeth 153
Brown, Emma 146
Brown, Frank 117
Brown, H. V. W. 98
Brown, J. B. 78
Brown, James 87
Brown, James B. 128
Brown, Joseph 164
Brown, Joseph 164
Brown, S. S. 105
Brown, S. S. 116
Brown, Samuel 128
Brown, Sarah E. 137
Brown, William 94
Brownell, Geo. W. 76
Brownlee, Robert 113
Bruce, William 89
Brudi, John 157
Brunner, Margaret 117
Brunner, Philip P. 146
Brunner, William 150
Brushous, Jackson 170
Bryant, Richard 130
Bucher, John 105
Buck, James 311
Buckley, John 98
Buckley, Walston L 98
Bucknam, Jane Q. 167
Budden, Anna Maria 139
Bunker, George F. 167
Bunker, Maria A. 167
Bunn, Julia A 143
Burbridge, Benjamin 78
Burgdorf, William 150
Burk, John 88
Burk, Miles 76
Burke, Agnes 139
Burke, Catherine 160
Burke, Domnick 109
Burke, Edward 137
Burke, Mary 142
Burke, Sarah 153
Burnett, Alexander 171
Burns, Alice E. 153
Burns, Huston C. 167
Burns, John T. (insane) 111
Burns, John T. (conservator) 142
Burns, Michael 151
Burns, Thomas W 122
Burns, William 122
Burrichter, John A 122
Burrill, John 87
Burrows, William 110
Burrows, William 121
Burton, Ann 78
Burton, Benjamin 117
Burton, Charles A., 157
Burton, Edith 127
Burton, Edward C. 88
Burton, Elizabeth 170
Burton, James 87
Burton, John 157
Burton, Joseph 109
Burton, Richard 111
Burton, Robert 99
Burton, Robert 167
Burton, Robert J 99
Burton, Robert Sr. 99
Burton, Thomas 125
Burton, Turpin 143
Burton, W. C. 78
Burwell, Rebecca 157
Bussan, Herman 160
Bussan, Mary 162
Butcher, Robert 102
Butler, William 90
Buttill, Fanny Mary 94
Byers, John 81
Byers, Mary 128
Byrne, Judith 114
Byrne, Mary 125
Byrne, Morris 116
Byrne, Patrick 89
Byrum, Almon B. 157
Cable, Charles 146
Caboniss, James 73
Cady, Timothy 137
Cady, Wilmott 73
Cahill, Michael 81
Cahill, Patrick 167
Cain, Adah 135
Cain, Ella E. 98
Cain, George 118
Cain, George 149
Cain, Mary A 125
Cain, Mary Ann 149
Cain, William 81
Calderwood, J. C. 120
Caldwell, Nancy A. 106
Caldwell, Saml. K. 92
Callahan, James 153
Callahan, Mary J 174
Callahan, Michael 167
Callahan, Thomas 130
Calvert, John 140
Calvert, W. J. 139
Camerall, William 73
Campbell, David 124
Campbell, David 137
Campbell, David H 130
Campbell, James 146
Campbell, John 95
Campbell, John 113
Campbell, Mary E. 146
Campbell, Robert 94
Campbell, William 85
Campbell, William 125
Camphouse, W. H. 121
Candler, Thomas 95
Cape, Mathew 85
Carey, John 115
Carey, Joseph K. 107
Carlton, Joshua 110
Carolin, Margaret 113
Carpenter, Albert 74
Carpenter, Almna 117
Carpenter, Cyrus 170
Carpenter, Eliza 174
Carpenter, John T. 97
Carpenter, Marvin F. 173
Carpenter, Mary A 174
Carr, E. R. 133
Carr, James H. 133
Carr, James H. (Conservator) 130
Carroll, Dennis 136
Carroll, John 137
Carruth, H. W. 93
Carter, J. B. 95
Casgrove, Francis 74
Cashman, Henry 74
Cashman, M. 95
Casper, Maria 167
Casper, Thomas 137
Casserly, Alice 162
Casserly, Frank 153
Casserly, John 175
Casserly, Michael 114
Casserly, Nicholas 162
Cavey, Ann 149
Chamberlain, John 95
Chambers, W. H. 143
Chambers, William (conservator) 162
Champion, Henry 164
Champlin, J. H. 117
Chaney, Richard 74
Chapin, Henry M. 149
Chapman, J. R. 149
Chapman, Mary 149
Charles, Henry 71
Charlton, Mary 122
Charter, Martha A 118
Chase, Augustine 115
Chase, William W. 101
Cheek, Hamilton 149
Cheney, Osborn 74
Chetlain, Frederick 149
Childers, John T. 149
Children, Lydia 135
Childs, Emeline 128
Childs, W. H. in Circuit Ct 92
Chilton, Augustus 108
Chobar, George 81
Chown, Robt (will not proved) 92
Chrisburg, Henry 135
Christy, Elizabeth 146
Christy, Thomas 74
Clancy, Thomas 124
Clancy, Thomas 130
Clarey, Catharine 106
Clarey, Stephen 106
Clark, Alvin 108
Clark, Enoch 106
Clark, Lyman H. 110
Clark, Patrick 133
Clark, R. C. 74
Clark, Stephen H. 83
Clark, William 73
Clausen, Ann 101
Claussen, Claus J. 160
Claussen, Edward H. 113
Claussen, H 226
Clay, Alfred S. 140
Clay, David 139
Clay, David E. 135
Clay, Jeremiah 122
Clay, John 162
Clay, Mary B. 80
Clay, Matilda 128
Claypool, Milton 97
Claypool, Rosanna 137
Cleary, Mary 160
Cliff, John 128
Clopton, F. E. 74
Clyma, Francis 108
Clymo, Henry 105
Coatsworth, James 122
Coatsworth, Joseph 110
Cobine, William 105
Cochran, Samuel R 157
Coe, Isaac 95
Coffin, T. John 74
Colard, Alexander 76
Cole, I. 76
Cole, J. M. 157
Cole, Parrin, 113
Coleman, Mahlon 111
Collier, Geo 74
Collins, George R. 146
Collins, John 113
Collins, John J. 149
Coltman, Martin E. 162
Combellick, John 106
Combellick, Thomas 175
Como, Charles A 153
Como, Sarah E. 167
Comstock, Davis 74
Comstock, M. C. 89
Comstock, William 81
Conlee, Julia 94
Conlee, Lawrence 127
Conley, William 95
Connelly, John 71
Conner, Michael O. 84
Conner, Thomas 73
Conners, Enoch F. 110
Connor, Thomas D. 82
Consallus, William 139
Conyne, A. V. 143
Conyne, Sarah A. 167
Cook, William 71
Cook, Windle 71
Cookson, Asbram 114
Coomber, Thomas 113
Cooney, Michael 133
Cooper, George B. or R. 82
Cooper, Mary 143
Coppernoll, Nicholas 120
Coppernoll, Sarah 124
Corcoran, Mary 170
Cording, Cristel F. 167
Corkery, Mary 92
Corkey, Timothy 87
Corning, Warren 74
Cornman, George 127
Corrall, John 96
Corwith, Cecile 162
Corwith, John E. (two files) 156
Costello, Daniel 137
Coughlan, John 76
Coulson, John 170
Coulson, John (conservator) 170
Coulson, John Jr 162
Cousin, John 85
Cousins, Johjn 174
Coverly, Elijah 120
Cowan, Luther H. 76
Cowan, Sallie M. 139
Cowen, Harriett 173
Cowles, R. 73
Cox, George 128
Cox, Louisa 157
Cox, William 111
Coyle, Patrick 73
Coyne, Mary 71
Coyne, Thomas 81
Coyne, Wm. 121
Crackenberger, Barbara 153
Craig, John 137
Craig, Nathan B. 157
Cramer, John 74
Crawford, Ann 125
Crawford, J. S. (Conservator) 174
Crawford, John B 128
Crawford, John S 118
Crawford, Mary H. 120
Crawford, Robert 74
Crawford, Stewart 146
Crawford, Thos 117
Crawford, W. S. 143
Crawford, Wm. 157
Crayman, Mary 71
Crayon, John 74
Creer, Edward 89
Creighton, Bridget 157
Creighton, Catherine 114
Creighton, Catherine 119
Creighton, Owen 146
Cressey, Jesse 74
Cressy, A. 95
Crissman, S. M. 164
Crooks, H. L. 93
Crooks, H. S. 162
Crossman, B T. 95
Crouse, David F. 115
Crowell, Joanna J. 122
Crowell, Lucius C. 88
Crowell, Nelson 149
Crowell, Sylvester 73
Crowley, Cornelius 92
Crowley, James 162
Crummer, Eliza 125
Cruttendon, Zebulon 137
Cubbon, Thos 157
Culbertson, Martha 110
Cullen, Richard (conservator) 167
Cummings, Alex 149
Cundiff, Mary 135
Curley, A. B. 121
Curley, Bernard 121
Curley, James 89
Curnan, P. 74
Curtis, B 95
Curtis, Hannah 102
Curtis, Hiram 71
Curtiss, George W. 153
Dallyn, John 146
Dallyn, Martha 162
Daly, John 153
Dangelmeyer, Elizabeth 115
Daniel, Charles 165
Daniel, Mary Ann 157
Dankbar, Herman 98
Darling, J. M. 94
Darnill, Richard 108
Darr, Elizabeth 165
Darr, Henry 106
Darst, Lydia A. 113
Daters, Beranrd H. 137
Daters, George W. 167
Davidson, Martha 153
Davidson, Thomas 78
Davis, Aaron 135
Davis, Alexander C. 74
Davis, Charles H. 83
Davis, Clarissa 119
Davis, Cyrus 137
Davis, D. R. 85
Davis, David 89
Davis, Elijah 89
Davis, Enoch 78
Davis, Helen M. 143
Davis, Henryh 130
Davis, Jane 124
Davis, Robert 124
Davis, Thomas F. 83
Davis, William 94
Dawson, Catherine 165
Dawson, John 165
Dawson, John R. 122
Dawson, Ralph 122
Dawson, Robert 98
Dawson, William 119
Dax, Catharina 153
Day, Ann 143
Day, James M. 137
De Jaeger, Elizabeth 109
Deace, Lawrence I. of J. 89
Deam, Andrew 170
Dean, Anna G. 160
Dean, Clifford H. 102
Dean, Joseph 78
Dean, Melville 128
Dean, Phoebe 94
Deans, W. B. 78
Deeds, Jacob 78
Deeds, Thomas 111
Deegan, William 122
Deeters, Joseph 122
Degenhardt, Aujg. 153
Degraff, Hiram 128
DeGraff, James H. 109
Deininger, Katherine 150
Deininger, Michael 122
Deininger, William 128
Deitrick, Sarah 137
DeJager, Herman 121
Delansy, J. 76
Delate, Lucy A. 98
Delauney, A. N. 93
Deldine, Nelson 78
Demassouri, Leopold 212
Demassovir, LEopold 212
Demerse, Stephen 89
Deming, Albert 128
Demke, Martin 104
Dempsey, James 86
Demuth, Nicolas J 165
Denneken, Victor 118
Denogan, John P. 89
Derlider, Kungunda 120
Dersham, John 178
Desmond, Catharine 128
Desmond, James 153
Desmond, Wm. 137
Detastatin, John 83
Detlor, N. 83
Dewean, James 89
DeZoya, John P. 110
Dickey, R. E. 78
Dickinson, George E. 149
Dickson, Levi 167
Diehl, Jacob 104
Diehm, Peter 162
Dietrick, John 88
Dietz, Valentine 140
Diggs, H. H. 160
Dignan, Bernard 86
Dignan, Mary 92
Dillon, Elizabeth 135
Dillon, Patrick 133
Dimke, Annie 133
Dimke, Henry 167
Dimke, Henry (conservator) 165
Dimmick, Lot 74
Dineen, Timothy 91
Dingel, Mcihael 157
Dirnberger, Joseph 184
Dirnberger, Margaretha 174
Dirrebis, G. 94
Dittmar, Christian 162
Dittmar, Erhardt 117
Dittmar, Lorenz 146
Dittsworth, Mary 160
Dittsworth, Samuel 127
Dittsworth, William 143
Dixon, Alfred 96
Dobbler, Tilman (conservator) 171
Dobler, Chas. V. (conservator) 171
Dobler, Jacob 137
Dobler, Peter H. 143
Dodge, Catherine 146
Dodge, Catherine 146
Dodge, Jonathan 88
Doebling, Herman 84
Donahoe, Mary Ann 74
Donahue, Edward 157
Donaldson, Elizabeth 124
Donaldson, Joseph 119
Donegan, Dora 130
Donegan, Michael 153
Donegan, Owen 125
Donkersley, Richard 109
Donnally, Ann 94
Donnelly, Arthur 78
Donnelly, Bernard R. 125
Donnelly, Patrick 140
Donner, Matilde E. 160
Donnohoe, Dennis 110
Donnovan, Daniel 128
Donohoe, Daniel 100
Donovan, Timothy 115
Doolan, Maurice 81
Doolin, Sarah 162
Dooling, Ellen 143
Dooling, TImothy 153
Dooling, William 97
Doran, William 170
Dorman, Miles 78
Dormer, Catherine (conservator) 153
Doughnerty, Mary 146
Douglas, Etta H. 149
Douglas, W. C. 135
Douglass, Wm. M. 153
Dow, George L. 128
Dowe, W. C. 78
Dower, James 165
Dower, James J 165
Dower, Samuel 121
Dower, Thos 143
Dowling, John 94
Dowling, Nicholas drawer 1000
Doxey, Jacob 122
Doyle, Bridget 83
Doyle, Bridget 130
Drayden, Francis 124
Drayden, James 121
Drenan, James 89
Drenning, Adele C. 130
Driscol, Daniel 89
Driscoll, Catherine 128
Drotschman, Allouis 146
Drum, Philip 101
Drum, Thomas 79
Druman, M. 83
Drummer, Clemens 104
Drynan, Catharine 97
Dubois, Stephen 83
Duddy, M. 83
Dudley, John 83
Duer, John 135
Duerstein, Louisa 117
Duersteine, Christian 137
Duerstine, Christian 101
Duffin, John 149
Dugan, B P. 86
Duncan, Enoch 78
Duncan, Micahel 98
Duncan, S. C. 79
Dunlea, Edward 78
Dunn, M. 78
Dunn, Mary 121
Dunnahan, James 89
Dupont, Andrew 130
Durisch, Jacob 78
Durrstein, Elias E. 160
Durrstein, Gustav 153
Durrstein, Lewis 170
Durst, John Jacob 167
Dutcher, Elizabeth 98
Dwight, A. L. 86
Dwyer, John 162
Eade, Amelia T. 140
Eade, Josiah 136
Eads, Abner 94
Eakins, Andrew 137
Eames, George 90
Eaton, Harriet L. 140
Ebby, Jacob 90
Eberle, W. 158
Ebert, Minnie 167
Eby, George 104
Eckhart, Christian 125
Eden, Johan Eebe 98
Edgar, William 94
Edgerton, Asher 122
Edgerton, Cloe 76
Edgerton, Julia (conservator) 162
Edgerton, Sereno D. 158
Edgerton, Thomas E 219
Edwards, Ann 128
Edwards, James 124
Edwards, John 82
Edwards, Joseph 92
Edwards, Mary 104
Edwards, R. 90
Edwards, Susan 140
Eggenberger, John 94
Ehredt, Martin 143
Ehredt, William 140
Ehrler, John 150
Ehrler, Michael 112
Eichholtz, Fred. John Christian 154
Einsweiler, Catherine 128
Eisemann, Caroline 162
Eldridge, I. 76
Ellinor, George 113
Ellinor, Thomas 139
Elliott, Charles 76
Elliott, John 158
Ellis, John 130
Elsasser, Susanna 154
Endress, Catherine 146
Endress, Charles 226
Endress, John 143
Engel, Daniel 107
Englen, John 158
Enner, Martin T 76
Ennor, Alice 162
Ennor, Grace 113
Ennor, Joseph H. 103
Ennor, William 133
Ennor, Wm. P. 154
Enwright, William 90
Erdenberg, Theresa 145
Erdman, Jacob E 75
Erner, Katherine 125
Ertmer, Hieronimous or Jerome 130
Ertmer, Joseph 127
Estey, Augustus 162
Etherly, George 130
Etherly, Sarah 133
Etherly, William H. 162
Etling, George 124
Eulberg, Adam 143
Eulberg, Casper 217
Eustice, John G. 116
Eustice, Richard 125
Eustice, William H. 177
Evans, Caroline 100
Evans, Henry H. 143
Evans, Hugh 94
Evans, J 90
Evans, John E. 167
Evans, John Ellis 158
Evans, Laura N. 171
Evans, Richard 102
Evans, Richard (2) 136
Evans, Thomas 115
Evans, Thomas 121
Eversoll, Edward L. 130
Evert, George 146
Ewing, Ann 154
Ewing, J. B. 128
Ewing, John 94
Ewing, John A. 167
Fablinger, Geo. 154
Fablinger, John 150
Faharty, James 71
Fahrenkamp, John 167
Fair, William 94
Fairweather, Catherine 140
Fairweather, James 71
Fairweather, John 140
Fairweather, Katherine M. 154
Faith, E. 95
Fannon, James 128
Far, Charles 85
Farisee, Mary 146
Farmer, Annie 140
Farmer, John M. 111
Farnam, M. 71
Farnham, L. F. 133
Farnsworth, T. B. 99
Farrar, Sophia 213
Farrell, James J. 167
Farrell, John 122
Farrell, John 150
Farrell, John 168
Farrell, Patrick 73
Farrell, William 143
Farrelly, Patrick 158
Farrer, Amos 73
Farrisee, James 143
Farrisee, John 112
Farrisee, Margaret 143
Faust, Andrew 146
Faust, Jacob 114
Feehan, James 95
Feenegan, I. 73
Fehler, John 133
Fehler, Michael 121
Feidler, Fred 172
Felenzer, Peter 110
Fell, John 91
Felt, Benj. F. 150
Felt, Catherine E. 124
Felt, Lucius S. 110
Felt, Marion E. 113
Felt, Mary Frances 146
Fendt, Charles 138
Fenn, Thomas 171
Ferris, Jeremiah 85
Ferung, W. 93
Fickbaum, Claus H. 146
Fiddick, James 73
Fiddick, Mary 146
Fiddick, Philippa 168
Fiddick, William 119
Fiddick, William 168
Fiddick, Wm. J. 126
Fiedler, Gotlieb 73
Fielding, George 158
Fielding, Harriet 162
Fielding, Harriet 167
Fielding, Joshua 74
Fields, A. P. 76
Fink, Anthony 71
Finkenbinder, Emanuel 167
Finkenbinder, John 167
Finkenbinder, Wm. 167
Finley, Charles H. 73
Finley, Joseph (Conservator) 98
Finney, Thomas 73
Fisher, A. L. 73
Fisher, Capt. Wm. 150
Fisk, James D. 150
Fitzpatrick, John 99
Fitzpatrick, John 154
Fitzpatrick, Patrick 119
Fitzsimons, John 79
Flack, John 71
Flack, Milton 71
Flack, Paulina 73
Flack, Samuel 98
Fladding, Mary 143
Fladung, Frederick 133
Flannagan, Meredith 128
Fleege, Bernard 126
Fleege, Henry 143
Fleege, Herman (conservator) 171
Fleege, Mary Adelent 111
Flege, Clemens 108
Fleharty, Wm. L. 106
Flickinger, Jacob 150
Fluhr, John 162
Flynn, John 174
Flynn, Margaret 158
Flynn, William 98
Foecke, Mary A. 127
Foecking, John Bernard 154
Folan, Michael 165
Foley, Ann 76
Foley, Chas. E. 160
Foley, John 133
Foley, John 158
Foley, John J. 154
Foley, Margaret A. 162
Foley, Mary J. 157
Foley, Michael 140
Foltz, F. H. 95
Foltz, Fred 95
Foote, Ann J. "Insane" 104
Ford, George 150
Ford, Thomas 95
Ford, W. 143
Ford, W. N. 138
Ford, Walter 167
Foster, Augusta H. 140
Foster, Mary L. 98
Foster, Mary M. 140
Foster, Sophia 133
Foster, Thomas 140
Fougere, Joseph 74
Foulds, William 79
Fowler, Benj. F. 138
Fowler, Daniel 71
Fox, Thomas 95
Fracher, Lewis 114
Francisco, J. A. 136
Francke, Gustav 158
Francomb, Stephen 100
Franke, August 160
Frankenberger, Joel 133
Franklin, Harriett 140
Fraser, James 133
Fraser, James A. 171
Fraser, Janet 150
Frederick, Andrew 154
Freeman, John 108
Freeman, Julia 158
Freeman, Viola 167
French, D. Aroy A. 76
French, John B. 143
Frentress, Diademia 126
Frentress, E. 76
Frentress, Emsley H. 110
Frentress, Henry N 138
Freyez, Sebastian 73
Frick, Joseph 150
Fricke, Henry 165
Friel, James 103
Friesenecker, Matthias 167/287
Friez, L. B. 95
Frink, Harvey 73
Fritz, Frank 102
Fritz, John Sr. 136
Frogget, Henry 85
Fromin, Philip 108
Fromm, Philip 136
Frosas, John 71
Fuchs, Ernst E. 133
Fuchs, H. Xavier 85
Fuchs, John H. 127
Funke, Bernard 138
Funke, George 174
Funston, Adam 113
Funston, James 73
Funston, John 167
Funston, Margaret 116
Funston, Samuel 73
Funston, William S. 162
Furlong, Ann 71
Furlong, John 71
Furlong, John E. 171
Furlong, M Walter 73
Gable, Benj. 143
Gable, Henry 154
Gaffney, John 97
Gaffney, Sarah 165
Gaffney, Wm. B. 162
Galbreath, Joseph 77
Gale, Martha A. 154
Gall, John Geo. 85
Gallagher, Jeremiah 150
Gallagher, John 162
Gallagher, Mary (Conservator) 115
Gallagher, Thomas 171
Galpin, Thomas L. 96
Galt, A. 86
Galvin, Catherine 143
Galvin, Dennis 105
Galvin, John 110
Galvin, Patrick 79
Gammon, James G. 158
Gann, L. C. 79
Ganshert, Valentine 150
Garber, Henry 118
Garber, Paul 72
Gard, Lot 86
Gardner, Geo. W. 150
Gardner, Thomas 172
Gardner, William 174
Garland, R & minor heirs 86
Garleigh, John 101
Garlock, Wesley G. 202
Garner, Robert J. 143
Garner, Sarah 133
Garney, John 105
Garrett, Sarah 111
Garvey, A. 77
Gates, E. A. 79
Gates, Edmund 110
Gates, Joseph 75
Gates, Saml. B. 146
Gates, Sullivan D 165
Gauss, John F. 136
Gayetty, C. W. 86
Gayetty, Chas. R. 80
Gaylord, Daniel C. 160
Gear, Francena T. 114
Gear, Mary J 140
Gear, Samuel 91
Gear, William T. 115
Gebhardt, John 95
Geddis, George & Robert (consrv) 171
Geddis, Robert 143
Geiger, George 130
Geiger, Gotlieb 140
Geiger, John 165
Geiger, Mary 140
Geiger, Mary 165
Geigler, Gottlieb 168
Geist, John (conservator) 138
Gelston, Thomas H. 110
Genz, Caroline 162
Genz, George 117
Genz, Joseph 174
George, Abraham 77
George, Lewis 136
Gerke, August H 143
Gesner, John 133
Gibbons, Walter 150
Gibson, Julius 79
Gierlich, R. 93
Gigson, John 80
Giles, C L 172
Giles, Mary A. 130
Gill, Ben 138
Gill, John M. 126
Gill, Wm. 143
Gill, Wm. 143
Gillespie, Jane 150
Gillett, B. R. 75
Gillis, Joseph 133
Girton, John M. 110
Glanville, Thos 143
Glasgow, James G. Sr. 162
Glasgow, William H. 168
Glasscock, Peter 86
Gleim, Edgar H. 77
Glessner, Henry 114
Glessner, Mary 158
Glover, B. 80
Glover, William 133
Goard, Mary 133
Goble, John G. 174
Godfrey, Eliza G. 140
Godfrey, Helen M. 154
Goding, Bessie (conservator) 154
Goding, George E. conservator) 171
Goding, H. H. 174
Goetz, William 174
Golden, Daniel (conservator) 130
Golden, John 160
Goldhagen, Herman 140
Goldsworthy, C. 86
Goldsworthy, Susannah 90
Goldsworthy, Thomas 136
Goldthorp, Joseph 118
Goldthorp, Joseph 154
Goldthorp, William 143
Good, Ferdinand 77
Goodburn, Geo. 95
Goodmiller, Michael 150
Goodsmiller, Arthur 154
Goodwin, G. W. 95
Gorman, John 108
Gorman, Michael 158
Gorman, Sarah 154
Gothard, Isaac 115
Gouse, Michael 122
Goyan, I. 81
Goyen, John 92
Graat, William 82
Grabham, William 114
Grabois, L. 86
Grace, Ann 168
Grace, Bridget (conservator) 146
Grace, Edward 77
Grace, James 150
Grace, James 158
Grace, William 77
Graham, Ebenezer 99
Graham, Geo. 143
Graham, John 86
Graham, Robert 75
Grasle, Gottlieb 107
Graubner, Fred 86
Graves, Homer 150
Gray, Abial 86
Gray, Ann 97
Gray, Bernard Jr 85
Gray, Bernard Sr 86
Gray, Dorothy 126
Gray, Isabella 136
Gray, James 104
Gray, John 77
Gray, John R. 113
Gray, Martin 94
Gray, Patrick 78
Gray, Sarah L. 130
Gray, Thomas 75
Gray, Thomas 100
Grebner, Christian 158
Green, Abraham 106
Green, Barney D. 143
Green, C. 86
Green, Charles 165
Green, Emily C. 140
Green, Jeremiah O. 105
Green, John 110
Green, John No 1 77
Green, John No. 2 77
Greenan, Thomas 136
Greenfield, W. 86
Greenwald, Frank 160
Greg, Catherine 113
Gregoire, Felix 138
Gregory, John 92
Greibe, Michael 158
Grew, Michael 143
Griffin, Geo. 77
Griffith, Mary 158
Griffith, Wilhelmina 130
Griggs, Jerome 138
Griggsby, Chas 158
Grimm, Henrietta 154
Grindy, Mathew 122
Gris, C. H. J. 77
Groesbeck, Doer F. conservator) 130
Groezinger, Christian F. 126
Groezinger, John 106
Groezinger, Maria Agnes 160
Groezinger, Mary A 119
Groff, P. 85
Gross, Delilah 133
Gross, E. 77
Gross, Richard 119
Grossinger, Geo. 124
Groves, Jane 162
Grubsmith, Peter 119
Grugel, Fredericka H. C. 138
Guensler, Samuel 150
Guild, Benjamin 154
Guild, Seber A 165
Guitter, John Christian 150
Gummow, William 162
Gums, August 154
Gundry, William 158
Gundry, William Albert 175
Gunn, Hugh F. 168
Gunsolley, Edgar (conservator) 150
Gunsolley, Mary A. 158
Guy, Harry 168
Guyard, R. P. 80
Haacke, Henry 103
Haacke, Wilhelmina 140
Haas Wm. 131
Haas, Jacob 79
Haas, John W. 158
Habich, Augusta 138
Habich, Augustus 116
Habich, Johanna 154
Haem, Frank 93
Hagerty, Darby 87
Hagerty, Patrick 93
Hagie, John 128
Haight, Felena 154
Haines, Daniel L. 220
Haines, John C. 140
Haislett, Charles 117
Haitakker, Hubert 158
Haizlett, David 158
Haizlett, Jane 123
Haizlett, Rebecca 158
Haker, Charles 131
Halcher, John 87
Hall, Jeremiah 200
Hall, Peter (Porter) 93
Halleran, C. 83
Hallett, Edgar A. 133
Hallett, Moses 85
Hallett, Timothy 138
Hamilton, E. C. 83
Hamilton, Martha M. 146
Hamilton, Robt 93
Hamilton, Thomas 118
Hammell, Patrick 117
Hammer, Bernard H. 81
Hammer, Elizabeth 81
Hammer, Rudolph 138
Hammill, Sarah 128
Hammon, Frank (conservator) 119
Hammond, Chas E. 93
Hammond, Chas. N. 128
Hammond, I. 93
Hammond, Merwin K 165
Hammond, Willis F 161
Hanberry, Thomas 138
Hancock, Richard 97
Handel, Jacob 93
Handel, John 88
Handel, Magdalena (conservator) 115
Handel, Magedalena 105
Handt, Albert 161
Haney, Wm R 163
Hanft, Andrew 119
Hanlon, John 99
Hannaberry, Thomas 124
Hans, Joseph 146
Hans, Margaret 140
Harbach, John J. 136
Harcourt, Catherine 121
Harcourt, John 124
Hardy, Margaret 126
Hardy, William H. 109
Hargrafen, Frederick 107
Haring, Adam 113
Haring, Christopher 154
Harkness, James 116
Harkness, James 178
Harle, Frank G. 134
Harman, Frederick 123
Harman, Geo. 93
Harney, John 105
Harney, Thomas 133
Harnish, Carl Rudolph 71
Harper, John 85
Harper, John 87
Harper, Mathew 99
Harper, Simon 105
Harper, Susan 138
Harrington, Anna 117
Harrington, Chas 90
Harrington, William 112
Harris, Cynthia (distracted) 123
Harris, D. S. 133
Harris, Ed. 151
Harris, Edward 104
Harris, Elisha 123
Harris, Frederick (conservator) 154
Harris, Jane 157
Harris, Louisa F. 105
Harris, M. K. 90
Harris, M. L. 90
Harris, Sarah E., 119
Harris, Thomas 140
Harris, Thomas A 162
Harris, Thomas H 168
Harris, Wm. P 174
Harrison, Daniel 93
Harrison, Sarah 151
Harrison, Thomas 107
Hart, Ellen 136
Hart, John 140
Hart, Michael 154
Harth, F. 90
Hartham, Gilman 80
Hartig, Heinreich 165
Hartman, Casper 93
Hartshorne, Spry 90
Hartwig, Charles 168
Hartwig, Elizabeth 168
Hartwig, Henry W. 104
Harwicks, Logan 168
Haser, David 92
Haser, Joseph 118
Hashi, Sarah 136
Haskell, A. 90
Haslam, Georgiana 171
Haslam, John 146
Haslem, Priscilla 133
Hassig, John J 162
Hasson, R. C. 90
Hatfield, Elizabeth 93
Hathaway, Samuel W 168
Hating, Ann 83
Hauck, John 97
Hawes, Enoch 127
Hawley, Robert 176
Hay, John 119
Hayden, Bridget 168
Hayden, Thomas J 165
Hayes, Geo. E. 154
Hayes, Kearn 83
Hayes, Patrick 88
Hayes, Patrick 138
Hayes, Patrick (conservator) 158
Hayes, Wm 144
Hays, David 83
Hazell, I. 87
Hazzard, A. W. 93
Hazzell, Richard 87
Head, Nicholas 92
Heckelsmiller, Peter 165
Heer, Christian 93
Heer, Jacob 128
Heffrin, Bridget 131
Heffrin, Valentine 128
Hefty, Hannah M. 116
Heid, John 144
Heidenreich, Alexander 173
Heidenreich, Charles 165
Heidenreich, Jacob 165
Heidenreich, John 140
Heidenreich, Susan (conservator) 140
Heim, Cathnerine 112
Heim, John 158
Heiman, Bernard 113
Heinkel, Maria A 171
Heins, Christian (conservator) 165
Heinsohn, Mathias W. 123
Heit, Lepold 138
Heitkamp, John Gerhard 112
Hellstern, Thomas 165
Hellstern, Valentine Geo 144
Helm, Solomon R. 93
Helmick, John 270
Hempstead, Chas. S. 108
Hempstead, george C 171
Hempstead, William 87
Henderson, Peter H. 158
Henifin, John 83
Henke, Henry 92
Henke, Mary L. 99
Henkem, Fred (conservator) 174
Henning, Conrad 138
Henning, Elise 154
Henning, H. E. 158
Henning, Joachim 158
Henning, Joachim 158
Henning, Louisa 151
Henry, David 102
Henry, Margaret 111
Henry, Robert 121
Henry, Watson 80
Hensen, Richard 124
Henzen, Christian 107
Herald, David 146
Herman, Ernest C. 126
Herman, Frederick 123
Herman, Frederick 161
Herman, John G 162
Heron, Samuel B. 107
Herring, Christoff 165
Herring, Elijah 136
Herring, Maria A. 128
Herrman, Geo., W. 107
Herz, Frank 99
Herzberger, Philip 123
Hess, George 158
Hess, Henry 119
Hess, John W. 134
Hess, Michael 154
Hesselbacher, Adam 131
Hesselbacher, Adam 138
Hesselbacher, Barbara 162
Hesselbacher, John 144
Hessling, Maria A 168
Hessling, William 127
Heuser, Johann Geo 154
Hicks, George 165
Hicks, Henry 110
Hicks, Jenner E 171
Hicks, Phillippa 163
Hicks, Thomas 131
Hicks, Thomas J. 133
Higgins, Catharine 74
High, Allen M. 126
Hilby, Joseph 140
Hildebrandt, Wm. E. 147
Hileman, John 154
Hileman, Michael 106
Hilgert, Nicholaus 151
Hilkamp, Fred 93
Hill, Chas 138
Hille, Ernst F. (conservator) 127
Hiller, C. 87
Hilyard, Jonathan 90
Himmon, NElson L. 90
Hird, W. 158
Hirst, Abigail Ann 163
Hirst, Edward 131
Hitt, Rebecca 126
Hitt, Thaddeus 112
Hiulman, John (conservator) 158
Hoch, George 133
Hockett, John 174
Hocking, Bridget 140
Hocking, Francis 123
Hocking, John 138
Hocking, Joseph 83
Hocking, Mary A. 119
Hocking, Retta P 154
Hocking, Thos. H. 138
Hocking, William 126
Hodge, Francis 83
Hodgins, Margaret 174
Hodgson, M. 92
Hoefer, Dorothea 131
Hoefer, William 116
Hoey, Thomas 93
Hoffman, Adam 144
Hoffman, Chas G. F. 106
Hoffman, Gofriet 162
Hoffman, Henry 138
Hoffman, Joseph 128
Hoffmann, George 171
Hogan, Ann Mary 151
Hogan, Patrick 115
Holcher, Johannes 95
Holcomb, Jonthan 109
Holcomb, Newell 144
Holder, W. S. 134
Holder, William R. 168
Holland, Frederick 146
Holland, Thomas 133
Hollander, H. C. N. 151
Holmes, B. W. 87
Holmes, William 90
Holz, Henry 171
Holz, Louis 141
Honeyman, C. F. 163
Hopkinson, John 99
Horan, Catharine 136
Horan, Jane 124
Horan, Martin 121
Horan, Thomas 71
Horn, Jesse 80
Hornberger I. 76
Horne, Patrick 93
Horning, Julia A. 128
Hornung, Christian 104
Hornung, Wilhelmina 124
Horr, H. G. 105
Horr, Isaac E. 83
Horsch, Katherine 163
Horsch, Saml 154
Horton, Otis S. 158
Horwith, Electa A. 140
Hosking, James will only 95
Hosking, John 112
Hosking, W. 93
Hoskings, Jos. M. 128
Hoskins, Rebecca 98
Hoskins, William 126
House, Ransome 121
House,Laura 129
Houser, Frederick 83
Houy, Daniel 165
Houy, George 107
Houy, George 123
Houy, Magdalena 136
Houy, Philip L 138
Houy, William 104
Howard, E. B. 87
Howard, Electra A. (conservator) 158
Howard, Henry Danforth 162
Howard, Stephen P. 93
Howarth, Thos 128
Howarth, William 138
Howe, Abby 106
Howe, Alexander 107
Howe, Cornelius 92
Howe, John 119
Howe, Margaret 124
Hoy, Christoph 88
Hoy, Patrick 136
Hub, Frederick 140
Hubacher, Nichoals M 171
Hubbard, Harriet A. 134
Huber, Michael 144
Huck, Ernst 107
Hudson, W. E. 90
Huett, Andrew 158
Huett, John 96
Hughes, Dorothy 133
Hughes, Patrick 89
Hughes, Patrick 131
Hughes, Peter 106
Hughes, Richard 133
Hughlett, J. G. 95
Hughlett, Samuel 71
Hughlett, Telford 131
Hughlett, Telford (conservator) 133
Hughlett, Thomas B. 165
Huilman, John Sr. 154
Hull, Balaam 133
Huls, Anna Maria 100
Hume, John 158
Hunkins, Darius 105
Hunt, Benson 93
Hunt, Hiram B. 144
Hunt, John 109
Hunt, Orson A. 131
Hunt, Tho R. 99
Hunt, William 112
Hunter, James 74
Huntington, W. W. 105
Hurst, Henry 93
Hurst, Katharina 165
Husted, Sarah A. 123
Hutchinson, A. W. 93
Hutchison, John 121
Huth, John 144
Hutton, A & B 89
Hutton, Wm. 174
Hyde, Julia Ann 107
Imholt, Henry 106
Ingalls, Herbert E 138
Ingersoll, David F 138
Ingram, John 85
Ingram, Thomas 95
Ingram, William 85
Ingwerson, Theodore 171
Irvin, David 97
irvin, Robert 103
Irvine, Edward 102
Irvine, James M 123
Irvine, Samuel 146
Isbell, Anna 144
Isbell, Elliott T 103
Ivey, Edward 154
Ivey, John 121
Ivey, Wearn 105
Ivory, Wm. T. 161
Jackson, Alice 165
Jackson, James 154
Jackson, John 136
Jackson, John G. 151
Jacobs, Wesley 144
Jagger, James 98
Jahncke, Johanna 154
James J. Edward 113
James, Henry 95
James, Henry 117
James, Isaac 121
James, Thomas 168
Jameson, Samuel 124
Jameson, Wm. A. 144
January, Thomas H 95
Jasper, Jack 85
Jeffers, Albert 154
Jeffers, George 171
Jeffers, Perry 154
Jeffers, Stephen 140
Jeffrey, Edward 80
Jenckes, H. L. 146
Jenkins, W 95
Jessup, Frederick 92
Jewell, Edward 103
Jewell, Eliza E. 140
Jewell, Francis 80
Jewell, Geo Wm 161
Jewell, James 85
Jewell, Wm 161
Joerg, Michael 112
Johns, Adolph 95
Johns, Jane 154
Johns, Mary 154
Johnson, Ann 116
Johnson, Ann E. 134
Johnson, David 116
Johnson, Earl E. 154
Johnson, Edward H. 95
Johnson, Hugh 125
Johnson, M. Y. 122
Johnson, Peter 80
Johnson, Thomas H 171
Johnson, William 134
Jonas, Joseph 151
Jones, Abner 131
Jones, C. B. S. 124
Jones, Edward 95
Jones, Elizabeth 104
Jones, J 95
Jones, Jno L. 140
Jones, John A. 124
Jones, John J 171
Jones, William 168
Jonson, Bonoine 95
Jordan, John 87
Jordan, Thomas 95
Jud, Maria C. see Rec."A". P. 109 151
Judd, C. A. 129
Justus, Frank E. 159
Justus, George 140
Kadmus, John 83
Kaiser, Eusebius 75
Kaiser, W. 73
Kampmeier, Frederick 174
Kane, Anderson (conservator) 156
Kane, John B 159
Kane, Sarah 159
Karrman, George 88
Kartsh, Joseph 147
Kass, Eva 168
Kass, Mathias 131
Kasten, August 131
Kastner, John 171
Kaufman, Christopher 71
Kearney, Robert 124
Kearns, Hugh 126
Kearns, Patrick 112
Keayes, James 124
Keefe, Daniel 134
Keeler, J. F. 75
Keeley, Danl J. 144
Keenan, Michael 126
Keenan, Michael 159
Keepings, Charles 147
Keepings, Mary H. 108
Kehl, Anthony 74
Kehl, Augustus 73
Kehl, John 124
Keiffer, Emil 171
Kelleher, Danl 139
Kelleher, Michael 136
Keller, Barthold 116
Keller, Barthold (Winters adm) 123
Keller, Dorothea 140
Keller, Gotleib 154
Keller, Louis C. 147
Keller, Michael 138
Keller, Mrs Daniel 147
Kellog, Amos 72
Kellog, Elisha 73
Kelly, Fannie R. 151
Kelly, John 73
Kelly, P. 80
Kelly, Peter R 147
Kelly, Thos. D. 144
Kelsey, Anson 151
Kelty, John 71
Kemler, Charles 72
Kemler, Frederick 129
Kemp, James 75
Kemp, Morris 96
Kemphouse, Henry 71
Kemphouse, John 73
Kempthorn, Louisa 161
Kempthorn, Thomas H 172
Kenimins, Thomas 112
Kennedy, Daniel 136
Kennedy, Daniel S. 163
Kennedy, Ellen 140
Kennedy, James 124
Kennedy, James 151
Kennedy, Timothy 138
Kent, Aratus 97
Kent, Caroline C. 102
Keogh, Edward 72
Keogh, Morgan 75
Kern, Eva 154
Kern, J. 76
Kern, William 121
Kerr, Alexander 75
Kerwick, Michael 73
Kerz, Paul 140
Kettlewell, J. 73
Keurst, Johan G. 108
Kevern, John 72
Kevern, Samuel M. 159
Kevern, Walter A. 163
Keyle, Lowery 73
Kilgallon, James 102
Killough, thomas 136
Kilpatrick, Andrew 129
Kilpatrick, Andrew S. 136
Kilpatrick, Ellen 147
Kilpatrick, Mary E 159
Kilty, John 126
Kilty, John 144
Kimball, A. 75
King, Elizabeth 140
King, Emily 126
Kinner, Anthony 73
Kinney, David 171
Kinsley, Robert A. 75
Kipp, Heinrich 114
Kirby, J. B. 92
Kirk, James 154
Kirkby, Thomas 75
Kirkley, Sarah 97
Kirkpatrick, John 73
Kish, William 129
Kittoe, Edward D 118
Kittoe, Edwd R. 126
Kittoe, Elizabeth 140
Kleeberger, G. H. 140
Kleeberger, Harriet 163
Klein, Amelia 136
Klein, Joseph 131
Klein, Joseph 136
Kleth, Chas J (conservator) 121
Klett, Casper 112
Klett, Chas. J. 147
Klett, Mary 168
Klindworth, John 159
Klingel, Fred 129
Klippel, Anton 100
Kloth, Wm. J. M. 126
Knecht, Jacob 144
Kneebone Wm H 154
Kneebone, Josiah 129
Kneebone, W. H. 147
Knell, Philip 168
Knight, ELisha R. 75
Knight, Tilman 129
Knnady, J. S. 75
Knobel, Anna 157
Knobel, Henry 131
Knuckey, John 85
Knucky, Wm 138
Koch, Elizabeth 151
Koch, Henry 129
Koch, John G.' 114
Koehler, Katharine 144
Koehler, Philip 151
Koehn, Jachim 168
Koehn, Ludwig 163
Koepeke, Fred 154
Kofmehl, Caroline 106
Kohlsaat, C. J. 81
Kohn, John 159
Kolb, Elina 161
Kolb, John B. 168
Kollman, Henry 73
Kort, Chas. 126
Korte, Bernard 144
Kraehmer, Robert 107
Kraemer, Edward (conservator) 136
Kraft, George 151
Kraft, Margaret 161
Kraft, Mary 131
Kreitzburg, Simon 134
Krell, George 124
Krell, John 110
Kriebs, Peter 165
Kringle, Anton 174
Kripp, Bernard H. 113
Kripp, Christian 98
Kripp, John 105
Kripp, John (conservator) 116
Kripp, Josephine 134
Krirbe, Barbara 173
Krischbaum, Anton 165
Krisse, John 106
Krisse, John S. 136
Krisse, Susanna 140
Kristle, Charles 73
Kroehling, Louis 134
Kroll, William 136
Kronmiller, Geo. 144
Krudewig, Joseph 75
Kuchemann, John 151
Kuchemann, Wm. C. 147
Kuempel, Johann George 165
Kuhl, Henry 115
Kuhlman, Cath M 144
Kuhlman, Frederick 151
Kuhn, Ernest 165
Kuhns, David 151
Kuhns, Elizabeth 124
Kuntz, Barbara 129
Kuntz, Louis 134
Kunz, Christian 165
Labounty, Thomas 147
Lachman, H. 100
LaCount, Dnnis 131
LaCount, Metta 131
Lacy, Francis E. 131
Ladd, H. H. 80
Ladonnet, Victor 114
Laib, Christina 174
Laign, John 136
Lailett, John B. 161
Laird, Hugh S. 98
Laird, Jennie R. 114
Laird, Samuel 80
Laird, Wm 140
Lampa, J. B. 134
Lampsey, Henry 77
Lamsburg, Lines 77
Landerburg, T. 80
Landergen, John 77
Landphair, Harlow 171
Lane, J 94
Lane, John 94
Lang, Joachim 74
Lappien, Frederick 106
Lappin, Bernard 138
Lappin, Thos F. 131
Larson, Ole 140
Latham, Ezra 100
Latimer, Hugh 99
Lattimer, David 147
Lauer, Geo M 159
Laughrin, John 147
Laury, Henry 117
Laury, Margaret (conservator) 140
Lauver, John 123
Lawrence, Clarissa 138
Lawrence, Eliza 129
Lawrence, James 94
Lawrence, Minnie 140
Lawrence, Solomon 136
Lawry, Margaret 131
Leach, Henry B. 129
Leach, Lucy A. 114
Leach, William B. 103
Leader, John 140
Leamy, Gerald 168
LeBron, L. M. 113
Leckington, Abram 151
Ledlie, M. 88
Lee, John C. 120
Leech, Almon 90
Leed, John 96
Leehan, Ellen (conservator) 147
Leek, Charles W 171
Leekley, John A. 110
Leekley, Mark 112
Leekley, Thomas B. 117
Leekly, George 88
Leer, A. (no will or bond) 80
Legate, Elizabeth 77
Legate, Geo. M. 80
Legate, Thomas C. 94
Lehan, Timothy 136
Lehner, Mary E. 163
Lehnhardt, Peter 161
Lehnhardt, Peter (conservator) 161
Leiby, Edward 163
Leifker, Bernard 151
Lemon, Peter V. 129
Lenfers, Caroline 124
Lenfers, Caroline 163
Lenzing, Louisa 126
Leonahrd, John 77
LePage, Clement 72
Lester, James 84
Lethlean, Benjamin 93
Levens, Ann 161
Leverington, Sydney 147
Levitt, Robert 105
Levitt, Thomas 140
Levitt, William 117
Lewis, Eli S. 147
Lewis, James B 102
Lewis, Morgan 147
Leyden, Mary 147
Liddell, John W 144
Liddle, Geo B 138
Liddle, Joseph 112
Liddle, Margaret 151
Lidner, Henry P. 80
Lightner, Fahnestock 147
Lillie, Wilhelmina 138
Lilly, John R. 80
Lilly, Paul 80
Lincoln, Wm. M 163
Lindsey, john 80
Lindsey, Mary 147
Lindsey, William M. 80
Linenfelser, isadore 147
Lingford, Robert 106
Linn, John 92
Lipscomb, James 77
Lisa, Mary 97
List, Adam 98
Little, Wallace A. 102
Livermore, Thomas A. 91
Lobstine, Geo M. 131
Lobstine, John W 151
Logan, Elizabeth 136
Logan, Henry 138
Logan, Hugh 92
Logan, W. M. 129
Logemann, Wm. (Distracted) 168
Lohr, Valentine 74
Lohrmann, Carl 115
Long, Adam M 163
Long, John 159
Longett, Francis 93
Looney, Honora 138
Looney, James 131
Lorrain, John 84
Lorrain, S. S. 100
Loveland, Daniel F 159
Loves, Charles 77
Lowe, H. H. 88
Lowery, G. 80
Lucy, Dennis 114
Lucy, Jeremiah 159
Lucy, Michael T. 131
Ludwig, Henry 134
Luke, Jane 110
Lumley, mary 155
Lumnley, William 92
Luning, Anton F. 155
Lunning, N. F. 129
Lupton, John 98
Lupton, John Jr. 104
Lupton, Joseph 155
Lupton, Mary A 159
Lupton, Wm 144
Lutters, Henry C 155
Lyden, Michl T. 159
Lynch, James 77
Lynch, James M 151
Lynch, Maggie 151
Lynch, Peter 110
Lynde, Adelia A Whitham 292
Lyne, Benjamin 161
Lytle, Ephraim 96
Mackey, A. M. D. 90
Mackey, Aneas 92
Mackey, Geo W 136
Madden, Margaret 155
Madden, Patrick 134
Maeder, Christian 144
Magby, James 89
Magby, Manning 99
Magrane, Thomas 90
Maguire, John 163
Maguire, Michael 121
Maguire, Thomas 169
Mahar, Edward No. 1 83
Mahar, Edward No. 2 90
Mahar, Richard 84
Mahon, John 168
Mahone, John 89
Mahoney, John 148
Mahoney, John 148
Mahoney, Mciahel 126
Mahoney, Michael 129
Mahood, Sarah 161
Maire, Jasper 88
Malia, Mary 155
Malone, Daniel 163
Malone, Patrick 78
Malone, Patrick 90
Malone, William 90
Maloy, Daniel 163
Mandrella, John 108
Mankey, Patrick 89
Manley, Daniel 174
Manley, Frank E. 126
Manley, James 90
Manley, Michael 155
Manley, Patrick 113
Mann, Catherine 147
Mann, Harvey 131
Mann, James H 218
Manneman, Clemens 141
Manthei, August 144
Manuel, Thomas 109
March, John 98
Marfield, Edward 151
Marfield, Geo W 168
Marfield, Henry 98
Marfield, Margaret T 151
Marks, James 112
Marks, John 112
Marks, Joseph 147
Marquart, Christian 118
Mars, George W 103
Marsden, John 101
Marsden, Stephen 114
Marsh, W. C. 80
Marshall, Albert I. 94
Marshall, Silas 112
Marshman, Walter 130
Martens, Anna Catherina 161
Martin, Bernard 147
Martin, Bridget 106
Martin, Carl Wm 116
Martin, Christian 109
Martin, Elizabeth (conservator) 141
Martin, Henry 151
Martin, James 144
Martin, Judy 159
Martin, Julius J 92
Martin, Patrick 78
Martin, Philip 134
Martin, Sarah Ellen 163
Martin, William 107
Martzell, Elizabeth 171
Massey, John 78
Massuir, Leopold D. E. 212
Masters, Wm 151
Masterston, Bridget 121
Matheson, George A. 106
Matheson, James 105
Matheson, John 127
Mathews, Charles 111
Mathews, Charles 151
Mathews, R D 90
Mathews, W. D. 94
Mathews, Wm C 104
Maxener, Catherina 163
May, Alfred 109
May, Balaam 138
May, David M. 169
May, George (conservator) 159
Maybanks, Ann 134
Maybanks, William 126
Maynard, Elizabeth 136
Maynard, John 115
Maynard, Thomas P 141
Mayne, Thomas 161
McAllister, Daniel 147
McAneny, Francis 144
McAneny, Francis (conservator) 151
McBride, Dorothy 147
McCabe, Edward 115
McCabe, James 168
McCabe, Patrick 89
McCabe, Patrick 109
McCall, Ann 161
McCall, P. 89
McCall, Robert 148
McCall, Thomas 76
McCartey, Charles 102
McCartey, John 171
McCarthy, John 92
McCartney, Bridget 115
McCartney, Edward 74
McCartney, James 80
McCarty, Daniel 96
McCarty, Michael 85
McCarty, Patrick 115
McClellan, Caroline L 112
McClellan, Wm S 144
McCloskey, H. F. 134
McCloskey, Henry G (conservator) 144
McCloskey, Marie T 218
McConnell, Joseph A 168
McCormack, Michael 127
McCormack, Patrick 131
McCormick, Andrew 131
McCormick, Patrick 155
McCormick, Samuel 129
McCoun, Beulah 171
McCoy, Frank 98
McCoy, John G. 159
McCoy, John H 171
McCully, George 89
McCumber, M. 83
McCutcheon, J. 90
McDermott, Catharine 165
McDermott, Michael 82
McDermott, Rose 126
McDonald, Ada 107
McDonald, Alex 93
McDonald, Ann 78
McDonald, Bartholomew 106
McDonald, Bernard 159
McDonald, Bridget 121
McDonald, Hugh 124
McDonald, James 115
McDonald, James 157
McDonald, John 78
McDonald, John 78
McDonald, John 121
McDonald, Michael 112
McDonald, Patrick 74
McDonald, Rose 141
McDonald, Thomas 126
McDuffy, A. 78
McElroy, Daniel 97
McFadden, James 141
McGahan, Patrick 92
McGaughey, Winfield 159
McGinnis, A. 86
McGinnis, Daniel 83
McGinnis, James 90
McGinnis, W. B. 95
McGough, John 91
McGowan, James 90
McGrain, Patrick 92
McGrath, Joseph H 117
McGrath, Wm 147
McGuire, Catharine 98
McGuire, Hugh 117
McIntyre, John 105
McKeague, Elizabeth 155
McKenzie, Donald 138
McKernan, James 86
McKinley, John 131
McLaughlin, Elizabeth 92
McLeary, Jeremiah 83
McLeer, Patrick 89
MClellan, R H 144
McMahon, Catharine 174
McMahon, Eliza 174
McMahon, James H 151
McMahon, Simon 89
McMann, Ellen (conservator) 141
McManus, Anthony 116
McManus, Anthony 126
McManus, James 129
McManus, Jane 141
McManus, Terrence 141
McMaster, Harmony C 151
McMaster, Saml P 151
McMellon, P 94
McNeil, Hector 101
McNeill, Agnes P 168
McNeill, Sarah P 113
McNeill, Sarah P. 113
McNulty, Catherine 112
McPeck, Robert 126
McPherson, D. 90
McPhilips, Elizabeth 90
McPhillips, Bernard 129
McPhillips, Felix 85
McQueeny, John 100
McQuillan, Francis 131
McQuillan, James 77
McQuillan, P 89
McQuillian, B. 94
Mead, Maurice 112
Meade Patrick 159
Means, Jacob 94
Mears, John (conservator) 129
Mears, John (conservator) 127
Meegan, F. 83
Meehan, James 89
Meek, James Hastings 174
Meeter, John 83
Meffley, Bernhard 120
Meierhofer, Henry 155
Meler, George E (conservator) 168
Meller, Charles M 144
Meller, Joseph 136
Meller, Mathias 92
Meller, Mathias 151
Mellville, Mary A A 98
Mellville, Thomas 129
Melvill, Helen J 144
Melvill, Lucy 155
Mengas, Peter 163
Menka, B. 89
Menzemer, Charles 168
Menzemer, John G 165
Menzemer, John H 159
Menzimer, Jacob 138
Merrill, Harriet 112
Merry, S. R. 121
Messick, George W. 113
Mettz, John 115
Metzger, Michael 87
Meusel, John A 155
Meyer, Frank G (No. 1) 159
Meyer, Frank G. #2 171
Meyer, Karl Wilhelm 151
Meyer, Maria E 129
Meyer, Mary J 114
Meyer, Peter 114
Meyers, Chas H 89
Michael, James M 136
Michael, James M. 141
Michaelis, G A 292
Michelet, Anton 101
Mill, Joannah 151
Mill, John P 129
Miller, Ellen 131
Miller, Frederick C. 108
Miller, Geo 144
Miller, George E 159
Miller, George F. 92
Miller, Gurney E 171
Miller, Henry F 105
Miller, Henry F 148
Miller, Jacob C. 74
Miller, James 92
Miller, Jno. M. 134
Miller, John 118
Miller, John H. 88
Miller, Joseph 84
Miller, Joseph G 151
Miller, Margaret 86
Miller, Mary A 101
Miller, Peter 74
Miller, Robert J 104
Miller, Samuel 141
Miller, Samuel H 173
Miller, Taphath 91
Miller, Thomas 106
Miller, William G. 117
Miller, Wm Matt 93
Millhouse, Jacob 155
Millhouse, John 141
Mills, Loran D. 163
Mills, William M 175
Milner, A 187
Miner, Asher 88
Miner, Lucinda 155
Miner, Olive A 144
Miner, R. H. 83
Miner, S. K. oath as pub adm 78
MIner, Simeon (conservator) 165
Miner, Simeon K 165
Mini, Francis 84
Minter, Frederick 120
Mitchell, A. S. 94
Mitchell, Ann J 129
Mitchell, Edward 151
Mitchell, Geo. M. 94
Mitchell, Jos W 155
Mitchlet, Margaret 168
Mitten, Catherine 165
Moegle, Conrad 114
Moegle, Jacob 104
Moffit, Margaret 98
Mohan, Catharine 80
Mohan, James 82
Mollison, Alexander 88
Mollison, George (conservator) 98
Mollison, Mary A 129
Momenteller, Aley 110
Momenteller, Jacob 116
Monea, Mary 131
Monnier, Chas A. 115
Monnier, Emily 200
Monnier, W. M. 144
Monroe, Nelson 83
Montagone, Firman 74
Montgomery, Julia Estey 138
Moore, Calista 155
Moore, Charles 74
Moore, Hannah 121
Moore, Jane 155
Moore, John 83
Moore, John 123
Moore, John (No. 2) 127
Moore, Joseph 101
Moore, Joseph 101
Moore, Thomas 90
Moore, William 136
Moran, Peter 155
Morehead, Hannah 114
Morehead, Robert 109
Morehouse, D B 96
Morello, Paul 100
Morely, John 88
Morilla, Peter 96
Morisee, John W 165
Moroe, John 71
Morrill, John S 147
Morris, Barzilla 113
Morris, Crowell E 130
Morris, Elizabeth S. 148
Morris, Heber 89
Morris, James 89
Morris, James 174
Morris, John E 159
Morrison H S 155
Morrison, John 131
Morse, Asahel 111
Morse, Asahel 111
Morse, Harrison 114
Morse, Joel H 107
Moseley, Jane 168
Mosely, Richard 114
Moser, John 159
Moss, H. 90
Moss, James K. 90
Mougin, Albert (conservatior) 171
Moyer, Mary A 102
Mozier, J. 83
Mozier, W. 83
Mozsa, Mark 83
Muchow, Joachim 99
Mueller, Catharine 134
Mueller, William 118
Mues, Claus F 83
Mullen, Joseph 113
Muller, Frederick 159
Mulligan, Hugh 90
Mulligan, Thomas 92
Munchrath, Martin 155
Munchrath, Martin 155
Munday, James M. 74
Munson, Joel S. 171
Murphy, Edward 124
Murphy, J 89
Murphy, James 93
Murphy, James H 151
Murphy, John 112
Murphy, John F. 96
Murphy, Michael 90
Murphy, Michael 117
Murphy, Patrick 92
Murphy, Thomas 93
Murray, Nicholas 163
Murry, Jane 131
Murtha, John (no will or bond) 90
Musselman, Christian 141
Musselman, Christian 148
Musselman, Christian R 131
Musselman, Henry 92
Musselmann, barbara 90
Mussleman, David 106
Myers, David F 144
Myers, Enoch 147
Myers, Timis 121
Nack, Francis 82
Nack, John A 163
Nack, John A. 94
Nadig, Catharine 169
Nadig, George J 169
Nadig, Leonard 161
Napper, S. T. 134
Nash, Anson H 382
Nash, Richard 96
Nash, W. S. 126
Neal, Robert 78
Neavin, William 87
Nebrigge, Louisa M. 136
Needham, James 131
Neff, Charles 171
Neipon, Jac. Gust Von 92
Nelson, Henry A 144
Nelson, Horatio 87
Nelson, John 96
Nelson, Joseph 101
Nelson, Peter 96
Nelson, Sylvester 141
Nesbitt, R. J. 138
Nesbitt, William 82
Neuman, Francis P 141
Neuschwanger, C. W. 104
Neuschwanger, Christian 159
Neuschwanger, Christina 104
Neuschwanger, P. 96
Neuwohner, Gerhard 163
New, William 97
Newburg, J. H. 93
Newcomb, Clarissa 97
Newhall, Edward G 126
Newhall, F. B. 101
Newhall, Horatio 99
Newhall, Jane A 109
Newsom, Kendrick A 155
Newsom, Martha 169
Newsome, J. N. 113
Newsome, John 93
Nichol, Jane 148
Nicholas, W. C. 96
Nichols, Elizabeth H 134
Nickle, Richard 112
Nierling, Amelia L 155
Niles, Mary 93
Nisban, Bridget 97
Noble, A. C. 96
Noble, Arther 148
Noble, James 93
Nolan, Ann 159
Nolan, B. 93
Nolan, Patrick 106
Norris, Barney 126
Norris, Phoebe S 141
Norris, R. S. 105
North, Wm. V. 85
Northam, A J 171
Norton, Patrick 121
Norton, Patrick (conservator) 101
Nuss, Joseph 105
Nutting, J. 93
Nye, Samuel 96
Nyland, Michael 92
O'Brien, L. O. 96
O'Brien, Lucinda 123
O'Brien, Micahel 104
O'Conner, Owen 107
O'Hara W. F. 138
O'Larey, Peter 96
O'Leary, Augustus 141
O'Mara, Catharine 141
O'Mara, John 78
O'Mara, Thomas 109
O'Mara, Timothy 90
O'Neil, John 116
O'Neil, Joseph 96
O'Rourke, Dennis 109
O'Rourke, Mary 129
O'Rourke, William 123
Oatey, Mary 81
Odell, Mary E 144
Oeding, Bernard J 98
Old, James 108
Oldenburg, Chris 129
Oldenburg, Fred Sr 171
Oldenburg, Henry 104
Olds, Kingsley E 144
Oliver, Abbot G. 96
Oliver, C. C. 159
Oliver, Fannie E 169
Oliver, Jane 102
Oliver, John W 169
Oliver, Nicholas 100
Oliver, Thomas 101
Oliver, William 96
Opie, Wm 148
Ormond W. 96
Ortmeier, Christian 103
Orvis, Sarah 159
Oster, John H 134
Osterout, F 96
Ostinger, M 78
Otto, Frederick 141
Overstreet, Lewis M 141
Owens, Theresa 131
Paar, Herman 166
Palmer, John O 169
Parish, Fiedler 73
Parish, L 72
Park, John M 72
Parker, Alanson 116
Parker, Ann 163
Parker, Ben C. 136
Parker, Benjamin F 177
Parker, Chester 115
Parker, Henry (conservator) 131
Parker, Jonas C 169
Parker, Margaret 126
Parker, Sally S 159
Parkin, Eliz 151
Parkin, Philip 123
Parkin, William 169
Parkins, John B 148
Parkins, Thomas 108
Parkinson, James 116
Parkinson, John 84
Parks, Sarah J 155
Parks, William 120
Parsons, Florence J 151
Parsons, Thomas 73
Partridge, Emma 129
Partridge, Seth 123
Pascoe, Joseph 71
Pascoe, Jsoeph W 107
Pascoe, W. 88
Passmore, Mary Jane 171
Passmore, Wm 148
Pate, Thomas 73
Patridge, Truman 95
Patterson, N 73
Patton, Catharine 148
Patton, Herod 73
Patton, James 85
Patton, Littlefield 87
Pearce, Ann 121
Pearce, Frank 134
Pearce, Mary A 124
Pearce, Russel M 138
Peavey, John W 106
Peck, Charles 72
Peckham, W 73
Peirce, B. G. 125
Peirce, Francisco 220
Peleltt, David 116
Pellett, David (conservator) 115
Pellett, R. A. 95
Pellett, W. H. 91
Penaluna, Alex 138
Penaluna, John 148
Penrose, Thomas 73
Penson, R 73
Pepoon, Silas 108
Perkins, C. R. 120
Perkins, G R 87
Perrigo, Emma B 134
Perrin, Stephen 117
Perrine, Chas 151
Perrine, James 110
Perring, Ann (conservator) 72
Perry, Henry A 138
Perry, Hiram N 155
Perry, John 123
Perry, John 148
Perry, Joseph 169
Perry, Owen 81
Perry, Peter (conservator) 107
Perry, William 107/129
Perry, William T 166
Peter, Louisa 148
Peters, Hank 148
Petit Gout, Jules 188
Petitgout, Max. 131
Pettibone, Alice A 171
Pettis, Joseph 73
Pfeffer, Henry 161
Pfiffner, H. 88
Phelan, Lawrence 87
Phelps, Joel 73
Phelps, W. P. 124
Philips, Elizabeth 113
Phillips, Alfred C 161
Phillips, Chas P (conservator) 159
Phillips, Francis 129
Phillips, Wm 155
Phillips, Wm. 136
Pierce, B. J. Jr 104
Pierce, D. O. 141
Pierce, John 76
Pierce, John F. 169
Pierce, Julia 163
Pierce, Mary Ann 155
Pierce, Thos 166
Pierce, William 100
Pighetti, Joseph 100
Pilcher, James 73
Pilling, John 103
Pillmore, Robert 155
Piltz, Anton 159
Pilz, Catharine 141
Pimperton, Ann 161
Pinnell, Peter 134
Plankerton, Catharine 161
Plath, Barbara 98
Plath, Chris 148
Poland F 73
Poling, Caroline et al (conservator) 213
Poling, John T 124
Polker, Adolph 131
Polker, Chas 134
Polker, Henry 169
Poloma, James 73
Poncine, Peter 108
Pooley, Elizabeth 163
Pooley, James 95
Pooley, James 171
Pooley, John 134
Pooley, Mary J 151
Pooley, Richard 134
Pooley, Richard (conservator) 118
Pooley, Robert 148
Pooley, Sampson 124
Pooley, Thomas 74
Pooley, William 155
Popp, George M 171
Popp, William F. 163
Porteous, Agnes 124
Porter Geo M 155
Porter, Edwin C 174
Porter, Leonard 73
Porter, S. E. 117
Post, Aug. J. 174
Post, Ransler 74
Poster, Thomas 74
Potter, John J 159
Potts, Chas F. 134
Powder, Josephine 169
Powell, Alfred T. 112
Powell, Ann J 186
Power, Absalom 134
Powers, A 73
Powers, Frana 73
Powers, J. H. 79
Powers, James 97
Powers, William 138
Predeaux, F. 73
Price, David 115
Price, Lucy (conservator) 151
Price, Nancy C 124
Price, Rachel 74
Prisk, Grace 134
Prisk, Grace 141
Prisk, James 138
Prisk, Paul 117
Prisk, Samuel 96
Prommenschenkel, Matthias 166
Prout, Thomas 112
Prowse, W. W. 129
Pryor, Mary 166
Pryor, Samuel 107
Pryor, William 126
Puckett, Cyrus 101
Pugh, Wm K (insane) 107
Pulfrey, Ann 129
Pulfrey, Henry 163
Pulfrey, Mary Ann 169
Pulfrey, Nellie 141
Purring, Anthony 72
quinche, Carrie E. 121
Quinche, Murrane 118
Quinche, Sarah 152
Quinlan, Henry 163
Quinlan, Mark 91
Quinn, John 105
Quinton, Edward 96
Quirk, Annie 152
Quirk, John 91
Raber, Wm G 117
Rablin, Henry 94
Radke, Eva R. 141
Radke, Minna 116
Radke, William 132
Rakow, Frederick 109
Rall, Wm 126
Ralph, James 117
Ramaid, Jacob 86
Rambo, Samuel 79
Rankin, James 121
Rankin, John W. 138
Rankins, Samuel 80
Ransom, Amasa 84
Ransom, James G 127
Rash, John 80
Rath, John 111
Rausch, Maria E 125
Raw, Anthony 106
Rawle, T. 79
Rawlings, Mary 79
Rawlins, Celia C 155
Rawlins, L. P. 130
Rawson, Colvin 85
Rawson, Cynthias E 132
Read, James A 169
Reardon, Michael 152
Reardon, Susan 163
Reber, Frederick 148
Reber, Hannah 148
Reber, Jacob 101
Reber, Samuel 99
Recht, Conrad 108
Recter or Ryder, George 148
Reddington, Francis 123
Redfearn, Francis 84
Redfearn, George 132
Redfearn, Peter 79
Redfearn, Thomas 75
Reed, Catharine 148
Reed, David 82
Reed, Effie E. 132
Reed, Frank V 155
Reed, Harriet conservator 155
Reed, Jane 152
Reed, John 77
Reed, John 100
Reed, John & ELizabeth 77
Reed, Lucy M 172
Reed, Richard S. 145
Reed, Thomas 152
Reed, William 132
Reed, William L 119
Reed, Wm E 141
Reedy, Ellen 132
Rees, B. 86
Reese, Ester 155
Rehiel, Philip 92
Reider and Smith 90
Reidy, Elizabeth 74
Reifsteck, Andrew 138
Reifsteck, Christian 148
Reiley, Owen 75
Reilly, Catherine 200
Reilly, John 75
Reilly, Michael O. 166
Reilly, Sarah Helen 169
Reinhart, Antoine 91
Reiniger, Nicholas 86
Reitz, Adam 155
Reitz, Barbara 200
Reitz, Peter 148
Rembold, Frederick 123
Renwick, Fannie G. 169
Renwick, George 99
Reusch, John 169
Rewell, John 132
Reynick, Alexander 132
Reynolds, Abram 98
Reynolds, Barney 86
Reynolds, Geo 132
Reynolds, J. B. 136
Reynolds, Sarah 161
Reynolds, Sarah S 159
Rhoads, Peter 96
Rice, Hiel E. 132
Rice, Magdalene R 157
Rice, Oliver 125
Rice, Oliver 127
Rice, Thomas K. 96
Richards, Catherine L. 155
Richards, Edwin 125
Richards, Geo. F. 145
Richards, Henry 81
Richards, James 163
Richards, Jane 169
Richards, John 138
Richards, John L 132
Richards, Mary 115
Richards, Mary 152
Richards, Thomas 75
Richards, Thomas 103
Richards, Wm 145
Richards, Wm (conservator) 132
Richards, Wm Jr (conservator) 141
Richardson, Diana 113
Richardson, Jos. 161
Richardson, Joseph 86
Richardson, Mary A 159
Richardson, N. B. 123/132
Richardson, N. B. 132/120
Richie, Adam 141
Richter, Herman 148
Richtermeyer, Adolph 141
Rick, Alexander 77
Rick, Edward 125
Ricke, J. C. 169
Rickenbacker, Jacob 86
Ricker, A. E. 132
Ricket, William 81
Rickman 77
Ridd, Thos 138
Riede, Barbara 155
Riedy, Andrew 169
Riehle, Chas E 97
Rife, Joseph b 166
Rigden, Mary 130
Riley, Joseph 148
Riley, Patrick 173
Rineberger, Josiah 144
Rink, PEter 163
Ripley, Albert 172
Ripley, Enos C. 145
Rittmeier, John 77
Rittweger, Elizabeth 141
Rittweger, George 159
Roach, Wm. H. 132
Robail, Matilda 166
Robbins, Melzer 111
Roberts, Abraham 125
Roberts, Absalom 123
Roberts, Grace 155
Roberts, Henry 106
Roberts, Henry 113
Roberts, James 174
Roberts, John 138
Roberts, Joseph 155
Roberts, Mary 163
Roberts, Richard 86
Roberts, Rosa E 161
Roberts, Rosa E. insane 159
Roberts, Thomas M 159
Robinson, Almira 120
Robinson, Archibald 144
Robinson, Catharine 130
Robinson, David 141
Robinson, Emily 138
Robinson, Harvey 163
Robinson, James H 152
Robinson, James S ("E.G.") 99
Robinson, John W 120
Robinson, Phebe 148
Robinson, R. 79
Robinson, W. J. 127
Rochford, Dennis 132
Rodda, Samuel 86
Rodden, John 163
Rodden, William 132
Roddewig, Adam 163
Roddewig, Anna 116
Rodewig, George H. 79
Rogers, Abner, W. 88
Rogers, Elizabeth 125
Rogers, Elizabeth 152
Rogers, James 175
Rogers, John 161
Rogers, Joseph 163
Rogers, Martha 118
Rogers, Michael 163
Rogers, Pierce 86
Rogers, W. T. 145
Rogers, Walter 145
Rogers, William 120
Rogers, Wm Jr (Rice) 99
Rohmeyer, August 86
Roling, Gerhard H 220
Rood, Edwin 79
Roof, Melissa or Melissa North 152
Rooney, Patrick 86
Rooney, W 144
Rooyakker, John 163
Roper, James 123
Roper, James 144
Roper, W. H. insane 174
Rose, Jno A 101
Rose, Sherman S. 75
Rosenkranse, Jasper 77
Ross, John 163
Roth, Albert 141
Roth, George 102
Roth, Peter Joseph 155
Rottler, Anna 98
Rottman, John 193
Rowe, Amelia 152
Rowe, James 155
Rowe, James T. 141
Rowe, John 77
Rowe, Joseph 88
Rowe, Phillipa 166
Rowe, Susan 141
Rowe, Thomas 121
Rowlands, Wm 155
Rowley, Elizabeth I 125
Rowley, Louis A 144
Rowley, William R 125
Rudolph, J. F. 79
Ruggles, John G. 77
Rumsey, Geo W 118
Russell, Garrett 86
Russell, John Sr 136
Russell, Read 169
Russell, Susanna 155
Russell, V. A. 130
Ruthi, Anna 118
Ryan, Bridget 107
Ryan, Catharine 125
Ryan, Cecelia W (conservator) 166
Ryan, Ellen H. 77
Ryan, James 75
Ryan, John M 145
Ryan, L. 77
Ryder, Henry 132
Ryder, Henry L 125
Ryder, Vena 175
Saam, Henry 155
Saam, Henry Sr 109
Saam, John 142
Sage, Patrick 84
Sager, Wm H 111
Sale, Thomas 102
Sales, Frank E 161
Sampson, Ichabod 115
Sampson, J H 156
Samuels, Berdemo 152
Sander Gerhard 101
Sander, Gerhart 134
Sanders, B H 157
Sanders, C E 118
Sanders, Sarah 169
Sanders, Wm George 145
Sanderson, James 142
Sanderson, Margaret 132
Sanderson, Samuel 116
Sanderson, Stewart 159
Sanderson, William 166
Sandford, Geo A 175
Sandor, Ensch 109
Sanford, George 152
Sass, John F 137
Sass, John F 142
Sauce, Nicholas 118
Sauer, August (conservator) 139
Savage, Thomas 155
Saxton, Asa 76
Scace, Edgar 148
Scandlyn, Thomas 126
Schab, Geo K 152
Schaber, Margaret 159
Schade, Deidrick 145
Schaffner, Martin 159
Schafmayer, Geo A 159
Schaible, Gottlieb 134
Schaible, John M 141
Schamberger, Andrew 166
Schamberger, John Sr 166
Schanck, Charles H 91
Scharpf, Andrew 155
Scharpf, Anton 164
Scheele, August 166
Scheerer, Charles 166
Scheerer, Gotlieb 104
Scheerer, John F 166
Scheerer, Kenman 155
Scheffers, Heinrich 152
Scheller de Bueol, U G 132
Scheppele, G F 164
Scherke, Christoph 142
Schleigel, David (conservator) 142
Schloch, W M 134
Schmeck, D. 94
Schmeck, George W 166
Schmeideskamp, Fred 99
Schmidt, Charles Henry 166
Schmidt, Christian 116
Schmidt, Dorothea 159
Schmidt, Frederick 132
Schmidt, Josephena 104
Schmidt, Leonhart 102
Schmidt, Peter 100
Schmitt, Andrew 132
Schmohl, John G 107
Schmohl, Lena 132
Schneider, Conrad 113
Schneider, Franceska 132
Schneider, Franz 114
Schneider, John 145
Schneider, Wilhelmiene 163
Schnerre, John Henry 145
Schoenahrd, Rudolph 172
Schoenfeld, Fred 152
Schoenhard, Ernest 152
Schoenhard, Valentine 113
Schoenhardt, Margaret 145
Schoenhoff, Margareth 159
Schoolcraft, I. D. 88
Schopki, J Frederick 145
Schreck, Joseph 173
Schreck, Lavina 145
Schreck, Lewis 166
Schreck, Michael 137
Schreck, Philip 145
Schreiner, Nicolas 166
Schrier, Micahel 145
Schroeder, Christain 96
Schroeder, Henry 72
Schubert, August 115
Schubert, Frederick 172
Schubert, John 145
Schuhardt, Frances 139
Schuler, George J 166
Schulte, Bernard 145
Schultin, Peter 134
Schultz, Anna M 139
Schultz, Christena 169
Schultz, Christina 152
Schultz, Frederick 148
Schultz, Herman 137
Schultz, William 169
Schurman, Renier S 134
Schweitzer, Margaret 139
Schweitzer, Philip 116
Schwindel, Charity 145
Scofield, D. S. 72
Scofield, Eliz M 159
Scofield, Peter 134
Scott, A 72
Scott, D. W. 113
Scott, Elizabeth C 164
Scott, James 81
Scott, John 91
Scott, Paul A. 72
Scott, Sarah 125
Scott, thomas 142
Scott, Thomas (Galena) 161
Scruggs, Elizabeth 93
Seal, Richard 120
Sealey, Jane (conservator) 142
Seck, John C 155
Sedgwick, Joseph 101
Seheerer, Elizabeth 166
Seifert, Frank 106
Seigel, Montz 127
Seminerico, Vincenzo 142
Serviss, Beri 121
Serviss, Lydia A 116
Seubert, Conrad 155
Seubert, Matthias 156
Seubert, Nick 152
Shannon, Elizabeth 161
Shannon, Mathew (conservator) 141
Shannon, Patrick 101
Shannon, William 109
Sharp, Jeremiah N 141
Shaw, Enos 94
Shaw, Jsoeph P 114
Shaw, Reuben 110
Shaw, Thomas B 163
Shea, John 101
Shea, Micahel 123
Shea, William 159
Shears, M. 80
Sheckler, Martha 141
Sheean, James 169
Sheean, John 97
Sheean, Mary 94
Sheean, Thomas 85
Sheean, Thomas H 164
Sheetz, Israel 125
Shelby, Ephraim 94
Sherard, W. C. 130
Sheridan, James 107
Sheridan, Mary 79
Sheridan, Philip H 134
Sheridan, William 100
Sherill, Thomas M 94
Sherk, John 81
Sherman, Eli 104
Sherrard, Andrew 117
Sherrell, William 72
Sherrill, James 74
Shipton, Joseph 91
Shipton, Lucinda 97
Shipton, Mary D 132
Shipton, Philip 84
Shires, Joseph C 200
Shirmer, Philip F. 82
Shlosser, Conrad 91
Shoemaker, John 74
Shook, S. 93
Shook, Sarah J. 132
Shore, Solomon 127
Shuhard, John 103
Shultz, John J 125
Shuster, Emily 113
Shuster, John W 123
Sidner, Henry 102
Siedenburg, John Sr 166
Siegel, Louisa 155
Simmons, Andrew 141
Simmons, Edward C 105
Simmons, George insane 115
Simmons, Jacob 115
Simmons, Mary M 142
Simmons, Mary M. insane 134
Simmons, Richd M 156
Simonds, Angeline 169
Simpson, Geo (conservator) 155
Simpson, Geo conservator 166
Simpson, John C. 107
Sincock, Saml 137
Sincock, Samuel 91
Sincock, William 107
Sincock, William 169
Sincox, William 155
Singer, Henry 104
Singer, Simon 163
Siniger, Emma 174
Siniger, William 177
Sisson, Freeborn 80
Sisson, N. B. 88
Skene, Margaret 127
Skewis, Absalom 115
Sleath, Robert 93
Slyfield, Andrew 156
Smallpage, John 88
Smart, Elizabeth 152
Smart, Fannie I. 169
Smart, John 130
Smart, Mary 169
Smart, Newton 155
Smart, Wm 148
Smeck, Samuel 127
Smith & Ryder 90
Smith, Anthony 82
Smith, Barbara 145
Smith, Bradner 117
Smith, Charles 72
Smith, Edwin 107
Smith, Eliz (conservator) 132
Smith, Eliza 169
Smith, Elizabeth 159
Smith, Erminie 148
Smith, George 94
Smith, George 142
Smith, George A. 80
Smith, Harry 118
Smith, Henry 148
Smith, James 115
Smith, James 148
Smith, James B 100
Smith, John 80
Smith, John C. 80
Smith, John T. 108
Smith, Joseph H 97
Smith, Lewis B 93
Smith, M. 72
Smith, Mary 125
Smith, Mary E 98
Smith, Mathias 101
Smith, Michael 134
Smith, Patrick 81
Smith, Raymond S. 105
Smith, Sally 130
Smith, Thomas 72
Smith, W R Sr 148
Smith, William 82
Smith, William "lawyer" 97
Smith, Wm S 166
Smythe, thomas M 118
Snider, John 101
Snodgrass, Solomon 141
Snow, William 72
Snyder, Augustus 91
Snyder, Francis 134
Snyder, Fred 163
Snyder, John 72
Snyder, Lena 130
Snyder, Lucretia H 166
Snyder, W H 137
Solt, W. M. 118
Soule, J. S. 85
Sowerby, Isaac 145
Spaftner, Francis 97
Spahn, Joseph 152
Spainer, Edward 139
Spare, James 94
Spark, John 84
Spear, W. 93
Specht, Peter 92
Speer, Hugh 107
Speer, John 155
Speer, Mary Ann 148
Speer, William 134
Speer, William 163
Spencer, James H 163
Spencer, Mary 174
Spensely, Agnes A 156
Spensley, John R 99
Spensley, Richard 134
Spensley, Wm 163
Sperry, John 72
Spicker, Henry H 108
Spieker, Caroline 127
Spillane, Dennis 134
Spittler, Danl 155
Spittler, Wiat 97
Splinter, Mary 126
Spratt, D. 72
Spratt, John 132
Sprowl, Mary 157
Stack, Patrick 72
Stadel, W 139
Stafford, A. 72
Stahl, Frederick 152
Stahl, John 123
Stahl, Nicholas 89
Stamp, Clayborne 71
Stanchfield, G. B. 127
Starn, Geo. W. 72
Statham, Hannah 88
Statham, john T 164
Statham, Thomas 94
Stauss, John 108
Stearns, Elijah 116
Steel, Richard 72
Steel, Scott 97
Steele, Cyrus F 155
Steele, John J 132
Steele, Robert 107
Steele, Sarah C 172
Steer, David 100
Stees, William 101
Stehr, Katgharina 159
Stehr, Mathias 145
Steifel, jacob 134
Steimle, Anton 112
Stein, Gerhard 166
Steinberger, Johanna 163
Steinberger, Michael 134
Steiner, Charles 97
Steiner, Christoph 132
Steinmetz, Johanna 155
Stemler, Peter 72
Stephan, Valentine 173
Stephens, Thomas 156
Stephenson, Esther Jane 169
Stephenson, Geo H 155
Stephenson, Geo N 169
Stephenson, James W 91
Steufen, Henry Frederich 169
Stevens, B. 82
Stevens, Wyman 72
Stevenson, Rudolph 166
Stewart, Isabella V 130
Stewart, John 72
Stewart, Wallace 82
Stich, Matthias 148
Stickney, Clara L 159
Stillman, Alfred C. 74
Stillman, Nelson 102
Stillman, S O 141
Stinehilber, John 148
Stitt, Kathrine 172
Stockel, John 145
Stockel, John H 142
Stocker, Frederick 72
Stoewer, Charles 220
Stoffregen, Wm 156
Stone, James 72
Storey, Thomas 97
Storey, William Preston 72
Strange, John 84
Strange, Samuel 109
Strawbridge, William 72
Streif, John E 96
Strickel, Edward 148
Strohm, Charles 152
Strohmeyer, Henry 169
Strong, Wilson 169
Strott, Lydia 139
Struhs, John D 148
Stuedle, I. 97
Sturtevant, John 164
Sullivan, Cath 155
Sullivan, Dennis 109
Sullivan, J D 132
Sullivan, Martha C 145
Summerly, Michael 152
Sutherland, A 80
Suthpen, John 93
Sutter, B. 88
Sutter, Maximillian 107
Sutton, george 72
Swan, M. 72
Swartz, John P 139
Sweeney, Ellen 148
Sweitzer, Margaret 139
Swift, George 161
Switzer, Anna C 132
Switzer, Augustus 134
Switzer, Mrs T (conservator) 169
Tagel, Mary Adelaide 145
Talbert, Robert 91
Tamblyn, Elizabeth 102
Tamblyn, Sampson 76
Tangye, Joseph 135
Tart, Benjamin 115
Tatchio, Simon 139
Taylor, Arthur W. 160
Taylor, Charlotte 135
Taylor, Daniel A. 174
Taylor, Enoch 118
Taylor, James 87
Taylor, Joseph 75
Taylor, Maud 156
Taylor, Webster 149
Tear, Harmony 171
Tear, John 118
Teeter, Margaret 164
Tefft, Miles 82
Tegander, H. 77
Telford, John 80
Tellyer, Bertha E 174
Temperly, Thomas 170
Temperly, William 93
Temperly, Wm 156
Tempy, Garrett 75
Terry, Ellen 123
Tethers, William 102
Thacher, Elizabeth 152
Thain, Dorothea 142
Thain, Lorenz 98
Thatcher, Alfred 130
Theirer, John 75
Theurer, Michael 111
Thielen, Anton 152
Thill, N. J. 164
Thill, Nicholaus 104
Thiltgen, Catherine 152
Thiltgen, John P. 152
Thiltken, Nichol Peter 149
Thode, August 145
Thode, Edward 105
Thomas, David 85
Thomas, Hugh D. 127
Thomas, Jno G. 152
Thomas, Johana 107
Thomas, John 77
Thomas, John 108
Thomas, John 166
Thomas, Joseph 77
Thomas, Mark 111
Thomas, Mary 132
Thompson, B. M. 75
Thompson, Charles 84
Thompson, Charles 142
Thompson, E. B. 75
Thompson, Edward 164
Thompson, Ellen 108
Thompson, Harvey W. 75
Thompson, Hosea 77
Thompson, Ichabod 75
Thompson, John 132
Thompson, John S. 91
Thompson, Thomas 130
Thornbar, William 92
Thorne, Barbara 170
Thraen, William 164
Thrurer, Frances 164
Tibbs, Josiah H. 119
Tice, Nicholas 164
Tiffany, Delzon 160
Tiffany, Palmer M. 170
Timmerman, Peter 139
Timmermans, William 145
Timpe, Clemens 156
Tippett, Benjamin 102
Tippett, Elizabeth 130
Tippett, Jennie 164
Tippett, John 104
Tippett, Wm 142
Tischer, Frederick 152
Toay, Christine (conservator) 166
Toay, Peter 164
Tobin, Patrick 75
Todd, George 116
Todd, John 173
Toepel, Edward 152
Toepel, Margaret 156
Tomlinson, W. 75
Toms, William 139
Tonkin, Francis 88
Topping, George 170
Torry, Sylvester 142
Totten, Henry 107
Tower, John 107
Town, E. M. 75
Townsend, C. R. 86
Townsend, G. N. 142
Townsend, J. S. 80
Townsend, S. B. 82
Townsend, Samuel A 164
Tranel, Bernard 132
Travis, Eliza C. S. 170
Travis, Elizabeth 127
Travis, James 164
Travis, William 79
Treague, Josiah 103
Tregloan, I. D. 75
Trego, Sarah 93
Tresidder, Martin 135
Tresidder, Wm. 139
Tressel, Adam 139
Tressel, John 102
Trevarthen, Elizabeth 152
Trevarthen, Jane 164
Trevarthen, William 98
Trevethan, Benjamin 174
Trevethan, Michael 170
Trewartha, Elisa 135
Trewartha, Peter 137
Trewarthen, John 74
Trewhela, W. 80
Trezona, John 142
Trezona, Lovina 135
Trezona, Maria 170
Tripp, Lilly 87
Tromell, Gerhart H. 75
Trost, Christopher 127
Trousdale, Jas 149
Troxell, George 77
Troxell, Henry 145
Troxell, Jacob 142
Troxell, Jaocb 87
Troxell, O. M. 91
Trudgeon, Mary T. 118
True, W. N. 75
Truedgian, I. 75
Trukey, Samuel 76
Trumbell, Jerome 77
Tschudi, John 139
Tschudi, Melcher 77
Tucker, John B. 77
Tucker, Wm C 164
Turnbull, George 92
Turne, J. M. 81
Turner, Adam 75
Turner, Alex 139
Turner, Elizabeth 152
Turner, Forest 130
Turner, John 75
Turner, Mary 160
Turney, John 77
Tyler, Abishae H. 135
Tyler, George 85
Typper, Rebecca 96
Tyrell, Alden 77
Tyrell, Arthur 102
Tyrell, C. N. 139
Tyrell, Chas B 149
Tyrell, Herman B. (conservator) 149
Tyrrell, Eliza J. 172
Tyson, Mary 170
Uehren, Andrew 170
Uehren, Christian 145
Uehren, John 170
Uhlrich, Andrew 142
Uhlrich, Philipine 103
Uhlrich, W. 85
Underburg, William 142
Upmann, Henry 160
Upson, Laura 160
Upton, Nathaniel S. 137
Uren, Harry 173
Van Dyke, Christopher 103
Van Dyke, Emma L. 189
Van Dyke, Emma L. (conservator) 176
Van Embden, Lena 122
Van Embden, Ludwig 122
Van Eyck, Peter 149
Vanderah, Bernard Sr. 142
Vanderah, Clemens 127
Vanderah, Clemens 127
Vanderheyden, Edward 119
Vandewiel, Henry 104
Varing, Francis 170
Varty, Hannah 103
Vaugh, J. D. 156
Vaughan, Ellenor 108
Vaughn, Daniel 84
Vaughn, Edward 102
Vaughn, Richard 107
Venable, Lucy P. 135
Venable, W. W. 104
Verhoef, Wm C 103
Verran, William 149
Vick, Joseph 82
Vincent, Henry 86
Vincent, James (conservator) 217
Vincent, Josiah 103
Vipond, William 97
Virtue, Adam 74
Virtue, Adam B. 149
Virtue, Andrew 93
Virtue, David W. 160
Virtue, Elizabeth 142
Virtue, James 123
Virtue, Jared W. 170
Virtue, John 139
Virtue, Margaret 105
VIrtue, Sarah E. 164
Virtue, Thomas 149
Virtue, W. R. 123
Virtue, William 97
Virtue, Wm. J. 177
Vogel, Casper 127
Vogel, Johann B. 118
Von Berg, Matthias 166
Von Kettler, Wilhelmini 137
Von, Lee C. 86
Vonmeeter, Andrew 86
Voss, John 122
Vrooman, Adam 88
Vrooman, Elizabeth I. 96
Vrooman, G. S. 88
Wachter, Heinrich 160
Wadleigh, Elizabeth 142
Wadleigh, Milton 160
Wadleigh, William S. 102
Wadleigh, Wm T. 161
Wadleigh, Wm. H. 166
Wagdin, Susan Gratiot 152
Wagoner, Nicholas (Conservator) 164
Wainey, Edward 103
Wakefield, Eliz 127
Wakefield, Joseph 108
Waldemeyer, Henry 119
Wales, Archibald 126
Walker, Wm A 142
Wall, Patrick 84
Wallis, Noah W. 92
Walsh, John Sr 98
Walsh, William 112
Walters, Mary 166
Walton, George W. 170
Wand, Andrew 172
Wand, John Joseph 164
Wann, Daniel 118
Wannamaughn, Margaret 80
Wannemaughn, Daniel 85
Ward, Bernard 125
Ward, Bernard (conservator) 116
Ward, Constantner 99
Ward, Julia 170
Ward, Mary A 149
Ward, Patrick 119
Ward, Thomas 84
Ware, Geo 82
Warne, Adelbert 127
Warne, William 103
Warne, Wm. E. 142
Warnecke, Louis 172
Warner, Goodrich W. 149
Warren, Jane 166
Warren, Louis 92
Warren, Martin 84
Waterman, W. L. 88
Waters, Catherine 200
Waters, john 84
Waters, Wm 168
Watson, Albert A. 135
Watson, Geo W 111
Watson, John 84
Watson, Jsoeph 156
Watson, Sherman L 156
Watts, Ann 130
Watts, Ann Jr. 139
Watts, Charles Edward 170
Watts, James 172
Watts, James B 114
Watts, Mary 149
Watts, Robert 125
Way, Anderson D. 102
Way, Griffin D 164
Way, L. M. 137
Wear, Robert 139
Wear, Thomas 164
Wear, Thos (Conservator) 160
Weaver, Emily S. 71
Webb, Caroline & Edward 170
Weber, Bernard 119
Weber, Engelbert 113
Weber, Lena 170
Webster, John 114
Weckerly, Jerre (Conservator) 132
Ween, Henry 112
Weimer, Henry 102
Weinschenk, John 170
Weinschenk, John J 164
Weinschenk, Mary 172
Weir, James 119
Weir, Thompson 139
Weirich, August 166
Weirich, Augustus Sr 109
Weiss, Anton 122
Weiss, Christian 139
Welch, Henry 105
Welch, James 164
Welch, Mary 107
Welch, Mary 111
Welch, Michael 111
Welch, Osee 92
Welch, P. 82
Welch, Thos. L. 149
Welden, Sherman (distracted) 107
Weldon, Anthony 84
Wells, D. 82
Welp, Gerhard H. 108
Welter, Mary 98
Welty, Lucretia 102
Wenisheimer, Anna M 119
Wenz, Gottfreid 149
Wenzel, Henry 156
Wenzel, Kate 142
Wenzell, Johanna 102
Wenziker, Fredericke 139
Wenziker, John 119
Werkheiser, John 94
Werner, Emil 145
West Olive 139
West, Chas C. 156
West, Herman 166
West, John 156
West, Mary Linderman 170
West, Robert 122
Westaby, Chas. 139
Westaby, George 132
Westaby, William 97
Westfall, James M. 139
Weston, Caroline H. 104
Westphal, Amelia 104
Westra, Cornelius 139
Westwick, John 139
Wetzel, John (conservator) 107
Wetzel, Selina 170
Wetzell, Caroline 84
Wetzell, Conrod 84
Wetzell, Sebastian 108
Wetzell, Valentine 84
Wharton, Jane 173
Wheatcroft & Watkins 84
White, Albert J. 118
White, Andrew 177
White, Ann 84
White, Annie D. 152
White, Chas. 145
White, Chas. M. 85
White, Hannah 149
White, Jabez 92
White, James 109
White, James 111
White, James 149
White, James W 164
White, John 92
White, John 109
White, John H. 145
White, Joseph 96
White, Mary A 170
White, Matthew 93
White, Patrick H 160
White, Robert 84
White, Samuel 149
White, Samuel D 174
White, William 106
White, William 126
White, William "will only" 107
Whiteside, Geo W. 82
Whitham, Ann 98
Whitham, John No. 1 115
Whitmore, Henry 149
Whitmore, John 84
Whitson, Allen 96
Whitson, Zachariah 85
Wicker, Mary Ann 142
Widerholt, Karl 170
Wiederhold, Joseph 170
Wiegand, Chas. 160
Wiegand, John G 170
Wieters, Henry 132
Wight, Lucy N. 132
Wilbur, Wm A 166
Wilcox, E. P. 137
Wilcox, Emily (Conservator) 145
Wilcox, John 156
Wilcox, John E. 118
Wilcox, John W. 145
Wilcox, Mary A. 130
Wilcox, Mary Ann 125
Wilcox, Samuel W. 164
Wilcox, Thurston 175
Wiley, Ann 135
Wiley, Jospeh H. 120
Wiley, Margaret 152
Wilhelmi, Frank L 166
Wilkerson, James 120
Wilkinson, Elizabeth 164
Wilkinson, Hugh 149
Williams, Alfred 116
Williams, Chas 107
Williams, Daniel 88
Williams, David 139
Williams, David J. 139
Williams, Edward 139
Williams, Geo. W. 139
Williams, George 116
Williams, H. C. 88
Williams, Henry 152
Williams, Hugh 84
Williams, Isaac 156
Williams, James (conservator) 132
Williams, Jeanette 142
Williams, John F 170
Williams, John F. 156
Williams, Laveina 160
Williams, Martha M. 135
Williams, Mary 92
Williams, Mary 161
Williams, Olive 172
Williams, Raymond H 170
Williams, Solomon 82
Williams, T. 71
Williams, Warkin 130
Williams, William 75
Williamson, Robt 88
Wills, John 160
Wills, Mary 152
Willson, Carrie E. 135
Willy, John 82
Wilmarth, P. M. 174
Wilson, Andrew 152
Wilson, Elizabeth 103
Wilson, Jacob 84
Wilson, Jacob 156
Wilson, Joseph 122
Wilson, Robt 139
Winter, Andrew 102
Winter, Elizabeth 132
Winter, Henry 120
Winter, John 145
Wire, Manissa 142
Wirshing, John 135
Wirths, Wm 152
Wise, Frederick 107
Wise, Joseph 112
Wise, Rosanna 107
Wishen, John 92
Wishon, Martin 217
Witham, William 98
Wittemeier, Heinrich 114
Wittmer, John 114
Wixson, John 122
Woerner, Theodore 127
Wohlfart, Stephen 103
Wolf, Pollie Dr 139
Wolfe, William 166
Wolfram, Christoph 103
Wolfram, Frank S. 132
Wolinetz, Louisa 156
Wood, James M 160
Wood, Jeremiah 92
Wood, John S. 95
Woods, John 82
Woodson, I. 84
Woodward, Caroline 135
Woodward, I. F. 93
Woolcott, HEnry A. 83
Woolweber, Max 109
Worden, Benj. F. 149
Wright, A. G. S. 84
Wright, Catharine E. 127
Wright, Cornelia 98
Wright, Eliza 142
Wright, Geo. W. 71
Wright, John 82
Wright, Mary 82
Wright, Robert F. 119
Wright, W. W. 166
Wright, Wilbur F. 115
Wubben, Gerhard 164
Wurster, Catharina 170
Wurster, Samuel 156
Wyeth, Jacob 84
Wykoff, Geo 156
Wylam, William 114
Wyle, Eveline 156
Wyman, Thomas 109
Xander, Bernard 149
Yahn, John 130
Yancy, Robt P 92
Yerrington, Benjamin 116
Yohn, John 130
Young, Chas B 135
Young, Chas M 139
Young, Ellen 164
Young, Hiram 92
Young, J B 92
Young, Jas B 145
Young, John Thomas 92
Young, Jonathan 103
Young, Nancy J 132
Young, W A 92
Yunker, Adam 145
Zeiner, Charles F 103
Zellers, Daniel 107
Zellers, Perscilla 127
Zick, Frederick 114
Zink, David 110
Zink, John 170
Zink, Romana 109
Zins, Jacob 116
Zinz, Christian 92
Zoeller, Chas(Conservator) 122
Zowar, Joseph 110
Zuck, S H R 103

Last Updated on 10/08/02
By Colleen Frank