Adella (Charter) HOMRICH- Answers the summons.

Mrs. Louis Homrich dies suddenly at home at eight o'clock this morning.  After a long and valiant struggle against ill health the deceased succumbs to attack of heart disease.  After battling for some years against ill health Mrs. Louis Homrich, died suddenly at eight o'clock this morning at the family residence on Seminary Hill.  An attack of heart disease terminated without warning the unequal struggle and left disconsolate another Galena home.  Although in poor health for a period of years and at times a great sufferer, such a culmination of life's troubles was entirely unforseen and the news of her death came as a shock to the community in which so many years of her life had been spent.  The blow is an irreparable one to the husband and children, who have the profound sympathy of the Galena public.  Only on Saturday last Mrs. Homrich took her accustomed drive about the city and there was nothing in her condition at that time or indeed till the fatal moment came to indicate that the crisis was at hand.  She was stricken without premonition of the impending catastrophe which was to seperate her from her earthly home and loved ones.  Mrs. Homrich, who's maiden name was Miss Adelia W. Charter, was born at Wesley, Illinois, 38 years ago, at which place her early years were spent, moving in 1863 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Charter, to Warren in this county.  In 1877 the family came to Galena, where fifteen years ago she became the wife of Sheriff Homrich.  Seven children, five boys and two girls, mourn with their father the loss of a most devoted wife and mother, one who will be sadly missed in their daily lives and whose place can never be taken.  Mrs. Homrich was most exemplary wife and mother, giving to her home and fireside her constant thought and care.  To her devotion to her family is due in part her untimely demise for while urged at times to spend a portion of the year in a less rigorous atmosphere than that of Galena her love and devotion to her children and home kept her in the city.  It became necessary some three years ago in order to prevent serious consequences for her to sever her connections with her little ones and to go south for a period of months, from which change she returned much benefitted in health but did not obtain permanent relief.  Notwithstanding her close attention to her home and fireside Mrs. Homrich made hosts of friends who mourn with her husband and children in the early death of one whose life contained lessons for those around her in the patience and sweetness with which she bore the heavy burden of ill health which she had been given to bear.  When health permitted, she was an attendant upon the services of the First Presbyterian church, though not a member of that organization.  Her life was full of kindly deeds and she will be greatly missed in the city where so large a portion of her active years were spent.  The funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. m., interment being made in Greenwood.-The Galena Daily Gazette, December 4, 1899.

Adella (Charter) HOMRICH-Last of Earth
Funeral of Mrs. Louis Homrich Held This Afternoon.
The funeral obsequies to the memory of the late Mrs. Louis Homrich were observed at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the family residence on Seminary Hill.  Rev. David Clark officiating in the midst of a very large concourse of deeply sorrowing friends and neighbors.  The scene was a most pathetic one and will not soon be forgotten by the many who attended.  The beautiful casket containing all that was mortal of the dearly beloved wife and mother was almost obscured from sight by the vast profusion of lovely floral tributes in appropriate designs.  It appeared that through the language of flowers the bereaved friends endeavored in a measure to exemplify in a measure their great love and esteem for the lost one.  A selected choir, very effectively rendered a number of favorite songs of the deceased lady during the services.  Interment was made in Greenwood cemetery.-The Galena Daily Gazette, December 6, 1899.

Note-Adelbert W. Charter and Adella (Charter) Homrich are twins.

Submitted by Kathy Kuroda